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4-Card Cycle - Shortest Path to the Same Card

April 10, 2021 · 3 min read

The ease of cycling back to the same card in a deck. Used by analysts and pro players to analyze decks.

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What is 4-Card Cycle?
4-Card Cycle is the least amount of elixir you must play in order to get back to any card in your deck.

We’ve added 4-Card Cycle as a filter for Deck Search today. We’ve had this value associated with decks for a while, but what does it mean really? This post will demystify this value and help you understand why it is important when evaluating decks.

4-Card Cycle Filter in Deck Search

Table of Contents

What is 4-Card Cycle?

4-Card Cycle is the Shortest Path to get to the card you want after using it. This value is also known as Shortest Cycle. Each deck in Clash Royale has 8 cards, and you can have 4 cards at any time during the game. So the quickest way for you to get back to any card in the deck is to play the four cards with the lowest elixir values.

Note: This is only strictly true when the card you want to get back to isn’t among the 4 cheapest. Although that’s not always the case, it usually is, because powerful troops usually have a higher elixir cost.

Example: Hog 2.6

In the classic Hog 2.6 Cycle deck, Musketeer is the only air defense card. If your opponent has taken her down, you must spend at least 6 elixir to get back to her:

  • Skeletons (1)
  • Ice Spirit (1)
  • Ice Golem (2)
  • The Log (2)

Why does it matter?

People often use the Average Elixir of a deck to determine if a deck is a “Cycle Deck”. But this value is only part of the equation. To know if a deck is truly a Cycle Deck, we use the 4-Card Cycle value.

Knowing how quickly you can get back to your defensive or offensive options is what makes some decks easier to play. Some decks cycle so quickly that you are able to attack / defend with the same card before your opponent can put in another card.

Examples: Same Average Elixir, Different 4-Card Cycle

Same Average Elixir, Different 4-Card Cycle
Same Average Elixir, Different 4-Card Cycle.

All of these three decks have the same Average Elixir: 3.0, but if you’ve played them you know that it’s far easier for you to cycle back to a certain card with the X-Bow deck. Why? Because it has the lowest 4-Card Cycle value (7).

Search for decks with Average Elixir <= 3.0

X-Bow 3.0 Cycle

Log Bait 3.0 Cycle

Mortar Skeleton Barrel Bait

Examples: Different Average Elixir, Same 4-Card Cycle

Different Average Elixir, Same 4-Card Cycle
Different Average Elixir, Same 4-Card Cycle.

It‘s possible for decks to have drastically different Average Elixir values but the same 4-Card Cycle. This means that these decks have the same ease of going back to your defensive and offensive cards, even though the average costs of the cards are different.

Search for decks with 4-Card Cycle <= 7.0

X-Bow 3.0 Cycle

RG EBarbs Fishboy MW

Loon Miner 2.9 Cycle


You can only see the Average Elixir of a Deck in the Clash Royale game, but we provide 4-Card Cycle value on our site because advanced players know how important this value is in order to evaluate if a deck is even viable.

It’s possible to have a deck made only with 3-elixir cards and result in an Average Elixir of 3.0 — but the 4-card cycle for such deck would be 12.0 and that’s most definitely not a cycle deck!

Let us know on RoyaleAPI Discuss what you thought about this value and if it’s helpful to you, or start searching with the 4-Card Cycle Filter on Deck Search!


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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