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Playa Made


6329 / 6329 PB
Royal Crypt
823 / 823 PB
Goblins 1

Card Collection


Commons Commons
50% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 171,708
Needed 166,700
Max Total 338,408
Upgradeable 15
Goblins Spear Goblins Barbarians Minions Minion Horde Bats Fire Spirit Mortar Royal Giant Giant Snowball Rascals Royal Delivery Arrows Skeleton Dragons Electro Spirit
Rares Rares
47% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 46,394
Needed 52,186
Max Total 98,580
Upgradeable 20
Musketeer Giant Heal Spirit Barbarian Hut Battle Ram Inferno Tower Zappies Tombstone Rocket Flying Machine Ice Golem Elixir Collector Earthquake Dart Goblin Three Musketeers Bomb Tower Fireball Goblin Hut Battle Healer Suspicious Bush
Epics Epics
48% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 6,444
Needed 6,762
Max Total 13,206
Upgradeable 16
Witch Wall Breakers Giant Skeleton Goblin Barrel Lightning Poison X-Bow Guards Bowler Tornado Cannon Cart Rage Mirror Freeze Goblin Drill Void
Legendaries Legendaries
41% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 346
Needed 494
Max Total 840
Upgradeable 9
Sparky Bandit The Log Phoenix Lava Hound Fisherman Ice Wizard Mother Witch Graveyard
Champions Champions
22% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 41
Needed 139
Max Total 180
Upgradeable 0
25% Gold Progress til Level 14
0% Elite Level Progress
Gems equiv 100k gold / 4500 gems
Required for available upgrades
Required til max
Max total
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