Name Card Level Adjustment Deck Selection Overtime Seconds Elixir Production Multiplier Use Starting Elixir Starting Elixir Players Fixed Deck Order Clan War Description Id
BlindDeck Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a premade Classic Deck! 72000000
DoubleElixir Tournament Collection PvP Elixir generates at double speed! 72000001
Invalid_1 Friendly Collection PvP 72000002
HeroChallenge_draft Tournament Draft PvP 72000003
Invalid_2 Friendly Collection PvP 72000004
DraftMode Friendly Draft PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000005
Ladder Ladder Collection PvP 72000006
Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000007
Training Ladder Collection PvP 72000008
Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000009
Challenge Friendly Collection PvP 72000010
DoubleElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Elixir generates at double speed! 72000011
Invalid_3 Friendly Collection PvP 72000012
DraftModeInsane Friendly Draft PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000013
TeamVsTeam Friendly Collection TvT 72000014
RetroRoyale Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000015
CardRelease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000016
CardReleaseDraft Friendly Draft PvP 72000017
PvE Friendly Collection PvE 72000018
TvE Friendly Collection PvE 72000019
PvE_Boss Friendly Collection PvE 72000020
PvE_Tutorial Ladder Collection PvE 72000021
TeamVsTeamDraft Friendly Draft TvT Play with a Clanmate! 72000022
TeamVsTeamLadder Ladder Collection TvT Play with a Clanmate! 72000023
Overtime_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000024
GoldRush_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000025
TeamVsTeamChallenge Tournament Collection TvT 72000026
TripleElixir_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Elixir generates at triple speed! 72000027
RampUpElixir_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Elixir generates faster and faster throughout the battle! 72000028
TeamVsTeamCrowns Friendly Collection TvT 72000029
TeamVsTeamDraftChallenge Friendly Draft TvT Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000030
Overtime_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000031
TripleElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Elixir generates at triple speed! 72000032
RampUpElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Elixir generates faster and faster throughout the battle! 72000033
TeamVsTeam_DoubleElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection TvT Elixir generates at double speed! 72000034
TeamVsTeam_DoubleElixir_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Elixir generates at double speed! 72000035
TeamVsTeam_Overtime_Friendly Friendly Collection TvT The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000036
TeamVsTeam_Overtime_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000037
TeamVsTeam_RampUpElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection TvT Elixir generates faster and faster throughout the battle! 72000038
TeamVsTeam_RampUpElixir_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Elixir generates faster and faster throughout the battle! 72000039
TeamVsTeam_DraftModeInsane_Friendly Friendly Draft TvT 72000040
Invalid Friendly Collection PvP 72000041
PickMode Friendly Pick PvP 72000042
TeamVsTeamLadder_GoldRush Ladder Collection TvT 72000043
Ladder_GoldRush Ladder Collection PvP 72000044
Touchdown Friendly Collection PvP Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000045
TeamVsTeamLadder_GemRush Ladder Collection TvT 72000046
Ladder_GemRush Ladder Collection PvP 72000047
GemRush_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000048
TeamVsTeam_Touchdown Friendly Collection TvT Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000049
Touchdown_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000050
TeamVsTeam_Touchdown_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000051
MirrorDeck Friendly Predefined PvP You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000052
TeamVsTeam_MirrorDeck Friendly Predefined TvT You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000053
Friendly_FixedDeckOrder Friendly Collection PvP True 72000054
TeamVsTeam_FixedDeckOrder Friendly Collection TvT True 72000055
MirrorDeck_H Friendly Predefined PvP You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000056
TeamVsTeam_MirrorDeck_H Friendly Predefined TvT You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000057
KingOfTheHill Friendly Collection PvP 72000058
ModernRoyale Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000059
Overtime_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000060
DoubleElixir_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Elixir generates at double speed! 72000061
TripleElixir_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Elixir generates at triple speed! 72000062
NOTINUSE1 Ladder Collection TvT 72000063
NOTINUSE2 Ladder Collection TvT 72000064
Showdown_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Build a War Deck using the Clan Cards and enter the Arena. You get one Final Battle to score a win for your Clan - no pressure! 72000065
Showdown_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Build a War Deck using the Clan Cards and enter the Arena. You get one Final Battle to score a win for your Clan - no pressure! 72000066
TeamVsTeam_DoubleElixir_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Elixir generates at double speed! 72000067
TeamVsTeam_Overtime_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000068
CaptureTower_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000069
