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Loyalty, diligence and reliability are the cornerstones of the Fresher family. - We use a ranking system, which distributes the members into the appropriate clans based on skill, win rate and card level. The goal is to form an internal top list that enables our strongest and most ambitious members of the family to assert themselves competitively in the CW and Ladder League. - Visit us on discord!

✨German Allstars, QT-GS-FTY-FoC 🎯Main of #FTY Family, Join us via Discord: patronmemo68 Spieler der Woche: Janik
88,076 Trophies | 9,000 Requirement
4,994 Clan War Trophies
1,856 Donations
43 / 50 Members
Invite Only
#FTY Family (Clan II) 🔢 📟 ⚔️CW focused • Season ⌀175+ (>4K 700/day) • DC: LS543#0409
88,376 Trophies | 7,000 Requirement
4,397 Clan War Trophies
2,328 Donations
50 / 50 Members
Invite Only
#FTY Family (Clan1️⃣) 🔢 📟Discord:#Fresher ⚔️FR-MO (10 Uhr) alle 4/4 CW Angriffe 🏆PB 6k+ #FTY since 2016
1,300 Trophies | 7,000 Requirement
3,851 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
#FTY Family (III) 🔢 📟
2,073 Trophies | 5,000 Requirement
3,320 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
#FTY Family (IV) 🔢 📟 ⚔️Do-So CW Casual🏆> Platz 45 • DC: LS543#0409
82,687 Trophies | 5,000 Requirement
1,887 Clan War Trophies
1,511 Donations
50 / 50 Members
Offizieller Communityclan von🔥Loyalität🔥Kampfgeist🔥Respekt🔥Top 20 DE🔥
89,285 Trophies | 8,000 Requirement
2,442 Clan War Trophies
2,296 Donations
48 / 50 Members
Invite Only
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