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Bats Evolution - Season 52 (October 2023)

September 29, 2023 · 5 min read

Bats Evolution will be the latest Evolution card in Clash Royale. It will be available in Season 52 (October 2023).

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Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Like every October, it’s time to celebrate Clash-O-Ween. Which common card is the best fit for this spooky theme? Bats!

We have seen very different cards evolve already: win conditions, ranged troops, buildings... we’ll now have the first evolved flying troop. What does this evolution do? The evolution description says as follows:

What’s cooler than Bats? VAMPIRE BATS. These creatures of the knight heal with each attack and can increase their Hitpoints past their maximum!

Table of Contents

Evolution Stats

Evolved Bats have less showy stat buffs than other cards:

  • +50% Hit Points (HP)

While this HP increase might not seem very relevant for such a delicate troop, it’s a change that pairs very well with the evolved ability.

Other stats like Damage and Hit Speed are the same as the non-evolved Bats.

Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Evolution Ability: Heal!

After attacking a target, Evolved Bats will heal and can increase their HP over their initial stats, up to the double! The HP maximum, considering the already applied HP buff, is 3 times the HP of a normal Bat. This will be no Lava Hound, but it is slightly more HP than what a Minion has.

In terms of spell resistance, you can think of fully healed Bats as Minions: they die to Arrows and survive a Zap. The following table lists some relevant troops and damages for comparison:

Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Troop / Spell Hit Points
Normal Bats HP 81
Normal Bats Damage 81
Spear Goblins Damage 81
Poison Tick Damage 91
Archer Damage 107
Minion Damage 117
Evolved Bats HP 122
Zap Damage 192
Musketeer Damage 218
Minions HP 230
Fully Healed Bats HP 244
Mega Minion Damage 311
Arrows Damage 366

Note: these values are for tournament standard, which is Level 11, but interactions should be consistent and stay relative for other levels.

We’ll look into how the HP variations change common interactions later, in the Interaction Summary section.

Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Evolution Cycles

Bats need 2 Cycles to activate the evolution, so 1 in every 3 deploys will be evolved. This is similar to other cheap card evolutions, like Firecracker, Skeletons and Knight, which also need 2 Cycles.

Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Healing Mechanic Details

Bats attack once every 1.3 seconds. After each of these attacks, Bats heal for 1 second with 2 separate healing ticks. An attack-heal sequence would look like this:

Time Event
0.0 1st Attack
0.5 Heal
1.0 Heal
1.3 2nd Attack
1.8 Heal
2.3 Heal

After being deployed, an Evolved Bat reaches the max HP with 4 healing ticks, so after 2 attacks. An almost dead Bat needs 7 ticks to recover the max HP, so 4 attacks.

At tournament standard levels, Bats heal 76 HP per second, which are 2 ticks of 38 HP (15% of max HP). Note that in every attack-heal sequence there are 0.3 seconds in which the bat isn’t being healed.

Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Interaction Summary

With our limited testing and these stats, these are the interactions that seem relevant to highlight:

  • The base +50% HP is enough for Bats to survive minor damage (Spear Goblins, Archers, Poison ticks, Heal Spirit...). If Bats are attacking a target while they receive this damage, they’ll be able to recover.
  • Most ranged troops and small spells will still one-shot bats before they extend their HP (Zap, Giant Snowball, Skeleton Dragons, Dart Goblin, Baby Dragon, Flying Machine, Musketeer...)
  • Once the Bats are fully healed, they’ll survive damage from small spells such as Zap, Rage and Giant Snowball. Most of the ranged troops listed in the previous point will now need 2 attacks to get rid of them.
  • Medium and heavy spells will kill even the most juiced up bats. Arrows, Fireball, Royal Delivery... all these are bulletproof answers.
  • Mega Minion and Wizard are the only troops that can one-shot a fully healed bat. Firecracker, Hunter and Executioner also can, if you count the multiple projectiles.

Evolution Release

The Bats Evolution will be released on October 2nd.

Usually, card evolutions are released slightly before the end of the season, which is the first Monday of the month. As soon as this happens, you can unlock it with Wild Shards. After the new season begins, players who buy the Diamond Pass Royale get 6 Bat shards to unlock it.

Other ways to find Bats shards are:

  • Level Up chests
  • Season Shop (in a future seasons)
  • Shop Offers (in a future seasons)

Card Art

Bats Evolution - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have listed a few questions that we considered relevant or interesting, but feel free to ask us more in the comments.

Can clones of Evolved Bats heal and increase their HP?

No, they behave like normal cloned Bats.

Can 5 healed Bats take a full tower?

No, if a group of fully healed bats are left alone against a tower they will just take ~60% of the Princess Tower HP.

What happens when Monk activates the protection against Evolved Bats?

Given that Bats don’t throw projectiles, they just deal 20% damage to Monk, and they heal as usual.

Will Poison kill bats while they are being healed?

Usually yes, in around 4-6 seconds if they start with max HP when the Poison starts dealing damage; even quicker if Bats don’t have that head start. Although watch out, Rage could make the vampires heal much faster and scape it!


Are you excited about this new evolution? Which kind of decks will work best with it? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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