RampUpElixir_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Elixir generates faster and faster throughout the battle! 72000070
Rage_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster! 72000071
MirrorDeck_CW Friendly Predefined PvP You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000072
Rage_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster! 72000073
LavaFloor_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000074
Event_NewArena1 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000075
Event_NewArena2 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000076
Event_NewArena3 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000077
Event_NewArena4 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000078
Event_NewArena5 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000079
Event_NewArena6 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000080
Event_NewArena7 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000081
Event_NewArena8 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000082
Event_NewArena9 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000083
Event_NewArena10 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000084
Event_NewArena11 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000085
Rage_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000086
ClassicDecks_Friendly Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a premade Classic Deck! 72000087
TeamVsTeam_Rage_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster! 72000088
ThreeVsThree Friendly Collection 3v3 72000089
ThreeVsThreeHeist Friendly Collection 3v3 72000090
Heist_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000091
Heist_Draft Friendly Draft PvP 72000092
Event_Shocktober Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000093
HeroChallenge1v1 Tournament Collection PvP 72000094
TeamVsTeam_TripleElixir_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Elixir generates at triple speed! 72000095
Heist_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000096
SpawnPigsMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000097
ClanWarMiniCollection_Friendly Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000098
ClassicDecks_Helsinki2016 Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a Classic Deck from the 1st Esports tournament - Helsinki 2016! 72000099
ClassicDecks_KingsCup1 Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a Classic Deck from King's Cup 1! 72000100
ClanWarMiniCollection_Ladder Ladder EventDeck PvP 72000101
ClanWarMiniCollection_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000102
Boosts_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000103
Snowball_bombardment Friendly Collection PvP 72000104
RampUpElixirSpawnPigsMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000105
DraftSpawnPigsMode_Friendly Friendly Draft PvP 72000106
RampUpElixirSpawnPigsMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000107
EventDeckrSpawnPigsMode_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000108
RampUpElixirEventDeckSpawnPigsMode_Friendly Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000109
RampUpElixirDraftSpawnPigsMode_Friendly Friendly Draft PvP 72000110
TeamVsTeamSpellSupportDraft Friendly Draft TvT 72000111
RampFatigue Friendly Collection PvP 72000112
TestBuff Friendly Collection PvP 72000113
HeroChallenge_draft2 Tournament Draft PvP 72000114
HeroChallenge_draft3 Tournament Draft PvP 72000115
ElixirCollectorCapture_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000116
CaptureTheEgg_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000117
DoubleDeck_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000118
DoubleDeck_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000119
RampUpElixirRageJacksMode_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP 72000120
EventDeck_Rage_SpawnJacks_Friendly Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000121
Draft_Rage_SpawnJacks_Friendly Friendly Draft PvP 72000122
ElixirCollectorCapture_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000123
CaptureTheEgg_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000124
Obstacles_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000125
Mega_Boss_PVE Friendly Collection PvE 72000126
CaptureTheFish_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000127
RockyBoat_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000128
BlindDeck_FloodHounds Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a Classic Deck from King's Cup 1! 72000129
Neutral_Fisherman Friendly Collection PvP 72000130
ClassicDecks2_Friendly Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a premade Classic Deck! 72000131
Heist_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Towers are replaced with a lone defenceless safe. Destroy the safe to win! 72000132
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Wall Breakers run from the Towers periodically, defend your Tower walls! 72000133
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Wall Breakers run from the Towers periodically, defend your Tower walls! 72000134
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Wall Breakers run from the Towers, defend your Tower walls! Draft your deck inside the battle. 72000135
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Wall Breakers run from the Towers periodically, defend your Tower walls! 72000136
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_2v2_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Wall Breakers run from the Towers, defend your Tower walls! Draft your deck inside the battle. 72000137
