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State of the Meta - Popular Cards on the Path of Legends (Ranked Mode) in October Season 2022

November 8, 2022 · 12 min read

We look at the last decks played by the Top 1000 players and find out what they used most.

meta infovis stats

Top Cards in Clash Royale

The October 2022 season has just finished and we now have fresh new stats from Top Ranked (Path of Legends).

In this post, we’ll first take a look at cards that perform well, then we provide representitive decks with those cards — so that you’ll also be able to maximize your chance of breaking your own personal best.

At the end of the post, we have provided the raw data we used to create these charts, and a link to all of the decks used in this analysis.

Table of Contents


You can use our Cards section to observe card usage throughout the season. For analyses in this series, we focus specifically on the last deck that the players use to complete their season. It goes hand-in-hand with our Leaderboard Decks feature. Or more specifically, these are the cards from the Season 2022-10 Leaderboard Decks.

As with previous analysis, we have provided data for both Top 1000 and Top 200 because some of the professional players prefer to see Top 200 results while we feel that Top 1000 provide a more holistic view of the meta.

Best Cards Top 1000

Top Cards in Clash Royale

Best Cards Top 200

Top Cards in Clash Royale

Analysis: Win Conditions

For the October season, both Graveyard and Royal Giant are the the most popular win-condition choices for the best players. Having just almost half of RG and GY’s popularity, Hog Rider, Electro Giant, Miner (Control), Balloon and Mortar are all top picks for players in their final battle of the season.

Compare with previous season

When comparing last season’s top picks with the meta just two months ago, we see a sharp return of Elixir Golem, with Lava Hound moving completely out of the meta. EGolem’s rise in the meta is a direct result of having strong synergy with the newly released Phoenix. Despite having an emergency nerf just a week ago, this bird continues to dominate, owing possibly to her slow flying speed and thus allowing players to build a very big push, especially when played behind an EGolem that’s healed by the Battle Healer.

October Season Top 1000

Top Cards in Clash Royale

August Season Top 1000

Top Cards in Clash Royale

No Win-Con

The two S-Tier new cards — Monk and Phoenix — have been so popular among players that some in fact finished the season playing Monk Phoenix Cycle. We observed similar trends in previously released cards that were overly strong upon release — release versions of Night Witch, Royal Recruit came to mind. Cards are clearly overpowered if you can win games simply by sticking them into your deck, then add Mirror + Clone + Pump + bunch of cycle cards. Something is very wrong with these cards especially since neither were designed to be win conditions. Take note — we suspect that nerfs should be incoming!


How strong is the bird? Very. Out of the Top 200 decks, a whopping 152 (76%) of them carry the Phoenix. The Monk is comparatively more balanced (and requires synergy), and is the second most popular card at 79/200 (39.5%).

Top Cards in Clash Royale

Miner Control sees a rebirth in the meta — with many players using both Monk and Phoenix as support cards for Miner decks. Goblins also see a much increase in usage mostly due to a recent buff, which bumped the unit count from 3 to 4.

The sharp-eyed reader will note that we included only 14 Miners in our Top 200 Win Condition usage chart, compared to 46 presented here. This is because in the Win Condition chart, only 14 of them were used as Win Condition — with the rest being used as support for other Win Condition, e.g. Balloon and Mortar. See Change of Methodology in our previous post if you wish to refresh your memory.


Fireball continues to be the number one spells, though its spotlight is diminished somewhat by the rise of Poison — likely because of its synergy with the popular Graveyard and as a direct counter to it.

The Log remains as the top choice for small spells. Tornado is also at the very top. There is no surprises here as both spells do something unique that no other cards can.


And now, here are some very representative decks that we have been seeing in the meta all seasons long. If you want to get the most up-to-date meta decks to play, use our Deck Search and filter time period by 1 day.

Skeleton King Graveyard

SK GY IWiz Phoenix
Graveyard Skeleton King Phoenix Poison Ice Wizard Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

Monk Graveyard

Monk GY IWiz Phoenix
Graveyard Monk Phoenix Poison Ice Wizard Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

Giant Graveyard Archer Queen

Giant AQ GY
Graveyard Giant Archer Queen Dark Prince Skeleton Army Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

RG Monk Phoenix

Lucas’ own creation. Somewhat off-meta but that’s why he’s the number one player — playing something unpredictable often win you the game if you know how to build decks properly

RG Monk Phoenix EDrag
Royal Giant Monk Phoenix Electro Dragon Lightning Tornado The Log Tombstone

RG Monk Phoenix Fishboy

This is the more popular version, using the buffed Goblins and Fisherman.

