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Most Popular Cards on Top Ladder in April Season 2022

May 2, 2022 · 10 min read

We look at the last decks played by the Top 1000 players and find out what they have used most.

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Every month we log the decks that top ladder players use to finish their season. This is the data that we use for the Leaderboard Decks section, and it’s very useful to understand the Top Ladder meta. Now that balance changes happen every 2 months, these results have additional relevance.

On one side, players show off their decks and try their best to reach the top, allowing us to see which decks have the best performance in the meta. At the same time, these results are a great data point to decide the new balance changes; so it’s very likely that Supercell has a close eye on the card usage and win rates in the leaderboard.

By recording the exact last deck used by the players instead of aggregating card stats over an arbitrary period before the end of season, we can see what the players decided to use in their final and crucial battle that cemented their fate.

Originally, we were only going to provide the data for the Top 1000 players. But as always, we know that some of our users prefer looking at stats just for Top 200 players. So we have also included Top 200 charts for completeness. As you can see, the difference between the two are minimal, but with a larger sample size, some cards do tend to be played more in the Top 1000 than in the Top 200.

Besides providing the chart, we will share a short analysis as well as the raw data for you to download.

Also check out the exact decks played by the Top 200 players if you wish to get inspired!

Best Cards Top 1000

Best Cards Top 200

Analysis: Win Conditions

This month’s limelight was taken by the Goblin Drill; usually paired with Wall Breakers, but also played alone or with mortar. Close behind we see Hog Rider, Giant and Lavalloon.

The hottest version of Drill WB is a fast cycle that reminds us of Hog Cycle due to the Cannon and spell support:

MM WB GobDrill 2.6 Cycle
Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Mighty Miner Fireball Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log Cannon

Mortar is usually ranked high in these charts due to its versatility. It can be used with fast cycles, bait,, hog… Some highly ranked examples in these categories are: Fast cycle:

Mortar GK Miner 2.5 Cycle
Mortar Miner Golden Knight Archers Fire Spirit Skeletons Zap The Log


Mortar SK Miner Bats
Mortar Miner Skeleton King Skeleton Army Fireball Spear Goblins Bats The Log


Mortar Hog AQ Valk
Hog Rider Mortar Archer Queen Valkyrie Earthquake Bats Skeletons The Log

The last relevant win condition combo of this season is Lava Hound and Balloon. Both are played independently, but also together in the well known LavaLoon decks.

Lava Hound by itself was the winner of this season with this version:

SK LH Miner SD
Lava Hound Miner Skeleton King Flying Machine Skeleton Dragons Mega Minion Arrows Tombstone

Balloon cycle was played quite even more often than Lava Hound, although with not as good results. A popular version used by Pompeyo is:

MM Loon Miner ID
Balloon Miner Mighty Miner Inferno Dragon Fireball Mega Minion Goblin Cage Zap

The highest ranked LavaLoon deck was this one:

LavaLoon ID
Lava Hound Balloon Inferno Dragon Fireball Minions Guards Zap Tombstone

At the opposite side of the ranking, the least used win conditions were Elixir Golem and Electro Giant. The pink golem has barely been seen in recent seasons, and not just in ladder, his usage is quite low in other game modes as well; most players don’t miss him though. Electro Giant is a more recent addition to the bottom of the chart; he used to have a moderate usage, but his rework to 7 elixir made him a less reliable damage mirror.

Analysis: Spells

Spell stats are much more similar to live usages that we see through the season. Fireball is as always the most popular big spell, and The Log the most used small spell. These 2 cards are significantly ahead of all others in this meta.

