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Mega Monk - New Game Mode

May 13, 2023 · 2 min read

New game mode coming on May 15.

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Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

Mega Monk is a new game mode coming to Clash Royale on May 15th, Monday. It will show up as the main event node on the Events tab.

Table of Contents

Video Preview

Check out the video to see the game play of this new mode.

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Mega Monk

Mega Monk is a new game mode that will start appearing in the game on Monday, May 19th.

Troop Spawn

It’s a troop spawner mode with a twist.

Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

Mega Monk is not a player card, and you can’t directly play him. He is a chunky Monk that continues to spawn at alternative sides of the arena.

Build-a-Deck: No Champions Allowed

As a Champion, there can only be one Mega Monk for each player in the map at any time. After he dies in battle, a new one will spawn on the alternative side of the map after a few seconds.

Even though Mega Monk is not part of your deck, you are not allowed to have other Champions inside your deck.

Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

Ability: 2-Elixir

Like the regular Monk, Mega Monk has a deflect ability. This ability costs 2 elixir to cast, but has a larger radius than the regular Monk.

Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

The size of this deflection dome is similar to that of Battle Healer.

Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

Besides deflecting projectiles, his ability provides a damage reduction bonus to all the friendly troops.

Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

The resulting effect is similar to that when Battle Healer casts her healing, except your friendly units won’t gain back lost health. Rather, your units just take a lot less damages.

Mega Monk - New Game Mode in Clash Royale

Available on Monday May 15th

This new game mode will start appearing in the game on May 15th 2023 on the Event node, where you collect season tokens.

A special challenge that rewards season tokens is expected to appear in the weekend.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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