Underleveled players who finished in Ladder Top 1000 in Season 2021-01
Do you need a maxed deck to finish on the leaderboard?
Do you need a maxed deck to finish on the leaderboard?

In 2021, qualification for the Clash Royale League (CRL) will be determined by the leaderboard at the end of each season. Some players express concerns on social media that they have lost their chance to compete because they don’t have a completely maxed deck or that they have a Level 12 king tower.
To see if that concern is true, we have analyzed each player who had finished in top 1000 in the global Season 2021-01 Leaderboard and explored if any of them played with underleveled cards and/or king towers in their last Ladder battle before Season 2021-01 concluded.
We are surprised by the results after our data analysis — there are more players with underleveled cards on the top-1000 leaderboard than we originally thought.
- 66 players on the top-1000 leaderboard played with at least 1 card that is underleveled. Of those:
- 4 played with 2 cards underleveled
- 62 played with 1 card underleveled
- 2 players got to Top 1000 with a Level 12 King Tower.
Player Highlights
We want to give a special mention to the two Level-12 players. Not only did they finished with underleveled towers, they have underleveled cards in their decks!
Anaban❤️Alone河马 (@Anaban_Cr) played with an underleveled Inferno Dragon with this deck and finished at #3.
LumberLoon IWiz Double Dragon Freeze: Deck Stats
KIX™️Light難 (@MohamedLightCr1) played with 2 underleveled cards — Miner and The Log — with this deck and finished at #141.
Wall Breakers Miner 2.8 Cycle: Deck Stats
Both Anaban and Mohamed Light are CRL veterans who have competed in previous Clash Royale League seasons.
- Anaban played for Chivas Esports in CRL West Spring 2020
- Mohamed Light played for KIX Team in CRL East Fall 2020
We had expected the underleveled cards to be mostly relatively level-independent cards (e.g. Tornado, Freeze, etc), but to our surprise, there are other cards where levels do make a huge difference. Here’s the list in order of frequency:
Electro Spirit: 24
Tornado: 19
The Log: 7
Rage: 4
Fisherman: 3
Skeleton Army: 2
Barbarian Barrel: 2
Freeze: 2
Electro Wizard: 1
Firecracker: 1
Earthquake: 1
Royal Delivery: 1
Elixir Collector: 1
Miner: 1
Inferno Dragon: 1
There is no doubt that most players on the leaderboard have finished the season with a maxed deck with all Level-13 cards and Level-13 towers. However, talented players are able to finish on the leaderbaord despite having to play at a significant disadvantage. If you are the very best in the world and deserve a spot at CRL, you do have a chance, so don’t let that stop you from competing!
How our data is compiled:
- We gathered the list of players from the Season 2021-01 Leaderboard.
- For each player, we looked for the last Ladder battle played before the end of season.
- We analyzed two things from the battles and the leaderboard:
- card levels of their deck
- king tower level
If you are curious about the underleveled players, here’s a link to the Google Sheet listing the players, the underleveled cards and their decks.
We would like to thank Rich Slaton (@RichSlaton) for asking us about underleveled players on the leaderboard, which led to our investigation of the topic.
If you have a question about Clash Royale data that you’re interested in, tell us on RoyaleAPI Discuss! We will do the analysis and publish our findings if we think that your topic is worth exploring.