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Wall Breakers run from the Towers periodically, defend your Tower walls! 72000138
RampUpElixirSpawnWBsMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Wall Breakers run from the Towers periodically, defend your Tower walls! 72000139
NeutralFisherman_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! 72000140
NeutralFisherman_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! 72000141
NeutralFisherman_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! 72000142
NeutralFisherman_Draft Friendly Draft PvP A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! Draft your deck inside the battle. 72000143
NeutralFisherman_Draft_2v2 Friendly Draft TvT A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! Draft your deck inside the battle. 72000144
NeutralFisherman_Ladder_2v2 Ladder Collection TvT A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! 72000145
NeutralFisherman_Tournament_2v2 Tournament Collection TvT A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! 72000146
NeutralFisherman_Friendly_2v2 Friendly Collection TvT A Fisherman guards the river, pulling nearby troops to his boat! 72000147
CaptureTheFish_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000148
BlindDeck_FloodHounds_2v2 Friendly Predefined TvT Play with a Classic Deck from King's Cup 1! 72000149
EventDeck_LegsAndSpells Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000150
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000151
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000152
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! Draft your deck inside battle. 72000153
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000154
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_2v2_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! Draft your deck inside battle. 72000155
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000156
RampUpElixirSpawnGuardsMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000157
SpawnGuardsMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000158
SpawnGuardsMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000159
SpawnGuardsMode_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! Draft your deck inside battle. 72000160
SpawnGuardsMode_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000161
SpawnGuardsMode_2v2_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! Draft your deck inside battle. 72000162
SpawnGuardsMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000163
SpawnGuardsMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000164
SpawnSkeletonsMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000165
SpawnSkeletonsMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000166
SpawnSkeletonsMode_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! Draft your deck inside battle. 72000167
SpawnSkeletonsMode_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000168
SpawnSkeletonsMode_2v2_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! Draft your deck inside battle. 72000169
SpawnSkeletonsMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000170
SpawnSkeletonsMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000171
NOTINUSE3 Ladder Collection TvT 72000172
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000173
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000174
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000175
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000176
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_2v2_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000177
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000178
RampUpElixirSpawnBanditMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Bandits dash from the Towers swiftly, defend your Tower walls! 72000179
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000180
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000181
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. Draft your deck inside the Battle. 72000182
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000183
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_2v2_Draft Friendly Draft TvT Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. Draft your deck inside the Battle. 72000184
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000185
RampUpElixirSpawnGhostMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000186
RampUpElixirSkeletonParty_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000187
RampUpElixirSkeletonParty_Draft Friendly Draft PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000188
RampUpElixirSkeletonParty_2v2 Ladder Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000189
RampUpElixirSkeletonParty_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000190
RampUpElixirSkeletonParty_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000191
RampUpElixirSkeletonParty_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Guards spawn near the bridge, defend your Towers! 72000192
LegendaryParty_Blind Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a premade Classic Deck! 72000193
Draft_Competitive Friendly DraftCompetitive PvP Draft your 8-card deck, picking from 3 choices at a time. 72000194
RampUpElixirSpawnPigsMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Royal Hogs run from the Towers! As the game progresses, more Royal Hogs are spawned. Defend your Towers! 72000195
RampUpElixirSpawnPigsMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Royal Hogs run from the Towers! As the game progresses, more Royal Hogs are spawned. Defend your Towers! 72000196
RampUpElixirRageJacksMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP 72000197
