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Balance Changes and more - 2022 Q3 Update

October 25, 2022 · 6 min read

Say goodbye to Ladder and welcome a new competitive ranked mode.

balance client update update

2022 Q3 Update

This is the last blog covering the biggest update of 2022. In the first one, we dove into many relevant changes like:

We later got to know details of the 2 new cards that will be added into the game:

But this update is bringing us much more! So let’s take a look at what else is coming to Clash Royale.

Table of Contents

Balance Changes

If you follow the regular balance changes you might be expecting this one. Last season we announced that a few of the expected changes had been postponed because a client update was needed to add them into the game, so here they are:

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Knight (Buff)

Knight’s usage has been a bit low lately, so he will get an HP boost next season — even better stats for his cost!

Before After
HP +3% 651 670
HP Level 11 1666 1715
HP Level 14 2206 2271

Goblins (Rework)

Goblins will deploy 4 units instead of 3. This is a big change — Goblins have always had 3 units since the very beginning. It‘s being adjusted now likely because their usage rate has been low recently. With such stats bump, Goblins will be a more swarmy unit that could make them very popular given their elixir cost.

But it’s not all good news for the green gold seekers, their first hit will be half as fast as before.

Before After
Count +33% 3 4
First Hit Time +100% 0.2 sec 0.4 sec

Goblin Gang, Goblin Barrel and Goblin Drill (Nerf)

The first attack speed nerf is also affecting all the other cards that spawn Goblins. For cards that are meant to directly target the opponent’s towers, this could become a significant reduction in chip damage.

Before After
First Hit Time +100% 0.2 sec 0.4 sec

Before After
First Hit Time +100% 0.2 sec 0.4 sec

Before After
First Hit Time +100% 0.2 sec 0.4 sec

Mirror (Nerf)

Technically a bug fix, Mirror won’t be playable and will be greyed out after playing a Champion.

Before After
After Champion playable unplayable

Daily Tasks

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Every day you’ll have 3 tasks to complete in exchange for small rewards. Additionally, you can get a Daily Bonus reward each day for completing all 3 tasks. By doing this 7 days in a row you’ll unlock the Weekly Bonus, which has the best rewards; but be careful not to miss a day, or you’ll have to start again from scratch.

Some tasks you can expect to find are:

Task Criteria
Play a Trophy Road battle -
Play a Party Mode battle Party Mode unlocked
Play a battle in Challenge or Tournament Challenge available, losses not consumed
Play a Ranked Battle Ranked unlocked
Play a Clan Wars or Friendly battle In a Clan
Open a Chest -
Get something from the store -
Request some cards In a Clan
Use an emote

New Magic Items

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Champions were added to the game after Magic Items, but other than the Book of Books and Magic Coins there were no items to help you level up cards with this rarity. With the addition of Monk as the 5th champion, these items arrive at a very fitting time:

Champion Chest

Champion Chests can be found 4 times on the Trophy Road, after reaching 5675, 6100, 6675 and 7100 trophies. Similar to the Legendary chest, it just contains one card, but this one is a Champion!

Champion Wild Card

Champion Wild Cards can be found 2 times in the Path of Legends, on the Master I and Grand Champion leagues. Depending on your King Level, you can have up to 20 Champion Wild Cards in your inventory.

Hoggy Bank

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Hoggy Bank is a new premium feature that will cost IRL money to unlock. It will appear on the home screen from time to time and will hold either Gems or Gold.

After purchasing the Hoggy Bank, the bank will enable you to receive additional Gold or Gems (depending on the type that you have purchased) that will be stored in the Hoggy Bank.

Additionally, during the time period that the Hoggy Bank is active, there will be additional milestones that you can complete and then be able to smash the bank to empty the bank and reap the reward!

Unfortunately, we don’t have any more information about this other than what is described as this feature is not available in the dev build and we could only explain this feature to you as it was explained to us.