Data Top 1000

card count ratio pc total
the-log 416 0.416 41.60% 1000
fireball 324 0.324 32.40% 1000
skeletons 233 0.233 23.30% 1000
zap 224 0.224 22.40% 1000
tornado 195 0.195 19.50% 1000
miner 175 0.175 17.50% 1000
arrows 162 0.162 16.20% 1000
barbarian-barrel 155 0.155 15.50% 1000
skeleton-army 155 0.155 15.50% 1000
bats 149 0.149 14.90% 1000
royal-ghost 146 0.146 14.60% 1000
electro-wizard 146 0.146 14.60% 1000
electro-spirit 137 0.137 13.70% 1000
golden-knight 136 0.136 13.60% 1000
valkyrie 125 0.125 12.50% 1000
archer-queen 120 0.12 12.00% 1000
fire-spirit 118 0.118 11.80% 1000
ice-golem 115 0.115 11.50% 1000
goblin-drill 114 0.114 11.40% 1000
rocket 111 0.111 11.10% 1000
cannon 110 0.11 11.00% 1000
guards 109 0.109 10.90% 1000
dark-prince 108 0.108 10.80% 1000
mega-minion 105 0.105 10.50% 1000
baby-dragon 104 0.104 10.40% 1000
skeleton-king 103 0.103 10.30% 1000
mighty-miner 100 0.1 10.00% 1000
giant 98 0.098 9.80% 1000
balloon 97 0.097 9.70% 1000
hog-rider 94 0.094 9.40% 1000
inferno-dragon 88 0.088 8.80% 1000
musketeer 88 0.088 8.80% 1000
bandit 87 0.087 8.70% 1000
fisherman 83 0.083 8.30% 1000
royal-giant 83 0.083 8.30% 1000
magic-archer 82 0.082 8.20% 1000
princess 82 0.082 8.20% 1000
graveyard 80 0.08 8.00% 1000
goblin-barrel 79 0.079 7.90% 1000
giant-snowball 77 0.077 7.70% 1000
tombstone 76 0.076 7.60% 1000
hunter 75 0.075 7.50% 1000
lightning 74 0.074 7.40% 1000
wall-breakers 72 0.072 7.20% 1000
inferno-tower 72 0.072 7.20% 1000
sparky 72 0.072 7.20% 1000
ice-spirit 72 0.072 7.20% 1000
mortar 71 0.071 7.10% 1000
cannon-cart 71 0.071 7.10% 1000
mini-pekka 71 0.071 7.10% 1000
tesla 69 0.069 6.90% 1000
poison 69 0.069 6.90% 1000
lava-hound 68 0.068 6.80% 1000
heal-spirit 68 0.068 6.80% 1000
lumberjack 68 0.068 6.80% 1000
minion-horde 68 0.068 6.80% 1000
elite-barbarians 60 0.06 6.00% 1000
bomber 55 0.055 5.50% 1000
dart-goblin 55 0.055 5.50% 1000
royal-hogs 53 0.053 5.30% 1000
spear-goblins 52 0.052 5.20% 1000
minions 50 0.05 5.00% 1000
three-musketeers 50 0.05 5.00% 1000
knight 49 0.049 4.90% 1000
skeleton-dragons 48 0.048 4.80% 1000
freeze 48 0.048 4.80% 1000
golem 46 0.046 4.60% 1000
elixir-collector 46 0.046 4.60% 1000
x-bow 45 0.045 4.50% 1000
royal-delivery 44 0.044 4.40% 1000
pekka 44 0.044 4.40% 1000
ice-wizard 44 0.044 4.40% 1000
night-witch 42 0.042 4.20% 1000
mirror 42 0.042 4.20% 1000
zappies 39 0.039 3.90% 1000
flying-machine 38 0.038 3.80% 1000
earthquake 38 0.038 3.80% 1000
rage 34 0.034 3.40% 1000
giant-skeleton 34 0.034 3.40% 1000
prince 33 0.033 3.30% 1000
bowler 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
battle-ram 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
archers 31 0.031 3.10% 1000
mega-knight 31 0.031 3.10% 1000
goblin-giant 30 0.03 3.00% 1000
goblin-cage 30 0.03 3.00% 1000
electro-dragon 29 0.029 2.90% 1000
bomb-tower 27 0.027 2.70% 1000
mother-witch 23 0.023 2.30% 1000
barbarians 22 0.022 2.20% 1000
rascals 18 0.018 1.80% 1000
witch 17 0.017 1.70% 1000
royal-recruits 17 0.017 1.70% 1000
ram-rider 16 0.016 1.60% 1000
clone 16 0.016 1.60% 1000
skeleton-barrel 16 0.016 1.60% 1000
executioner 15 0.015 1.50% 1000
goblin-gang 14 0.014 1.40% 1000
elixir-golem 8 0.008 0.80% 1000
goblins 8 0.008 0.80% 1000
electro-giant 7 0.007 0.70% 1000
battle-healer 7 0.007 0.70% 1000
furnace 5 0.005 0.50% 1000
firecracker 5 0.005 0.50% 1000
wizard 4 0.004 0.40% 1000
barbarian-hut 2 0.002 0.20% 1000
goblin-hut 0 0.0 0.00% 1000

