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Best Ways to Buy Elite Wild Card with Gold

July 16, 2023 · 2 min read

We compared all the ways to buy Elite Wild Cards with Gold in Clash Royale and found the best ways to do it.

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Best ways to buy Elite Wild Cards with Gold

Note: this article is now outdated. Use the link below for the latest version.

Table of Contents


Besides getting Elite Wild Cards as part of the card overflow mechanism, you can spend Gold to buy Elite Wild Cards. There are a few ways to do this, and we will compare them in this article.

Source Comparison

New in every card page is a new “Season” section. On this tab, you’ll be able to get to the list of players and the decks that they’ve used at the end of each season.

Best Ways to Buy Elite Wild Card with Gold

Grouped by Category

Item Gold Cost / Upgrade Efficiency Tier
Shop Commons 500,000 50% B
Shop Rares 1,000,000 25% C
Shop Epics 2,500,000 10% E
Shop Legendaries 1,360,000 19% D
EWC Shop Offer 1,500,000 17% D
Trade Commons 250,000 100% A
Trade Rares 500,000 50% B
Trade Epics 1,250,000 20% D
Trade Legendaries 680,000 38% C

Grouped by Tier

Item Gold Cost / Upgrade Efficiency Tier
Trade Commons 250,000 100% A
Shop Commons 500,000 50% B
Trade Rares 500,000 50% B
Trade Legendaries 680,000 38% C
Shop Rares 1,000,000 25% C
Trade Epics 1,250,000 20% D
Shop Legendaries 1,360,000 19% D
EWC Shop Offer 1,500,000 17% D
Shop Epics 2,500,000 10% E


As you can see, trading common cards — either by trading with your clan mates inside the clan or with the trader — is the best way to spend Gold to earn Elite Wild Cards. This is followed by buying Commons and rares at the shop, which has equal value. Buy far the worst value you can get is buying Epic cards at the shop, which is 9 times worse than trading Commons. The shop offer for Elite Wild Cards is also not a good deal either, but it‘s still better than buying Epic cards at the shop.

So spend your Gold wisely and trade your Commons! If you’re one of the lucky players who have too much Gold and is sitting at 5 million max, then by all means, spend them all.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
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