RampUpElixirRageJacksMode_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT 72000198
CrownRush_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000199
TeamVsTeamLadder_CrownRush Ladder Collection TvT 72000200
Ladder_CrownRush Ladder Collection PvP 72000201
Event_ElixirGolemTease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000202
Touchdown_MegaDeck_Challenge Friendly EventDeck PvP Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000203
Touchdown_MegaDeck_Ladder Ladder EventDeck PvP Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000204
RampUpElixirSpawnRamRiders_2v2_Tournament Friendly Collection TvT Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000205
RampUpElixirSpawnRamRiders_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Invisible Royal Ghosts march from behind the Towers. Spooky. 72000206
Blind_LuckyLadies_Friendly Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a premade Classic Deck! 72000207
Event_FirecrackerTease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000208
RampUpElixirSpawnBalloons_2v2_Tournament Friendly Collection TvT Balloons float from the edge of the Arena towards your Towers! 72000209
RampUpElixirSpawnBalloons_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Balloons float from the edge of the Arena towards your Towers! 72000210
RampUpElixirSpawnBalloons_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP Balloons float from the edge of the Arena towards your Towers! 72000211
RampUpElixirSpawnBalloons_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Balloons float from the edge of the Arena towards your Towers! 72000212
ElixirCollectorCapture_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Destroy the central Elixir Storage to gain Elixir, and use troops to collect Elixir on the bridges! Use this to your advantage to win! 72000213
CaptureTheEgg_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Destroy the Elixir Egg to release a random Dragon that fights for you! The Dragon will fight for the player that releases it first. 72000214
RampUpElixirDeliveryDrop_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP Did someone order some destruction? A Royal Delivery barrage rains down on the Arena, delivering damage and Royal Recruits! 72000215
EventDeck_4orLess_TripleElixir Friendly EventDeck PvP Build a deck using only cards costing 4 or less, in a Triple Elixir Battle! 72000216
RampUpElixirSpawnEBarbMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Highly skilled Elite Barbarians rush from behind the Towers. Defend your King! 72000217
7xElixir_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Don't worry about leaking Elixir, there's plenty of it. Just try to keep up! 72000218
RampUpElixirSpawnSparkyMode_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Two Sparky's spawn behind the Towers, can you stop them from blasting your Towers? 72000219
EventDeck_RoyalBirthday Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000220
RampUpElixirDeliveryDrop_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Did someone order some destruction? A Royal Delivery barrage rains down on the Arena, delivering damage and Royal Recruits! 72000221
RampUpElixirSpawnRascals_2v2_Tournament Friendly Collection TvT Watch out for the band of Rascal Girls, spawning on both sides of the field. Battle in Double Elixir to win free rewards! 3 losses and you´re out, but you still have a chance to reset your losses and continue to play. 72000222
RampUpElixirSpawnRascals_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Watch out for the band of Rascal Girls, spawning on both sides of the field. Battle in Double Elixir to win free rewards! 3 losses and you´re out, but you still have a chance to reset your losses and continue to play. 72000223
RampUpElixirSpawnRascals_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP Watch out for the band of Rascal Girls, spawning on both sides of the field. Battle in Double Elixir to win free rewards! 3 losses and you´re out, but you still have a chance to reset your losses and continue to play. 72000224
RampUpElixirSpawnRascals_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Watch out for the band of Rascal Girls, spawning on both sides of the field. Battle in Double Elixir to win free rewards! 3 losses and you´re out, but you still have a chance to reset your losses and continue to play. 72000225
RampUpElixirSpawnEGolems_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Elixir Golems spawn from the Towers, and Elixir can be captured on the bridges using Troops! 72000226
RampUpElixirSpawnEGolems_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Elixir Golems spawn from the Towers, and Elixir can be captured on the bridges using Troops! 72000227
RampUpElixirSpawnEGolems_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Elixir Golems spawn from the Towers, and Elixir can be captured on the bridges using Troops! 72000228
RampUpElixirSpawnEGolems_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Elixir Golems spawn from the Towers, and Elixir can be captured on the bridges using Troops! 72000229
RampUpElixirSpawnEGolems_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Elixir Golems spawn from the Towers, and Elixir can be captured on the bridges using Troops! 72000230
RampUpElixirSpawnEBarbMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Highly skilled Elite Barbarians rush from behind the Towers. Defend your King! 72000231
7xElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Don't worry about leaking Elixir, there's plenty of it. Just try to keep up! 72000232
