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Night Witch Papercut DIY - Season 52 (October 2023)

October 30, 2023 · 2 min read

Make a fun Halloween decoration with this Night Witch Papercut DIY project.


Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Are you a Clash Royale fan hunting for DIY Halloween decorations? Look no further!

The Night Witch has taught us how to make awesome Bat Papercuts, and we are going to show everyone how to do their own.

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Table of Contents

Quick Summary

Papercut chains are a quick and easy way to make many copies of a shape that end up tied together.

To do this project you can print one of our templates or simply draw the shape in a piece of paper. Using the template will help your bats look like the real ones, but you can try something different by drawing your own.

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

White Template (DIN A4)

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Color Template (DIN A4)

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Step 1: Fold the paper

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

You'll want to alternate between fold-ins and fold-outs on your piece of paper, like an accordion. The paper should end up like a string.

The number of folds inwards should be 1 more than the number outwards... unless you want to end with a half-bat at the end of your chain!

Step 2: Draw a half-bat

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Draw half of a bat in the front of the folded paper. Remember that the bat's wing should be on the side of the end of the paper, and the centre of the bat in the folded side.

Step 3: Cut the shape

Night Witch Papercut DIY - Clash Royale Season 52 (October 2023)

Cut following the shape. The shape of the bat is fairly simple, but be specially careful with the start of the wing, where it joins with the body. This is the thinnest part of the chain.

Step 4: Unfold!

The Bat Papercut is ready! Now you can color it if you picked the white version, or just hang them around.

Happy Clash-o-ween!



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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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