Opening EVERY Mystery Drop in Pass Royale
OJ 3w 1d 9h

Day 8 of Spending $100 Everyday Until I Own EVERY CARD - Deck Guide by OJ
Day 8 of spenidng $100 until we unlock ALL the cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Channel Membership:…
I Ranked Top 1000 in 2v2 (before it got deleted) - Deck Guide by OJ
Beating the 2v2 League with randoms using Evolution Lumberjack. As soon as I ranked, they removed it…
Stream doesn't end- UNTIL I Beat 2v2 - Deck Guide by OJ
Pushing 2v2 ALLLL THE WAY. Channel Membership:…
Day 7 of Spending $100 Until I Unlock Everything - Deck Guide by OJ
Day 7, I'm going to collect EVERYTHING in the Palkia Deck first in Pokemon TCG Pocket Channel…
How Many Packs to Collect EVERY Cresselia card? - Deck Guide by OJ
I farmed the ENTIRE Cresselia EX event in 1 sitting to unlock EVERY SINGLE Cresselia event card.…
Day 6 of Spending $100 Until I Unlock Everything - Deck Guide by OJ
Day 6, we're going to collect EVERYTHING in the Palkia Deck first in Pokemon TCG Pocket Channel…
I Regret Maxing Out the Snake Bracelet - Deck Guide by OJ
Lunar event for the Clash of Clans February Update where we max out the Snake Bracelet. Much regrets…
Speedrunning Super Touchdown - Deck Guide by OJ
Getting 10 wins on Touchdown with the FASTEST hog cylce deck Channel Membership:…
The LUCKIEST $300 Pack Battle EVER. ⭐⭐⭐ - Deck Guide by OJ
240 Pack Battle in Pokemon TCGP against @GODZLYY where we pulled some of the BEST cards we've ever…
Stream doesn't end until I get 45 wins - Deck Guide by OJ
Starting at 0 wins, we are NOT ending until we get 45 wins. Channel Membership:…
Getting Ollie's Mastery in 6 Hours ✅ - Deck Guide by OJ
Ollie Mastery with Mastery Madness and getting it as fast as possible. We were hitting cap in 5…
Stream doesn''t end until I unlock ALL FIVE Cresselia Cards. - Deck Guide by OJ
Unlocking EVERY Card in Cresselia event. The Cresselia EX, Turtwig, Electivire, Misdreavus,…
My win condition is Lumberjack Ghost. - Deck Guide by OJ
Using a 2.4 cycle deck and just cycling rages for an infinitely immortal Lumberjack Evolution ghost…
Cycle 2.4 LumberEvo can't hurt you... - Deck Guide by OJ
Pushing Ranked to 2 leagues Channel Membership:…
1000 Dead Box Battle (OJ vs BT1) - Deck Guide by OJ
Me and @bentimm1 opened 1,000 dead boxes. They're dead now. They are not in the game but they were…
Super Draft is rigged - Deck Guide by OJ
Super Draft Challenge should not give you the option of both Super Mini PEKKA AND SUper Knight Code…
Day 3 of Spending $100 Until I Get Every Card - Deck Guide by OJ
We're at 146/155 cards at the start of this stream. Channel Membership:…
Lumberjack Berserker February Update - Deck Guide by OJ
Clash Royale's February season update with all the emotes/banners and new modes. Code OJ Supercell…
Day 2 of Spending $100 Until I Get Every Card - Deck Guide by OJ
We're at 139/155 cards at the start of this stream.
Super card challenge - Deck Guide by OJ
Beating the Super Card Draft challenge. Super Mini PEKKA and SUPER KNIGHT are a thing now in 2025?
Max Tier Ollie 🛹 - Deck Guide by OJ
Pushing Ollie 1,000 trophies. Code OJ Supercell Store ► CR…
I Opened the ENTIRE Palkia/Dialga Update - Deck Guide by OJ
Space-Time Smackdown update and mass opening every pack. Channels Live Stream ►…
She's 2 Elixir... - Deck Guide by OJ
New 2 Elixir Berserker card. Fast cycle, can deal with swarm. Berserker will release with different…
Ollie is here (pushing to MAX TIER) - Deck Guide by OJ
Opening 135 Dialga/Palkia Packs - Deck Guide by OJ
You can extend Evo Lumberjack's Ghost with Rage Spell - Deck Guide by OJ
Code OJ Supercell Store ► CR ►…
What 2000 Packs of Pokemon Cards Gets You. - Deck Guide by OJ
Secret Mew, Completing Genetic Pokedex, Every Gold Card, Every Mythical Card, God…
The Burger Exploit - Deck Guide by OJ
Pushing Buster to Rank 30 using SpongeBob powerup modifiers with the tank burger buff. Giving Buster…
We can ONLY use a Brawler ONCE - Deck Guide by OJ
Reaching Diamond 3 with a somewhat nuzlocke challenge where me and my team can ONLY pick each…
Why I went to the US... - Deck Guide by OJ
I need hourglass for the new set 2 release. Thankfully Samsung sponsored me to come to the US to…
I only need 7 more wins on my F2P Account - Deck Guide by OJ
Code OJ Supercell Store ► CR ►…
I Spent $2,426 to find ONE GOD PACK. - Deck Guide by OJ
I opened over 1,900 Pokemon Packs to find ONE GOD PACK. The odds of finding a god pack is 1 in 2000…
It took me 2 months to get 300 trophies on my F2P Account... - Deck Guide by OJ
Code OJ Supercell Store ► CR ►…
$10 vs $200 Scenery (Is It Worth It?) - Deck Guide by OJ
Ranking all the scenerys: $200 scenery vs $50 scenery vs $10 scenery vs $0 free scenery. With @MOLT…
Exploiting the Rune Giant Interactions - Deck Guide by OJ
1,600 damage Hunter and other absurd interactions. Code OJ Supercell Store ►…
The Final Minute of EVERY Brawl Stars World Finals - Deck Guide by OJ
The LAST minute of the matches for every World Finals Match. First one being the Brawl Stars World…
I Opened 500 Packs to Complete Mythical Island Set - Deck Guide by OJ
I need to collect ALL 68 cards in Mythical Island to finish the Mythical Pokedex. Pack Powder is…
Do you think this Supercell game will go Global? - Deck Guide by OJ
Project RISE alpha gameplay Code OJ Supercell Store ► CR ►…
New Supercell Game: PROJECT RISE (totally not CLASH HEROES) CLOSED ALPHA - Deck Guide by OJ
New Supercell game in alpha. Alpha ends January 20th. Can you download it right now? If you don't…
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