Data Top 200

card count ratio pc total
the-log 100 0.5 50.00% 200
fireball 79 0.395 39.50% 200
skeletons 54 0.27 27.00% 200
miner 49 0.245 24.50% 200
zap 40 0.2 20.00% 200
tornado 40 0.2 20.00% 200
fire-spirit 36 0.18 18.00% 200
valkyrie 34 0.17 17.00% 200
bats 34 0.17 17.00% 200
goblin-drill 32 0.16 16.00% 200
golden-knight 31 0.155 15.50% 200
archer-queen 30 0.15 15.00% 200
skeleton-army 30 0.15 15.00% 200
cannon 28 0.14 14.00% 200
guards 28 0.14 14.00% 200
royal-ghost 27 0.135 13.50% 200
wall-breakers 27 0.135 13.50% 200
rocket 25 0.125 12.50% 200
arrows 24 0.12 12.00% 200
electro-spirit 24 0.12 12.00% 200
mighty-miner 24 0.12 12.00% 200
electro-wizard 24 0.12 12.00% 200
hog-rider 24 0.12 12.00% 200
barbarian-barrel 22 0.11 11.00% 200
magic-archer 22 0.11 11.00% 200
spear-goblins 22 0.11 11.00% 200
skeleton-king 21 0.105 10.50% 200
ice-golem 20 0.1 10.00% 200
dark-prince 20 0.1 10.00% 200
mega-minion 19 0.095 9.50% 200
mortar 19 0.095 9.50% 200
balloon 19 0.095 9.50% 200
inferno-tower 19 0.095 9.50% 200
inferno-dragon 17 0.085 8.50% 200
ice-spirit 17 0.085 8.50% 200
baby-dragon 16 0.08 8.00% 200
giant-snowball 16 0.08 8.00% 200
giant 16 0.08 8.00% 200
lava-hound 15 0.075 7.50% 200
musketeer 15 0.075 7.50% 200
minion-horde 15 0.075 7.50% 200
tombstone 14 0.07 7.00% 200
graveyard 14 0.07 7.00% 200
royal-giant 13 0.065 6.50% 200
minions 13 0.065 6.50% 200
tesla 13 0.065 6.50% 200
cannon-cart 13 0.065 6.50% 200
fisherman 12 0.06 6.00% 200
goblin-barrel 12 0.06 6.00% 200
poison 12 0.06 6.00% 200
lightning 11 0.055 5.50% 200
x-bow 11 0.055 5.50% 200
bomb-tower 11 0.055 5.50% 200
dart-goblin 11 0.055 5.50% 200
princess 11 0.055 5.50% 200
earthquake 11 0.055 5.50% 200
bomber 10 0.05 5.00% 200
heal-spirit 10 0.05 5.00% 200
bandit 10 0.05 5.00% 200
knight 10 0.05 5.00% 200
royal-delivery 10 0.05 5.00% 200
sparky 9 0.045 4.50% 200
mini-pekka 9 0.045 4.50% 200
prince 9 0.045 4.50% 200
skeleton-dragons 8 0.04 4.00% 200
hunter 8 0.04 4.00% 200
lumberjack 8 0.04 4.00% 200
goblin-giant 8 0.04 4.00% 200
elite-barbarians 8 0.04 4.00% 200
three-musketeers 7 0.035 3.50% 200
freeze 7 0.035 3.50% 200
giant-skeleton 7 0.035 3.50% 200
archers 6 0.03 3.00% 200
royal-hogs 6 0.03 3.00% 200
goblin-cage 6 0.03 3.00% 200
executioner 6 0.03 3.00% 200
elixir-collector 6 0.03 3.00% 200
bowler 5 0.025 2.50% 200
zappies 5 0.025 2.50% 200
pekka 5 0.025 2.50% 200
ice-wizard 5 0.025 2.50% 200
flying-machine 4 0.02 2.00% 200
mirror 4 0.02 2.00% 200
barbarians 4 0.02 2.00% 200
goblin-gang 4 0.02 2.00% 200
ram-rider 3 0.015 1.50% 200
golem 3 0.015 1.50% 200
battle-ram 3 0.015 1.50% 200
mother-witch 3 0.015 1.50% 200
mega-knight 3 0.015 1.50% 200
night-witch 2 0.01 1.00% 200
rage 2 0.01 1.00% 200
electro-dragon 2 0.01 1.00% 200
furnace 2 0.01 1.00% 200
rascals 2 0.01 1.00% 200
goblins 2 0.01 1.00% 200
witch 2 0.01 1.00% 200
wizard 2 0.01 1.00% 200
royal-recruits 2 0.01 1.00% 200
skeleton-barrel 2 0.01 1.00% 200
electro-giant 1 0.005 0.50% 200
barbarian-hut 1 0.005 0.50% 200
battle-healer 1 0.005 0.50% 200
elixir-golem 1 0.005 0.50% 200
clone 1 0.005 0.50% 200
firecracker 0 0.0 0.00% 200
goblin-hut 0 0.0 0.00% 200


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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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