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Season 11: Balance, Content Update and more - May 2020 Update

May 1, 2020 · 3 min read

Season 11: Here Be Dragons King with 10 sign - FREE emote for all players on Tier 1 of Pass Royale (FREE SIDE) to celebrate [...]

balance season update

Season 11: Here Be Dragons

Clash Royale Season 11 Here Be Dragons

  • King with 10 sign - FREE emote for all players on Tier 1 of Pass Royale (FREE SIDE) to celebrate Supercell’s 10-year anniversary!
  • Season 11 will begin on Monday, May 4th, 2020.

Dragon Spa Arena

Clash Royale Season 11 Arena: Dragon Spa

Pass Royale

  • Dragon Tower
  • Knight

Other Emotes

  • Inferno Dragon (challenge)
  • Lava Hound (shop)

Emotes in Action

Balance Changes

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Balances will be live on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020. Discuss on Reddit

Tornado (Rework)

Before After
Duration -50% 2 sec 1 sec
Pull Strength +65% 220 363
DPS 70 140
Building DPS 0 140
Tower DPS: 35% of overall damage 0 48
  • Tornado will now deal damages to all buildings and towers.
  • Damage dealt to buildings will be the same as damages dealt to troops.
  • In line with all the other spells, Tornado will also deal 35% of its overall damages to Towers (King Tower and Princess Tower).
  • Hit Frequency of Tornado is 500ms, so it will deal 70 at each tick, i.e. 140 total after 1 second.
  • Tornado will kill Skeletons on every tick.
  • Edit: an earlier version said that the tower DPS will be 52. That number has been updated to 48. You can also see the new interaction in the video below.
  • Edit: an earlier version mentioned that the pull strength will be 440 (+100%). This was changed to 363 (+65 %) right before release.

Earthquake (Rework)

Before After
DPS + 11% 61 68
Building DPS -25% 244 204
  • Earthquake’s damage vs buildings is decreased, but its base damage has increased.
  • Similar to Tornado, Earthquake will kill Skeletons on every tick.

Royal Delivery (Buff)

Before After
Damage +27% 318 402
  • Royal Delivery with 1 Royal Recruit stab will now kill Zappies or Magic Archer.
  • Royal Delivery with 2 Royal Recruit stabs will now kill Musketeers and Wizards.

Battle Healer (Nerf)

Before After
Hit Points -10% 1584 1425

Baby Dragon (Nerf)

Before After
Hit Points -8% 1024 957

Mini Pekka (Nerf)

Before After
Melee Range Medium (1.2) Short (0.8)

Magic Archer (Rework)

Before After
Range 6 7
Hit Points -10% 490 440
  • Magic Archer is getting a health reduction as Supercell has decided to make 440 the new “standard” number.
  • Other standard numbers currently employed is 216, which is the health for Princess, Rascal Girls, Dart Goblin, etc.
  • 440 will now be the standard health for Royal Recruits (without Shield), Zappies and MA. Other cards will be set to 440 in the future.

Goblin Cage (Buff)

Before After
Brawler Damage +6% 264 279
  • With the damage increase, the Goblin Brawler will now be able to 1-hit overleveled Archers and 2-hit Barbarians.

Furnace (Nerf)

Before After
Hit Points -16% 1003 844
  • Adjustments for spawners (Furnace, Goblin Hut and Barbarian Hut) are intended to allow more spells to be efficient against them (not just with Poison or Earthquake).

Goblin Hut (Nerf)

Before After
Hit Points -35% 1293 844

Barbarian Hut (Nerf)

Before After
Hit Points -20% 1804 1452

Classic Decks

Classic Decks will be live on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020. Discuss on Reddit

Pigs on Parade

Royal Hogs, Bandit, Flying Machine, Bats, Barbarians, Musketeer, Barbarian Barrel, Giant Snowball

Mega Goblins

Mega Knight, Inferno Dragon, Goblin Gang, Spear Goblins, Skeleton Barrel, Miner, Bats, Giant Snowball

Lava Clones

Lava Hound, Baby Dragon, Flying Machine, Bats, Clone, Lumberjack, Skeleton Army, Zap


Hog Rider, Valkyrie, Ice Spirit, Goblins, Executioner, The Log, Tornado, Rocket

Spark the Goblin

Goblin Giant, Goblin Cage, Dark Prince, Electro Wizard, Sparky, Mega Minion, Giant Snowball, Lightning

Snow Balloons

Balloon, Ice Golem, Ice Spirit, Giant Snowball, Lumberjack, Musketeer, Bats, Barbarian Barrel

Clan War Modes

  • Balloon Festival (SpawnBalloons_Ladder)
  • Classic Decks (ClassicDecks)
  • Dragon Hunt (CaptureTheEgg_Ladder)
  • Draft (DraftMode)
  • Triple Draft (Draft_Competitive)


balance season update

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