Cards - Average Crowns by Win-Condition
What’s the most efficient archetype to earn crowns?
stats infovis
What’s the most efficient way to win crowns? 🤔
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- When Crowns Matter
- Pass Royale Tiers
- Global Tournament Tiebreakers
- Private Tournaments
- Crown Rush, Gold Rush
- Win-Condition Analysis
- Optimal Crowns by Archetype
- Aggressiveness of Archetype
- Data Source
In Clash Royale, games are won depending on the number of towers you have taken at the end of the game. The number of towers destroyed is known as Crowns. You can have a minimum of 0 crowns up to a maximum of 3 crowns in a game. The player who wins the most Crowns wins the game.
A game is won whether it ends at 1-0 or 3-0, but crowns have some hidden uses.
When Crowns Matter
A win is a win, right? When do crowns even matter?
Pass Royale Tiers
Tiers on Pass Royale (free / paid) are unlocked with crowns. If you play decks that can win crowns more easily (e.g. Lava Hound), you can complete your month of season pass a lot quicker than your friends who play X-Bow on Ladder.
Global Tournament Tiebreakers
Many GT veterans know that the best archetypes to play at the early phases of Global Tournaments is Lava Loon. Why? For its 3-crown potential!
In Global Tournament, the tiebreaker for ranks is crowns. What that means is that if the top 5 people have the same number of wins (say 36 wins), then the decider between Rank 1 to Rank 5 is the number of crowns — the player with the most crowns will finish first.
Private Tournaments
This same strategy can be applied to the old tournaments. They aren't played as often nowadays due to the lack of rewards, but they still are used frequently as qualifiers to esports events. So if you ever join one, keep this in mind, and know that your opponents also will; creating a quite distinct meta.
Crown Rush, Gold Rush
200,000 Gold is up for grabs right now at the Great Gold Rush. With each tower giving 1250 Gold at the highest arena, it’ll take 160 crowns to complete. Assuming that you can play Lava Hound and X-Bow equally well, it will be advantageous to play Lava Hound to complete the rush.
Win-Condition Analysis

Here are some interesting insights we can gain from the chart.
Elixir Golem has the highest crowns per win (2.19) but since it does not win very often (41% win rate), it is not necessarily the best win-condition to play for crowns. It wins 1.1 crowns per game on average.
Lava Hound has the second highest crowns per win (2.03). It also has a high win rate (59%), so overall it is one of the best win condition to play for crowns. On average, it wins 1.38 crowns per game.
Although Mortar has very high win rates, it is one of the worst win conditions to win crowns quickly. So overall it is in the middle of the pack for Crowns per game.
By far, X-Bow has the lowest crowns per win. But since its win rate is about 49%, it’s not as bad as Hog Rider when it comes to crowns per game.
Overall, the Beatdown archetype has the highest potential to earn crowns, Cycle decks are slightly worse, and Siege players will have the hardest time gaining crowns.
Optimal Crowns by Archetype
Besides finding the best archetypes to play when you needed crowns, you can use these charts to figure out how many crowns to aim for in your games.
For example, if you play Goblin Barrel, you know that most players win their games at 1-0 (1.35 average). And if you play Goblin Giant, it’s likely that your games will end at 2-1 or 3-x. Knowing this should help you evaluate if you are playing your games optimally.
Should you defend a 1-0 win or go for a 2-1? It highly depends on the win-conditions and the archetypes that you are playing! Use the Crowns section in our Deck Stats to guide you through these decisions.
Aggressiveness of Archetype
Another read of these results is how aggressive each Win Condition is. The ones with high crown averages will lean towards heavy pushes, and low averages are common for more defensive decks that often rely on a single tower leads to win.
Data Source
The data was gathered from Grand Challenge battles from November 11 to November 18, 2021 (7 day period). Although crowns don’t matter in GCs, it is the best place to gather objective data for analysis. And that’s why our visualization is based on this mode.