RampUpElixirSpawnSparkyMode_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Two Sparky's spawn behind the Towers, can you stop them from blasting your Towers? 72000233
7xElixir_Party Ladder Collection PvP Don't worry about leaking Elixir, there's plenty of it. Just try to keep up! 72000234
RampUpElixirSpawnPrinces_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT It's a battle of egos! Princes charge from the Towers. 72000235
RampUpElixirSpawnPrinces_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT It's a battle of egos! Princes charge from the Towers. 72000236
RampUpElixirSpawnPrinces_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP It's a battle of egos! Princes charge from the Towers. 72000237
RampUpElixirSpawnPrinces_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP It's a battle of egos! Princes charge from the Towers. 72000238
RampUpElixirSpawnPrinces_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP It's a battle of egos! Princes charge from the Towers. 72000239
RampUpElixirSpawnSkeleDrags_2v2_Tournament Tournament Collection TvT Look to the skies! Skeleton Dragons spawn across the Arena. 72000240
RampUpElixirSpawnSkeleDrags_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT Look to the skies! Skeleton Dragons spawn across the Arena. 72000241
RampUpElixirSpawnSkeleDrags_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Look to the skies! Skeleton Dragons spawn across the Arena. 72000242
RampUpElixirSpawnSkeleDrags_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Look to the skies! Skeleton Dragons spawn across the Arena. 72000243
RampUpElixirSpawnSkeleDrags_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Look to the skies! Skeleton Dragons spawn across the Arena. 72000244
RampUpElixirSpawnFirecracker_2v2_Tournament Friendly Collection TvT We hope you're wearing sunglasses! Firecrackers deploy across the Arena. 72000245
RampUpElixirSpawnFirecracker_2v2_Ladder Ladder Collection TvT We hope you're wearing sunglasses! Firecrackers deploy across the Arena. 72000246
RampUpElixirSpawnFirecracker_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP We hope you're wearing sunglasses! Firecrackers deploy across the Arena. 72000247
RampUpElixirSpawnFirecracker_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP We hope you're wearing sunglasses! Firecrackers deploy across the Arena. 72000248
RampUpElixirSpawnFirecracker_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP We hope you're wearing sunglasses! Firecrackers deploy across the Arena. 72000249
RampUpElixirSpawnHealSpirits_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Heal Spirits spring into the arena to aid you in battle.* 72000250
RampUpElixirSpawnHealSpirits_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Heal Spirits spring into the arena to aid you in battle.* 72000251
RampUpElixirSpawnHealSpirits_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Heal Spirits spring into the arena to aid you in battle.* 72000252
GIANT_Rage_Buff_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000253
MirrorDeck_Friendly Friendly Predefined PvP You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000254
GlobalHeal_NoBuildings_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP Everything heals, even towers! Play wisely.* 72000255
Archetype_Beatdown_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000256
Archetype_Bridgespam_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000257
Archetype_Siege_and_Air_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000258
Archetype_Tower_Damage_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000259
Archetype_High_Damage_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000260
7xElixir_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Don't worry about leaking Elixir, there's plenty of it. Just try to keep up! 72000261
RampUpElixirSpawnSparkyMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Two Sparky's spawn behind the Towers, can you stop them from blasting your Towers? 72000262
RampUpElixirSpawnEBarbMode_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Highly skilled Elite Barbarians rush from behind the Towers. Defend your King! 72000263
MortarCapture_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP 72000264
Duel_1v1_Party Ladder QuadDeckPick PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000265
ClanWar_BoatBattle Ladder Collection PvE 72000266
CW_Duel_1v1 Ladder WarDeckPick PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000267
CW_Battle_1v1 Ladder Collection PvP 72000268
CW_BotTrainer_1v1 Ladder Collection PvBot 72000269
BotBattle Ladder Collection PvBot 72000270
RampUpElixirSpawnFireSpirits_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP Fire Spirits sprint across the Arena, heading towards the Towers! 72000271
RampUpElixirSpawnFireSpirits_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Fire Spirits sprint across the Arena, heading towards the Towers! 72000272
RampUpElixirSpawnFireSpirits_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP Fire Spirits sprint across the Arena, heading towards the Towers! 72000273
RAMRIDER_Rage_Buff_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000274
MortarCapture_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000275
MortarCapture_Tournament Tournament Collection PvP 72000276
RampUpElixirFireSpiritsParty_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP Did someone order some destruction? A Royal Delivery barrage rains down on the Arena, delivering damage and Royal Recruits! 72000277
Electro_Spirit_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000278
MEGAKNIGHT_Rage_Buff_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000279