RG Monk Phoenix FishBoy
Royal Giant Monk Phoenix Lightning Hunter Fisherman Goblins The Log

The Fireball version is popular also.

RG Monk Phoenix FishBoy
Royal Giant Monk Phoenix Hunter Fisherman Fireball Goblins The Log

RG SK MW Phoenix

RG SK Phoenix FishBoy
Royal Giant Skeleton King Phoenix Mother Witch Skeleton Army Fisherman Fireball The Log

RG SK Fishboy Phoenix

RG SK Phoenix FishBoy
Royal Giant Skeleton King Phoenix Fisherman Fireball Goblins Zappies The Log

EGolem Phoenix Spam

These decks find success in lower ranges of the Path of Legends, but there are still 10 variations of them on Top 200. All of them carry Phoenix. Many carry Mirror and Rage.

EGolem Phoenix EDrag Rage
Elixir Golem Phoenix Battle Healer Electro Dragon Mirror Arrows Rage Elixir Collector

EGolem EBarbs Phoenix EDrag
Elixir Golem Phoenix Elite Barbarians Battle Healer Electro Dragon Arrows Heal Spirit Rage

EGolem Phoenix EDrag Rage
Elixir Golem Phoenix Battle Healer Night Witch Electro Dragon Mirror Arrows Rage

Mortar Miner Poison

Mortar Miner Poison Phoenix Valk
Mortar Miner Phoenix Valkyrie Poison Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

Mortar SK Miner Poison Phoenix
Mortar Miner Skeleton King Phoenix Skeleton Army Poison Goblin Gang Dart Goblin

Mortar Rocket

Mortar Valk Nado 3.0 Cycle
Mortar Rocket Valkyrie Archers Tornado Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

Electro Giant Mirror Phoenix

EGiant GK Phoenix Nado
Electro Giant Phoenix Golden Knight Lightning Mirror Tornado Barbarian Barrel Cannon

EGiant Monk Phoenix MW
Electro Giant Monk Phoenix Mother Witch Earthquake Bomber Mirror Tornado

Ram Rider with Monk and Phoenix

RamRider Monk Phoenix EDrag
Ram Rider Monk Phoenix Electro Dragon Poison Tornado Skeletons Barbarian Barrel

LJ Monk Phoenix Ram Rider

RamRider Monk Phoenix Ghost
Ram Rider Monk Lumberjack Phoenix Magic Archer Royal Ghost Fireball Zap

RamRider Monk Phoenix MA
Ram Rider Monk Lumberjack Phoenix Magic Archer Fireball Skeletons The Log

RamRider Monk Phoenix MA
Ram Rider Monk Lumberjack Phoenix Magic Archer Fireball Skeletons Zap

RamRider Monk Phoenix Ghost
Ram Rider Monk Lumberjack Phoenix Magic Archer Royal Ghost Fireball Barbarian Barrel

