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Final Balance Changes for June 2022 (Season 36)

May 24, 2022 · 4 min read

Based on your feedback, Supercell has finalized the balance changes for June.

Final Balance Changes - Clash Royale 2022-06 Season 36 Update

Based on your feedback, Supercell has finalized the balance changes. Specifically, knockbacks for The Log was removed and changed into crown tower damage adjustments. Mother Witch Hit Speed buff was slightly nudged (still a buff, but not so much)

Table of Contents

Barbarian Barrel (Rework)

Together with The Log, Barbarian Barrel is one of the strongest cards in the game for many seasons now. It will be getting a small distance reduction. After the change, the Barbarian from the Barrel will hit the tower only once instead of twice if unanswered.

The Barbarian inside the Barrel will be getting a hit speed buff alongside all the other Barbarians inside the game.

Before After
Distance 5.0 4.5
Hit Time -7% 1.4 sec 1.3 sec
Hit Speed +8% 1/1.4 sec-1 1/1.3 sec-1

Barbarians (Buff)

Barbarians, Battle Ram and Barbarian Hut have all been some of the weakest cards in the game for a while. So all of them will be gaining a Hit Speed boost so that they will finish off enemies much faster than before. The Barbarian inside the Barbarian Barrel will also be getting this buff, so it is getting a distance nerf to compensate for its already strong stats.

Before After
Hit Time -7% 1.4 sec 1.3 sec
Hit Speed +8% 1/1.4 sec-1 1/1.3 sec-1

Mother Witch (Buff)

After multiple series of nerfs, Mother Witch’s usage and win rates have both decreased dramatically. To compensate for her previous HP nerf, she will gain some Hit Speed, thus gaining higher DPS and also producing cursed hogs much more quickly.

In the WIP balances, Mother Witch’s Hit TIme was changed from 1.1 sec to 0.9 sec (0.2 sec difference). After your feedback, Supercell has decided to keep a Hit Speed buff but at a lesser degree, going from 1.1 sec to 1.0 sec (0.1 sec difference) instead.

Before After
Hit Time -9% 1.1 sec 1.0 sec
Hit Speed +10% 1/1.1 sec-1 1/1.0 sec-1
First Hit Time -25% 0.4 sec 0.3 sec

Night Witch (Buff)

Ever since her deaths spawn bats had been completely removed, Night Witch has been struggling to find place in the meta. She is barely seen in Golem decks and is completely unused in other decks. She will hit enemies a bit faster after the changes.

Before After
Hit Time -13% 1.5 sec 1.3 sec
Hit Speed +15% 1/1.5 sec-1 1/1.3 sec-1

Electro Giant (Buff)

The last rework made Electro Giant so fragile that he rarely even gets to the tower. He will regain some health after the balance so that he will continue to a viable win condition for players.

Before After
HP 2210 2410
HP Level 11 3536 3856
HP Level 14 4685 5109

The Log (Nerf)

The Log is one of the most universally used cards in the game for a very long time. In our own analysis of cards by usage, The Log’s usage is rarely below 45% in Grand Challenges. Both players and the team agreed that a nerf is deserved.

After balances, its pushback effects will be significantly reduced (halved -50% to be specific). Besides pushing opponent troops a lot less tiles away, it reduces the time needed for the opponent troops to get back to their original path.

After Balances, The Log will keep its knockback effect the same as right now, but will have its crown tower damage changed from 30% to 20%. This is an interesting change because the Crown Tower Damage was previously standardized to be 30% for all of the spells. Making this change makes The Log the first card to deviate from the standardization — though considering how poorly the knockback was received, it may well be a happy compromise for the players.

Before After
Crown Tower Damage -33% 30% 20%
Crown Tower Damage Level 11 87 58
Crown Tower Damage Level 14 116 77

Royal Ghost (Nerf)

Royal Ghost is being used in many strong meta decks right now, implying that he may be slightly too strong. After balances, it will take a tad bit longer for him to get invisible.

Before After
Time to Invisible +13% 1.6 sec 1.8 sec

Skeleton King (Nerf)

Skeleton King has slowly become one of the stronger champions in the game. When played in bait decks, his strength is especially pronounced and is producing too much pressure for the opponents. He will spawn a maximum of 18 resurrected skeletons after balances (decreased from 20). Minimum skeleton spawn is the same as before: 6.

Before After
Maximum Resurrected Skeletons -10% 20 18

Goblin Drill (Nerf / Bug Fix)

Goblin Drill received a weird speed buff after Mighty Miner was introduced. It will be getting a burrowing speed nerf, intending to get back to the speed that it had before MM came into the arena. So while this is technically a nerf, it’s also technically fixing a bug that was never intentional.

Before After
Burrowing Speed +25% Slower 0.4 u 0.3 u

FAQ from Supercell


What do you think about these balances?

Did you like the revisions?

How do you like these “work-in-progress” balances? Do you like that your opinions have made a difference shaping the meta for the upcoming season?

Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI


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