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Emergency Balance - Phoenix (November 21, 2022)

November 19, 2022 · 2 min read

Clash Royale’s new Legendary respawning bird will receive her second emergency balance since initial release.

season balance

Emergency Balance - Phoenix (November 21, 2022)

Two and a half weeks ago, Phoenix received her first emergency nerf on November 2. She will receive her second emergency nerf next Monday on November 21, 2022.

Table of Contents

Phoenix (Nerf)

Part of what makes Phoenix so strong right now is that the egg can only be destroyed with Arrows, which most decks don’t carry. After this nerf, the Phoenix Egg will be destroyable by The Log or Barbarian Barrel. This is a small but hopefully effective nerf to this very strong card, with usage consistently over 70% in Grand Challenges and just above 75% at the time of this writing.

Before After
Egg Hit Points (HP) -34% 300 198
Egg Hit Points (HP) Level 11 363 239
Egg Hit Points (HP) Level 14 480 316

To give some context for the nerf, here are the damage figures for the two spells. These cards are not touched (no change)

Before After
Damage 0.0% 240 240
Damage Level 11 290 290
Damage Level 14 384 384

Before After
Damage 0.0% 151 151
Damage Level 11 241 241
Damage Level 14 320 320

Leaderboard Bug Fix

Clash Royale will fix a bug where Leaderboards are not resetting. We have a hunch about what this might be but since Supercell didn’t give further details, we won’t elaborate here.

Mega Draft Rescheduled

We talked about a highly-anticipated new game mode called Mega Draft in our Season 41 preview. Sadly, due to a critical bug that was found at the very last minute, it won’t be going live as scheduled.

Instead, a Triple Draft Challenge will run from November 22-28.

Replay Bug

The game replay bug — where games are replayed at different tower levels and thus often resulting in completely different game results — has been widely reported since the Q3 update. The Clash Royale team has identified and fixed this issue internally. The fix will require a mandatory client update that is scheduled to be released soon.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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