More Decks

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Data Top 1000

card count ratio pc total
phoenix 587 0.587 58.70% 1000
the-log 418 0.418 41.80% 1000
tornado 310 0.31 31.00% 1000
fireball 271 0.271 27.10% 1000
barbarian-barrel 243 0.243 24.30% 1000
monk 230 0.23 23.00% 1000
poison 204 0.204 20.40% 1000
skeleton-king 185 0.185 18.50% 1000
miner 175 0.175 17.50% 1000
skeletons 170 0.17 17.00% 1000
goblins 166 0.166 16.60% 1000
zappies 146 0.146 14.60% 1000
ice-spirit 143 0.143 14.30% 1000
graveyard 141 0.141 14.10% 1000
fisherman 140 0.14 14.00% 1000
royal-giant 137 0.137 13.70% 1000
tombstone 130 0.13 13.00% 1000
goblin-gang 121 0.121 12.10% 1000
elixir-collector 119 0.119 11.90% 1000
zap 109 0.109 10.90% 1000
mirror 107 0.107 10.70% 1000
skeleton-army 104 0.104 10.40% 1000
electro-dragon 98 0.098 9.80% 1000
lumberjack 96 0.096 9.60% 1000
mother-witch 93 0.093 9.30% 1000
lightning 89 0.089 8.90% 1000
executioner 85 0.085 8.50% 1000
royal-ghost 85 0.085 8.50% 1000
arrows 84 0.084 8.40% 1000
heal-spirit 80 0.08 8.00% 1000
valkyrie 80 0.08 8.00% 1000
cannon 79 0.079 7.90% 1000
bomb-tower 76 0.076 7.60% 1000
golden-knight 75 0.075 7.50% 1000
electro-spirit 75 0.075 7.50% 1000
ice-golem 73 0.073 7.30% 1000
hog-rider 71 0.071 7.10% 1000
archer-queen 70 0.07 7.00% 1000
rocket 69 0.069 6.90% 1000
balloon 66 0.066 6.60% 1000
mortar 66 0.066 6.60% 1000
electro-giant 65 0.065 6.50% 1000
bats 65 0.065 6.50% 1000
freeze 64 0.064 6.40% 1000
bomber 60 0.06 6.00% 1000
hunter 59 0.059 5.90% 1000
dart-goblin 59 0.059 5.90% 1000
elite-barbarians 59 0.059 5.90% 1000
ice-wizard 56 0.056 5.60% 1000
magic-archer 55 0.055 5.50% 1000
dark-prince 55 0.055 5.50% 1000
rage 54 0.054 5.40% 1000
bandit 52 0.052 5.20% 1000
knight 50 0.05 5.00% 1000
inferno-dragon 49 0.049 4.90% 1000
inferno-tower 48 0.048 4.80% 1000
golem 47 0.047 4.70% 1000
giant-snowball 43 0.043 4.30% 1000
royal-hogs 43 0.043 4.30% 1000
musketeer 43 0.043 4.30% 1000
earthquake 42 0.042 4.20% 1000
princess 42 0.042 4.20% 1000
wall-breakers 41 0.041 4.10% 1000
battle-healer 40 0.04 4.00% 1000
elixir-golem 40 0.04 4.00% 1000
three-musketeers 40 0.04 4.00% 1000
electro-wizard 38 0.038 3.80% 1000
tesla 38 0.038 3.80% 1000
fire-spirit 37 0.037 3.70% 1000
goblin-barrel 37 0.037 3.70% 1000
giant-skeleton 36 0.036 3.60% 1000
x-bow 35 0.035 3.50% 1000
archers 34 0.034 3.40% 1000
ram-rider 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
mega-knight 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
bowler 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
mini-pekka 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
royal-delivery 32 0.032 3.20% 1000
goblin-drill 29 0.029 2.90% 1000
skeleton-barrel 29 0.029 2.90% 1000
spear-goblins 29 0.029 2.90% 1000
battle-ram 28 0.028 2.80% 1000
giant 25 0.025 2.50% 1000
prince 25 0.025 2.50% 1000
baby-dragon 20 0.02 2.00% 1000
barbarians 18 0.018 1.80% 1000
cannon-cart 18 0.018 1.80% 1000
goblin-cage 17 0.017 1.70% 1000
pekka 16 0.016 1.60% 1000
minion-horde 15 0.015 1.50% 1000
guards 15 0.015 1.50% 1000
mighty-miner 14 0.014 1.40% 1000
minions 13 0.013 1.30% 1000
sparky 13 0.013 1.30% 1000
skeleton-dragons 13 0.013 1.30% 1000
lava-hound 13 0.013 1.30% 1000
flying-machine 13 0.013 1.30% 1000
night-witch 12 0.012 1.20% 1000
rascals 12 0.012 1.20% 1000
goblin-giant 11 0.011 1.10% 1000
royal-recruits 11 0.011 1.10% 1000
witch 10 0.01 1.00% 1000
firecracker 10 0.01 1.00% 1000
goblin-hut 6 0.006 0.60% 1000
barbarian-hut 5 0.005 0.50% 1000
clone 3 0.003 0.30% 1000
wizard 2 0.002 0.20% 1000
mega-minion 2 0.002 0.20% 1000
furnace 1 0.001 0.10% 1000

