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CRL 20-Win Challenge 2022 Winners by Country

August 12, 2022 · 3 min read

See how the 20-win winners are distributed by region.

The 20-Win Challenge ran from August 6 to August 11 in 2022. 5712 players have completed the challenge with 20 wins. We looked up every single player and grouped everyone by where they’re located at. How did your country do?

Table of Contents


We are able to determine the location information of these accounts based on two sources:

  • Our Esports Database covering close to 20,000 individual players. This is the most accurate method as our ESDB goes through very thorough manual fact checks.
  • Local Leaderboard. Where accounts are smurfs or played by unknown players, we see if they have appeared on local leaderboards in the game.

Accounts that are neither in our ESDB nor leaderboards are grouped under unknown. As many pro players do play on smurf accounts, as well as creating completely new accounts just to play in the 20-win challenge, this number does tend to high.

Compare to 2021

We thought that it would be interesting to compare to the results in 2021, so here it is:

The top three countries are the same as 2022:

  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • USA

With Chinese players moving to their own server, it’s not a surprise that we no longer see China in the top spots.


rank region_key region_name count
0 UNKNOWN 1109
1 JP Japan 925
2 MX Mexico 439
3 US United States 336
4 FR France 243
5 DE Germany 203
6 BR Brazil 172
7 KR South Korea 161
8 PE Peru 141
9 IT Italy 124
10 IR Iran 124
11 ES Spain 119
12 RU Russia 90
13 AR Argentina 73
14 CA Canada 73
15 TR Turkey 69
16 CO Colombia 64
17 NL Netherlands 54
18 GT Guatemala 53
19 UA Ukraine 49
20 VE Venezuela 46
21 CN China 43
22 IN India 40
23 GB United Kingdom 38
24 NI Nicaragua 38
25 CL Chile 35
26 CR Costa Rica 35
27 EG Egypt 33
28 AU Australia 32
29 EC Ecuador 30
30 BO Bolivia 29
31 BE Belgium 29
32 HN Honduras 29
33 PL Poland 27
34 TW Taiwan 24
35 IQ Iraq 23
36 SV El Salvador 22
37 IL Israel 21
38 ID Indonesia 19
39 PA Panama 19
40 HK Hong Kong 17
41 PT Portugal 17
42 CH Switzerland 16
43 BY Belarus 16
44 SA Saudi Arabia 16
45 GR Greece 16
46 HU Hungary 15
47 KZ Kazakhstan 14
48 DO Dominican Republic 14
49 RO Romania 14
50 SG Singapore 13
51 DZ Algeria 13
52 FI Finland 13
53 RS Serbia 12
54 SK Slovakia 11
55 SY Syria 11
56 CZ Czechia 11
57 PR Puerto Rico 11
58 BG Bulgaria 11
59 AT Austria 10
60 NP Nepal 10
61 BA Bosnia & Herzegovina 10
62 MY Malaysia 10
63 NO Norway 10
64 SE Sweden 9
65 AL Albania 9
66 VN Vietnam 8
67 SI Slovenia 8
68 UY Uruguay 8
69 GE Georgia 7
70 PK Pakistan 7
71 PY Paraguay 6
72 JO Jordan 6
73 HR Croatia 6
74 DK Denmark 6
75 KW Kuwait 6
76 MA Morocco 5
77 AE United Arab Emirates 5
78 TT Trinidad & Tobago 4
79 UZ Uzbekistan 4
80 BD Bangladesh 4
81 LT Lithuania 4
82 LU Luxembourg 4
83 MQ Martinique 3
84 LB Lebanon 3
85 ME Montenegro 3
86 LY Libya 3
87 ZA South Africa 3
88 RE Réunion 3
89 CU Cuba 3
90 MO Macao 3
91 NZ New Zealand 3
92 MK North Macedonia 2
93 OM Oman 2
94 BH Bahrain 2
95 PS Palestine 2
96 QA Qatar 1
97 XK Kosovo 1
98 CY Cyprus 1
99 IE Ireland 1
100 AF Afghanistan 1
101 TN Tunisia 1
102 YE Yemen 1
103 AZ Azerbaijan 1
104 CM Cameroon 1
105 MD Moldova 1
106 DM Dominica 1
107 EE Estonia 1
108 MR Mauritania 1
109 SR Suriname 1
110 VC St. Vincent & Grenadines 1
111 AM Armenia 1
112 KH Cambodia 1
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI


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