Fantasy_Royale_Challenge_2020_Predefined Friendly Predefined PvP Play with Decks designed by the teams playing in the World Finals! 72000280
RampUpElixirSpawnPigsMode_WithMotherWitch_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000281
PEKKA_Invis_Buff_Tournament Tournament EventDeck PvP 72000282
Princess_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000283
Prince_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000284
RampUpElixirSpawnYetAnotherSkeletons_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP 72000285
TeamVsTeam_TripleElixir_Friendly Friendly Collection TvT 72000286
TeamVsTeam_Rage_Friendly Friendly Collection TvT Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster! 72000287
Event_SkeletonKing_Tease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000288
Event_ArcherQueen_Tease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000289
Event_GoldenKnight_Tease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000290
Challenge_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000291
DoubleElixir_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP Elixir generates at double speed! 72000292
TripleElixir_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP Elixir generates at triple speed! 72000293
Rage_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster! 72000294
RampUpElixir_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP Elixir generates faster and faster throughout the battle! 72000295
Overtime_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000296
Event_NewArena12 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000297
Event_NewArena13 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000298
Event_NewArena14 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000299
Event_NewArena15 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000300
Event_SuperLavaHound Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000301
Event_ValentinesDay_MagicArcher_and_Princess_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000302
Event_RandomElixir_Ladder Friendly Collection PvP 72000303
Boosts_LevelUp_Permanent_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000304
Boosts_Rage_Permanent_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000305
Boosts_Heal_Permanent_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000306
SpawnSpells_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000307
Event_MightyMiner_Tease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000308
Event_MiningTime_MightyMiner_and_Miner_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000309
SpawnPoison_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000310
Event_SuperWitch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000311
GIANTSKELE_Rage_Buff_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000312
Event_GoblinsVsSkeletons Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000313
Duel_1v1_Friendly Friendly QuadDeckPick PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000314
PickBan_1v1_Friendly Friendly QuadDeckPick PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000315
Duel_1v1_Tournament Tournament QuadDeckPick PvP 72000316
Event_SuperMiniPekka_PancakesSpawn Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000317
Event_SuperMiniPekka Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000318
Event_Barbarian_Barrel_Spawn Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000319
Event_BarbarianLauncher Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000320
Touchdown_ClanWar Ladder Collection PvP Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000321
MirrorDeck_3Elixir Friendly Predefined PvP 72000322
Ranked1v1 Tournament Collection PvP 72000323
YetAnotherBat_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP 72000324
Event_Monk_Tease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000325
Event_Phoenix_Tease Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000326
Ranked1v1_GoldRush Tournament Collection PvP 72000327
Ranked1v1_CrownRush Tournament Collection PvP 72000328
SpawnPhoenixMode_Tournament Friendly Collection PvP 72000329
Event_Monk_Meta Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000330
GlobalClone_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000331
Event_SantaHogRider Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000332
PickMode_Tournament Tournament Pick PvP 72000333
Event_SuperMagicArcher Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000334
Event_SuperIceGolemite Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000335
CommunityBan2023_Tournament Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000336
CaptureTheSparky_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000337
GoblinOutbreak_1 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000338
GoblinOutbreak_2 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000339
GoblinOutbreak_3 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000340
GoblinOutbreak_4 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000341
Event_GoblinPartyHut Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000342
Event_GoblinPartyRocket Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000343
Event_SuperArcher Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000344
PickMode_Tournament_GoldRush Tournament Pick PvP 72000345
PickMode_Tournament_CrownRush Tournament Pick PvP 72000346
Showdown_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck PvP Build a War Deck using the Clan Cards and enter the Arena. You get one Final Battle to score a win for your Clan - no pressure! 72000347
Draft_Competitive_SuperCards Friendly DraftCompetitive PvP Draft your 8-card deck, picking from 3 choices at a time. 72000348
