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A.S.D. Associazione Vikings Italia Polisport, in breve A.V.I.Pol, nasce a gennaio 2019 con lo scopo di aggregazione sportiva tramite giochi ESports da cellulare; Join us and fight for the Glory - VIKINGS

18,368 Trophies | 0 Requirement
1,049 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
10 / 50 Members
Vikings 🗣️🇮🇹 🔹Telegram➡️@TheSharedVik 🔹NO BESTEMMIE 🔹MINIMO 1600 🏅🏅ALLA SETTIMANA 🔹LIV 12+
6,440 Trophies | 0 Requirement
2,961 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
3 / 50 Members
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 5⚜🔹 Telegram➡️@ste88888🔹YouTube ➡️Vikings Polisport Multigaming
2,004 Trophies | 4,000 Requirement
2,964 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
Invite Only
Clan War, 4 attacchi giornalieri obbligatori!! Massimo impegno! ⛔NO BESTEMMIE ⛔- code: RoyaleAPI
87,480 Trophies | 6,500 Requirement
4,328 Clan War Trophies
2,020 Donations
49 / 50 Members
Invite Only
18,547 Trophies | 0 Requirement
2,914 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
8 / 50 Members
Invite Only
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 5 ➡️ Telegram ➡️@crisky_lander o @Goku_Vik
21,133 Trophies | 3,000 Requirement
997 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
10 / 50 Members
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 4⚜🔹 Telegram➡️@Amerikago 🔹YouTube ➡️Vikings Polisport Multigaming
2,001 Trophies | 4,600 Requirement
1,322 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
Invite Only
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 3 ➡️rispetto e no bestemmie ⛔ WAR NON OBBLIGATORIA
739 Trophies | 0 Requirement
2,530 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
Invite Only
Vikings 🗣️🇮🇹 Telegram @paolovik
43,014 Trophies | 2,000 Requirement
1,326 Clan War Trophies
300 Donations
19 / 50 Members
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 8⚜ ************************* ********************
12,423 Trophies | 1,000 Requirement
865 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
4 / 50 Members
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 4⚜🔹 Telegram➡️@Amerikago 🔹YouTube ➡️Vikings Polisport Multigaming
2,223 Trophies | 1,300 Requirement
0 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
2 / 50 Members
Invite Only
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 3⚜🔹 Telegram➡️@off_uzumaki 🔹YouTube ➡️Vikings Polisport Multigaming
0 Trophies | 0 Requirement
566 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
Invite Only
circuito Vikings 41 clan sito clan 3.0
8,334 Trophies | 3,600 Requirement
440 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
4 / 50 Members
Invite Only
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings 8⚜🔹 Telegram➡️@Lellovik 🔹YouTube ➡️Vikings Polisport Multigaming
22,398 Trophies | 3,600 Requirement
704 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
12 / 50 Members
⚜Clan affiliato a Vikings Rigel ☸️ se hai telegram scrivi a @Andrea28x o @fantadomevik ⚛️ CERCHIAMO GIOCATORI ATTIVI IN WAR! 💪
4,416 Trophies | 3,600 Requirement
519 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
2 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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