Creator Code クリエーターコードはこちら RoyaleAPI

Monk - New Champion Card

October 23, 2022 · 3 min read

The 2022 Q3 update will have a new Champion card


Monk has spent many isolated years perfecting a new style of combat.

He fires off a 3-hit combo, with the last blow dealing extra Damage and pushing enemies back!

Table of Contents



  • Rarity: Champion
  • Targets: Ground
  • Elixir: 4
  • Speed: Medium
  • Range: Melee: Medium
  • Hit Speed: 0.9 sec
  • Combo Pushback: 1.8 tiles


Monk is a melee troop with a powerful attack. His basic attack deals decent damage (140 at Level 11), but every third hit is a powerful punch that deals massive damage (combo damage: 420 at Level 11). This third hit is not only powerful — it also pushes back troops for 1.8 tiles!

But what is a champion without a unique ability? Monk’s ability is the Pensive Protection. It casts a protective dome around him and reflect any projectiles coming his way.

Throw any spell at the Monk and see him reflect them directly back to the opponent tower! Spells like Fireball and Rocket will be redirected to the nearest tower. Troops that shoot projectiles at the Monk will see their projectiles be redirected back towards them.

Check the gameplay video below before reading our analysis.

Gameplay Video

📺 Watch on YouTube


We had a lot of fun playing with the card. The bouncy rocket action is incredibly fun to watch. If you want to defend against Rockets with the Monk in a real game, it’s not that easy to pull off — there is a very small window for you to deploy him and activate his ability. But when you do, it has a huge payoff and is fun to see.

So I’m not overly concerned that this will break the game — famous last words?! — unless you a super ninja, being able to deal Rocket damage on your opponent’s towers for 1 elixir would be pretty hard. And when you miss it, the ability won’t be able to be used again for another 15 seconds. The game said the Monk has spent many isolated years perfecting his combat, I wonder how many isolated years you’ll need to block Rocket perfectly.

As a side note, blocking troops that shoot projectiles is not that hard. You’ll see him fully countering an X-Bow at the end of the gameplay video. You won’t be able to fully counter Mortar this way since his ability only lasts 4 seconds.

Bottom line: this is a super fun character to play with. I can’t wait to see what unique decks and play style that the pro players conjure up at his release!

Opinions from a Pro

LucasXGamer (Profile | Twitter) is a professional player who is also a Supercell Creator. Like us, he has access to the dev build and got to test the card before everyone else. So I asked him what he thought about the new card, and this is what he said:

“…seems matchup based. Op vs sparky. Good xbow counter. The spell deflect doesn’t seem as worrying as people think it is but it could be OP if paired with beatdown to make combos unkillable with spells… As a card itself, [and] without the ability, [he] seems very strong. But in the correct matchups it’s extremely broken.”


What do you think about the card? Leave a comment below!

執筆者: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI



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