Event_SuperArcher_SpawnGolem Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000349
CaptureTheQueen_Friendly Friendly Collection PvP 72000350
BattleGround Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000351
Event_SuperArcher_SpawnGolem_2 Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000352
Event_SuperHogRider_Terry Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000353
Event_Mega_Monk Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000354
ClassicDecks_Champion_Friendly Friendly Predefined PvP Play with a premade Classic Deck! 72000355
Neutral_Rock_Barbarians Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000356
Evo_Firecracker_Challenge Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000357
Evo_Barbarian_Challenge Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000358
Evo_Skeleton_Challenge Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000359
Evo_RoyalGiant_Challenge Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000360
Event_Evo_Barb Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000361
Event_Evo_Barb_FC Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000362
Event_Evo_Barb_FC_RG Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000363
Event_Evo_All Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000364
TeamVsTeam_RockArena Friendly Collection TvT 72000365
Event_DarkElixir_Spawn Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000366
Event_Evo_Mortar Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000367
Event_Fixed_Sparky Friendly Collection PvP 72000368
Event_Evo_Knight Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000369
Event_HP_Regen_Tower Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000370
Challenge_AllCards_EventDeck_Evo Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000371
Overtime_AllCards_EventDeck_Evo Friendly EventDeck PvP The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000372
Event_Chess_Board Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000373
Event_Evo_RoyalRecruits Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000374
Event_Prince_Buff Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000375
Event_RestlessDead Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000376
Event_MysteryBuff Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000377
Event_TrickOrTreat Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000378
Event_GlobalCurse Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000379
PvE_CardDelivery_Test_1 Friendly Predefined PvE 72000380
CardDelivery_LittlePrince_1 Friendly Predefined PvE 72000381
CardDelivery_LittlePrince_2 Friendly Predefined PvE 72000382
CardDelivery_LittlePrince_3 Friendly Predefined PvE 72000383
Event_Elixir_Barrels Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000384
TeamVsTeam_Rage_Friendly_Brawl Friendly Collection TvT Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster! 72000385
Challenge_AllCards_EventDeck_Evo_20win Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000386
Event_Evo_IceSpirits Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000387
PickMode_TeamVsTeam_Test Friendly Pick TvT 72000388
Event_Evo_IceSpirits_TeamVsTeam Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000389
Event_Blizzard_Mode Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000390
Event_Blizzard_Mode_TeamVsTeam Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000391
Snowball_bombardment_TeamVsTeam Friendly Collection TvT 72000392
MirrorDeck_EVO Friendly Predefined PvP You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000393
TeamVsTeam_MirrorDeck_EVO Friendly Predefined TvT You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent! 72000394
EventDeck_Cannoneer_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000395
EventDeck_Cannoneer_Launch_TeamVsTeam Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000396
Event_DarkElixir_Spawn_TeamVsTeam Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000397
DraftMode_Cannoneer Friendly Draft PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000398
TeamVsTeamDraft_Cannoneer Friendly Draft TvT Play with a Clanmate! 72000399
EventDeck_LoveBuff Friendly Collection PvP 72000400
TeamVsTeam_EventDeck_LoveBuff Friendly Collection TvT 72000401
EventDeck_BomberEVO_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000402
TeamVsTeam_EventDeck_BomberEVO_Launch Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000403
TeamVsTeam_Fixed_Sparky Friendly Collection TvT 72000404
Event_GlobalLightning Friendly Collection PvP 72000405
TeamVsTeam_Event_GlobalLightning Friendly Collection TvT 72000406
TeamVsTeam_Event_GoblinPartyRocket Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000407
Event_ElectroBuffs Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000408
TeamVsTeam_Event_ElectroBuffs Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000409
CardDelivery_DaggerDuchess_1 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000410
CardDelivery_DaggerDuchess_2 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000411
CardDelivery_DaggerDuchess_3 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000412
EventDeck_DaggerDuchess_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000413
EventDeck_DaggerDuchess_Launch_TeamVsTeam Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000414
DraftMode_DaggerDuchess Friendly Draft PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000415
TeamVsTeamDraft_DaggerDuchess Friendly Draft TvT Play with a Clanmate! 72000416
Event_Fixed_Mortar Friendly Collection PvP 72000417
TeamVsTeam_Fixed_Mortar Friendly Collection TvT 72000418
TeamVsTeam_BattleGround Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000419
