Most requested changes about Clan Wars 2 - Survey Results
We asked players what they’d like to change about Clan Wars 2. Here are the results.
clan wars 2 surveyWe’ve asked players on Twitter to name the top 3 changes they would like to see for Clan Wars 2 and received 40 replies. Here’s a summary of those responses.
If you can change 3 things about Clan Wars 2, what will they be? — @RoyaleAPI
Card levels
This is the number one most-requested item, with 13 users (33%) asking for it.
Right now, players play war battles using levels in their card collections. Most users would prefer to play these battles in tournament-standard (Level 9) instead. As an alternative, players would like to see level caps implemented depending on war leagues.
Our Opinion. We think that the system was implemented this way to encourage players to upgrade their cards. We would like to offer an alternative solution: allow battles be played in tournament standard but calculate fame based on card levels. This way, battles will always be played under fair conditions, but players will still have incentives to upgrade their cards in order to help their clan finish the River Race faster.
Change opponents every week
Right now, you face the same clans every week for the entire season. As most have observed after several seasons, the ranking looks exactly the same every week. What players would like to see is have different clans compete on each week instead.
7 users (18%) have requested for this change.
Alternative Solution. As an alternative, we like an idea suggested by Rich Slaton, which is to allow the first 2 weeks become “seeding rounds” and allow week 3-4 to become a competitive rounds that has more weights.
Opt-in/out, selective participation
6 users (15%) have requested for this change.
In Clan Wars 1, clan members could decide if they wish to participate, and non-participation would not hurt the clan at all. In Clan Wars 2, non-participation drags the clan down and is often the key decider between winning and losing. In turn, many clans have had no choice but to kick non-participating members in order to make space for those who will participate.
What users wish to see is an option to allow players to opt-in/out while not hurting clan progress. Going hand-in-hand with this request is the request to allow clans set their “war sizes” (10-25-50) and have clan boats hit points / repair points be adjusted to reflect the relative size of participation.
Make boat battles more relevant
A common consensus among users is that boats take too long to damage. Often, the race is over before you can sink a boat. At the same time, if your boat did get damaged, it takes too long to repair it.
Our opinions. Agreed! In the rare occasions that our clans have had boat battles, those wars were really run. However, it takes too long to damage boats right now, so much so that it is often too high of a risk to attack. If boats can have less HP (for both attack and damages), the boat battles could have a huge impact in clan war strategy.
Time zone issues
- Global 10am UTC reset still favors clans in some regions (5 users, 13%)
- Instead of racing against the clock, tally points after each 24-hour period to determine position. (3 users, 8%)
- War starts slightly before global deck reset and allows some clans to squeeze in more attacks than they should.
- We were told that this requires a client update to fix, but the Clash Royale team has already minimized the effect as much as possible by shortening the difference between the two reset times.
Other requests
Here are other requests that are less popular, but deserve a voice here — they were included in “top 3 wish lists” after all.
- Make Colosseum more unique. (4 users, 10%). Colosseum battles don’t seem to be that different. In fact, they are exactly the same as duels except for gold differences.
- More game modes, add 2v2. (4 users, 10%). Players would like to see more variety in game modes. Specifically, players have asked for 2v2 and touchdown.
- Race length. A few players asked for race to require more fame to complete. Not everyone agrees with this — some fear burnouts.
- Matchmaking. Players have asked to be match-made closer to their abilities. Some complained always being matched with others who have significantly higher PBs (personal bests).
- Trader. More options for trades.
- War decks. Some asked to see more war decks so they can potentially play 2 duels. Others asked to see less war decks so they can play less battles.
- Rewards. A user wishes that there are more gold for losses in order to incentivize underleveled players to participate. Another user would prefer that there are more variety in rewards (e.g. gems and tokens in CW1) and not just gold.
- MVP. A user would like to more rewards to clan members who contribute the most.
- Stats in player profile. Stats for clan wars have only been implemented for CW1. A player feel that adding CW2 stats will encourage others to participate.
- Change war decks after use.
Thank you for everyone who has participated in this survey. We have forwarded your collected responses to the Clash Royale team and hope that they will consider your ideas.
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