New 3rd Mastery Task Sets

There are lots of cosmetics coming out each season to customize your Battle Banner, so we all need lots of Banner Tokens to collect them. With this update there are 10 more cards that will now have a 3rd set of Mastery Tasks, that adds up to a total of 3750 extra Banner Tokens that you can earn!

Flying Machine

Attack 8 times / deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 80 100 Banner Tokens
2 240 125 Banner Tokens
3 480 150 Banner Tokens

Hog Rider

Deal 10 tower hits / battle

Tier Obj Rewards
1 80 100 Banner Tokens
2 240 125 Banner Tokens
3 480 150 Banner Tokens


Hit units 15 times / deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 50 100 Banner Tokens
2 150 125 Banner Tokens
3 300 150 Banner Tokens

Mini Pekka

Deal full damage

Tier Obj Rewards
1 800 100 Banner Tokens
2 2400 125 Banner Tokens
3 4800 150 Banner Tokens

Baby Dragon

Hit 12 units / deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 80 100 Banner Tokens
2 240 125 Banner Tokens
3 480 150 Banner Tokens

Dart Goblin

Attack 10 times / deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 80 100 Banner Tokens
2 240 125 Banner Tokens
3 480 150 Banner Tokens


Attack 8 times / deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 80 100 Banner Tokens
2 240 125 Banner Tokens
3 480 150 Banner Tokens


Knockback 10 units / deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 80 100 Banner Tokens
2 240 125 Banner Tokens
3 480 150 Banner Tokens


Deal 30 tower hits / battle

Tier Obj Rewards
1 50 100 Banner Tokens
2 150 125 Banner Tokens
3 300 150 Banner Tokens

Fire Spirit

Hit 5 Troops with a single deploy

Tier Obj Rewards
1 150 100 Banner Tokens
2 450 125 Banner Tokens
3 900 150 Banner Tokens

Deck Explorer

This new feature is available in the Card Collection tab and can help you find decks that include or exclude specific cards. It can be convenient because of how well it’s integrated into the deck UI, but we hope you’ll keep trusting and using RoyaleAPI to find the best decks with our advanced search tools.

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update


In the Season 40 sneak peek post, we’ve mentioned that there are two upcoming “Super Secret” challenges. We can now reveal what they are!

Note 1: Although these two new cards will have launch party challenges, they will be immediately available in the chests when the update is live — if you meet the requirements to unlock them.

  • Phoenix: Arena 12 (3800 trophies, King Level 21)
  • Monk: Arena 18 (6500 trophies, King Level 39)

Note 2: None of these challenges give you the new cards. They simply allow you to play with them. Unlock the new cards in your chests.

Phoenix Launch Party (Oct 26 - Nov 2)

Chain 1: Casual

The Phoenix rises! Build a deck with Phoenix, a flying troop that revives itself. No losses! Play to the final reward.

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Chain 2: Regular

The Phoenix rises! Build a deck with Phoenix, a flying troop that revives itself. 3 losses and you’re out, but you will have a chance to reset your losses and keep your progress.

  • 25 Gems to continue
  • Win the Phoenix Egg Crown emote when you complete the challenge

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Champions Celebration Draft (Nov 2 - Nov 12)

Pick 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent; one of you will get to play with the Monk! 3 losses and you’re out, but you still have a chance to reset your losses and continue to play.

  • 25 Gems to continue
  • Draft challenge with Champion cards (guaranteed Monk for one of the players)

Clash Royale Q3 2022 Game Update

Miscellaneous Improvements


  • Drag Glitch has been fixed!
  • Removed card usage numbers that appeared in the Ban Pick Duel screen
  • Fixed crashes and other issues

Troop interactions:

  • Fixed: Royal Recruits could be deployed on the opponent’s side
  • Fixed: Golden Knight dashes into no targets
  • Fixed: Sparky wasn’t reset by Electro Spirit while being fished

Quality of life improvements:

  • Fixed active event prompts that made it difficult to access Supercell ID
  • Champions won’t be unselected when they can’t be placed on a deck that already has a champion


balance client update update

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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