EventDeck_SpellCauldron Friendly Collection PvP 72000420
TeamVsTeam_SpellCauldron Friendly Collection TvT 72000421
EventDeck_Void_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000422
TeamVsTeam_Void_Launch Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000423
EventDeck_TriWizard Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000424
TeamVsTeam_TriWizard Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000425
TeamVsTeam_GoblinPartyHut Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000426
Event_GoblinBuffs Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000427
TeamVsTeam_GoblinBuffs Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000428
ClassicDecks_Evo Friendly Predefined PvP 72000429
TeamVsTeam_ClassicDecks_Evo Friendly Predefined TvT 72000430
GoblinTrail_Tutorial Level9 Predefined PvE True 72000431
Goblin_Ladder Ladder Collection PvP 72000432
EventDeck_GoblinRocketSilo Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000433
TeamVsTeam_GoblinRocketSilo Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000434
TeamVsTeam_Elixir_Barrels Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000435
EventDeck_Drill_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000436
TeamVsTeam_Drill_Launch Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000437
TeamVsTeam_Challenge_AllCards_EventDeck Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000438
Event_GoblinBush_Spawn Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000439
TeamVsTeam_GoblinBush_Spawn Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000440
Challenge_AllCards_EventDeck_NewHotness Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000441
EventDeck_PekkaEvo_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000442
Draft_SKvsSMPekka Friendly Draft PvP 72000443
EventDeck_4Card Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000444
EventDeck_Berserk Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000445
TeamVsTeam_PekkaEvo_Launch Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000446
TeamVsTeam_4Card Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000447
TeamVsTeam_Berserk Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000448
EventDeck_SpawnMelee Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000449
Ranked1v1_NewArena Tournament Collection PvP 72000450
Ranked1v1_NewArena_GoldRush Tournament Collection PvP 72000451
Ranked1v1_NewArena_CrownRush Tournament Collection PvP 72000452
DraftMode_UltimateClash Friendly Draft PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000453
EventDeck_SKvsSMPekka Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000454
TeamVsTeam_SKvsSMPekka Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000455
Ladder_TeamVsTeam Ladder Collection TvT 72000456
202410_Event_Spooky_Chess Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000457
202410_Event_Blackout Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000458
TeamVsTeam_Blackout Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000459
EventDeck_GoblinStein_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000460
TeamVsTeam_GoblinStein_Launch Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000461
CardDelivery_Goblinstein_1 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000462
CardDelivery_Goblinstein_2 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000463
Ranked1v1_NewArena2 Tournament Collection PvP 72000464
Ranked1v1_NewArena2_GoldRush Tournament Collection PvP 72000465
Ranked1v1_NewArena2_CrownRush Tournament Collection PvP 72000466
EventDeck_Cannon_Evo_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000467
EventDeck_Phoenix_Spawner Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000468
DraftMode_Princess Friendly Draft PvP Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent! 72000469
TeamVsTeamDraft_Princess Friendly Draft TvT Play with a Clanmate! 72000470
EventDeck_Spawn_ SantaHogRider Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000471
TeamVsTeamDraft_Spawn_ SantaHogRider Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000472
EventDeck_Gift_Delivery Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000473
Challenge_AllCards_EventDeck_NoSet Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000474
DoubleElixir_AllCards_EventDeck_NoSet Friendly EventDeck PvP Elixir generates at double speed! 72000475
TripleElixir_AllCards_EventDeck_NoSet Friendly EventDeck PvP Elixir generates at triple speed! 72000476
Draft_Competitive_Cannoneer Friendly DraftCompetitive PvP Draft your 8-card deck, picking from 3 choices at a time. 72000477
EventDeck_Holiday_Feast Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000478
TeamVsTeam_Holiday_Feast Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000479
Draft_Competitive_Chef Friendly DraftCompetitive PvP Draft your 8-card deck, picking from 3 choices at a time. 72000480
Ladder_Classic Ladder Collection PvP 72000481
EventDeck_RuneGiant_Launch Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000482
PLACEHOLDER_7 72000483
Overtime_AllCards_EventDeck_NoSet Friendly EventDeck PvP The first player to take a tower... WINS! 72000483
CardDelivery_RuneBerserker_1 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000484
CardDelivery_RuneBerserker_2 Friendly Predefined PvE True 72000485
Touchdown_Event Friendly EventDeck PvP Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score! 72000486
EventDeck_LoveBuff_Event Friendly EventDeck PvP 72000487
TeamVsTeam_EventDeck_LoveBuff_Event Friendly EventDeck TvT 72000488
MirrorMatch_Tournament_Premade_Decks Friendly Predefined PvP 72000489
PLACEHOLDER_7 72000490
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