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D.V.A.S. - Deadly Viper Assassination Squad is comprised of multiple vigorous gold clans, in record timing of three months. Black Mamba is the tip of the D.V.A.S. spear by holding down the Top 25 in Local Clan leaderboards and Top 15 in Local Clan War leaderboards. Our other clans: Cottonmouth, Snake Charmer, Sidewinder and Copperhead, are fast on the heels of Black Mamba. They can also be found on the Local Top 200 leaderboards. These clans make up the D.V.A.S. Family, which many of our active, solid and experienced, trophy-pushers and tournament competitors call home. The clans were created as a result of a mass exodus from the Devil’s Den and a reunion in the Snake Pit. Established April 2018.

All are welcome to join! Come one, come all! We are here to relax and have fun. Request cards and donate and don't cause trouble
36,246 Trophies | 4,000 Requirement
1,360 Clan War Trophies
20 Donations
14 / 50 Members
The DVAS Alliance🐍Black mamba,cottonmouth,sidewinder.Multiple war losses is not acceptable. 55+ war day wins
3,099 Trophies | 5,000 Requirement
2,891 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
DVAS alliance•Black Mamba•Snake Charmer•Sidewinder. We are chill AF trophy pushing warmongers.
871 Trophies | 0 Requirement
1,500 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
Invite Only
D.V.A.S. Alliance • If you wish to participate in war be sure to complete all your attacks •
816 Trophies | 3,400 Requirement
600 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
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