Data Top 200

card count ratio pc total
phoenix 152 0.76 76.00% 200
the-log 91 0.455 45.50% 200
monk 79 0.395 39.50% 200
tornado 63 0.315 31.50% 200
fireball 51 0.255 25.50% 200
miner 46 0.23 23.00% 200
poison 43 0.215 21.50% 200
goblins 42 0.21 21.00% 200
ice-spirit 39 0.195 19.50% 200
royal-giant 36 0.18 18.00% 200
fisherman 36 0.18 18.00% 200
skeleton-king 34 0.17 17.00% 200
skeletons 32 0.16 16.00% 200
barbarian-barrel 32 0.16 16.00% 200
mirror 27 0.135 13.50% 200
graveyard 26 0.13 13.00% 200
goblin-gang 26 0.13 13.00% 200
arrows 24 0.12 12.00% 200
elixir-collector 23 0.115 11.50% 200
electro-dragon 22 0.11 11.00% 200
heal-spirit 22 0.11 11.00% 200
lumberjack 21 0.105 10.50% 200
hunter 21 0.105 10.50% 200
zap 21 0.105 10.50% 200
royal-ghost 21 0.105 10.50% 200
mortar 20 0.1 10.00% 200
executioner 20 0.1 10.00% 200
bomb-tower 20 0.1 10.00% 200
lightning 18 0.09 9.00% 200
valkyrie 18 0.09 9.00% 200
skeleton-army 18 0.09 9.00% 200
zappies 17 0.085 8.50% 200
tombstone 16 0.08 8.00% 200
mother-witch 16 0.08 8.00% 200
magic-archer 14 0.07 7.00% 200
freeze 13 0.065 6.50% 200
cannon 13 0.065 6.50% 200
rage 13 0.065 6.50% 200
elite-barbarians 13 0.065 6.50% 200
rocket 13 0.065 6.50% 200
dark-prince 12 0.06 6.00% 200
bomber 12 0.06 6.00% 200
electro-giant 11 0.055 5.50% 200
bandit 11 0.055 5.50% 200
ice-wizard 10 0.05 5.00% 200
giant 10 0.05 5.00% 200
battle-healer 10 0.05 5.00% 200
elixir-golem 10 0.05 5.00% 200
golden-knight 10 0.05 5.00% 200
balloon 9 0.045 4.50% 200
ice-golem 9 0.045 4.50% 200
wall-breakers 9 0.045 4.50% 200
archers 9 0.045 4.50% 200
archer-queen 9 0.045 4.50% 200
electro-spirit 9 0.045 4.50% 200
bats 9 0.045 4.50% 200
earthquake 9 0.045 4.50% 200
dart-goblin 8 0.04 4.00% 200
battle-ram 8 0.04 4.00% 200
giant-snowball 8 0.04 4.00% 200
hog-rider 8 0.04 4.00% 200
inferno-dragon 7 0.035 3.50% 200
ram-rider 7 0.035 3.50% 200
knight 7 0.035 3.50% 200
x-bow 7 0.035 3.50% 200
three-musketeers 7 0.035 3.50% 200
inferno-tower 6 0.03 3.00% 200
tesla 6 0.03 3.00% 200
golem 6 0.03 3.00% 200
spear-goblins 6 0.03 3.00% 200
witch 5 0.025 2.50% 200
royal-hogs 5 0.025 2.50% 200
mega-knight 5 0.025 2.50% 200
prince 4 0.02 2.00% 200
minion-horde 4 0.02 2.00% 200
princess 4 0.02 2.00% 200
goblin-cage 3 0.015 1.50% 200
electro-wizard 3 0.015 1.50% 200
giant-skeleton 3 0.015 1.50% 200
barbarians 3 0.015 1.50% 200
skeleton-barrel 3 0.015 1.50% 200
night-witch 3 0.015 1.50% 200
mighty-miner 3 0.015 1.50% 200
goblin-barrel 3 0.015 1.50% 200
musketeer 3 0.015 1.50% 200
goblin-drill 2 0.01 1.00% 200
bowler 2 0.01 1.00% 200
fire-spirit 2 0.01 1.00% 200
mini-pekka 2 0.01 1.00% 200
minions 1 0.005 0.50% 200
baby-dragon 1 0.005 0.50% 200
cannon-cart 1 0.005 0.50% 200
barbarian-hut 1 0.005 0.50% 200
sparky 1 0.005 0.50% 200
pekka 1 0.005 0.50% 200
goblin-giant 1 0.005 0.50% 200
wizard 0 0.0 0.00% 200
guards 0 0.0 0.00% 200
lava-hound 0 0.0 0.00% 200
mega-minion 0 0.0 0.00% 200
royal-recruits 0 0.0 0.00% 200
rascals 0 0.0 0.00% 200
flying-machine 0 0.0 0.00% 200
firecracker 0 0.0 0.00% 200
skeleton-dragons 0 0.0 0.00% 200
goblin-hut 0 0.0 0.00% 200
furnace 0 0.0 0.00% 200
clone 0 0.0 0.00% 200
royal-delivery 0 0.0 0.00% 200


meta infovis stats

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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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