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The Reckoning clan family is a small cluster of clans. We have a solid base of donations and wars and advanced players who see no problem in helping new ones.

Top 5 Ladder clan, Pushing to the #1 Ladder clan in NZ!! Great team mates! Loyalty is key. 🏆🥇💪 no war requirements
77,490 Trophies | 8,000 Requirement
1,770 Clan War Trophies
2,730 Donations
31 / 50 Members
Active friendly players of all levels welcome, river race participation and donates for elder
66,222 Trophies | 0 Requirement
1,745 Clan War Trophies
1,168 Donations
39 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
Donate to support us