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Season 21 Birthday Royale - Seasonal Content

February 24, 2021 · 3 min read

Clash Royale celebrates its 5th Birthday with a creator’s emote giveaway, special tower skins and emotes.

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Clash Royale is celebrating its 5th Birthday and everyone is invited!

New Info: 🚨 Extra: Matchmaking Changes

Season 21 starts on Monday, March 1, 2021.

Clash Royale Season 21 Birthday Royale

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Tower Skins & Emotes

  • Tower Skin: Birthday Card Birthday Card tower skin. Pass Royale at Tier 10.
  • Battle Healer: Cake Throw Emote Battle Healer: Cake Throw. Special Creators Giveaway.
  • Elixir Golem: Candle Head Emote Elixir Golem: Candle Head. Challenge.
  • Lumberjack: Cake Run Emote Lumberjack: Cake Run. Shop.
  • Sparky: Surprise Emote Sparky: Surprise. Pass Royale at Tier 20.

Four previously released emotes will now be available in the shop.

  • Ram Rider: Scream Emote Ram Rider: Scream
  • Miner: Red Pocket Emote Miner: Red Pocket
  • Archers: Hood Emote Archer: Hood
  • Miner: Red Pocket Emote Archer: Clean

Emotes, Tower Skin and Arena in Action

See all the special emotes in action and see how the Birthday Card tower skin look in the arena:

Tap to enter our code RoyaleAPI automatically so you won’t forget on Monday!


The “Birthday Cake on Wheels” arena is back!

Clash Royale Season 21 Arena

Creators Emote Giveaway

Like last year, Supercell Creators will be giving away an exclusive and limited 5th Birthday Emote (Battle Healer: Cake Throw). This emote can only be collected from participating content creators — yes, we will be participating!

Battle Healer: Cake Throw Emote

How to get it

Details for how to get this emote will be released later this week, but we’ve been told that it will be similar to last year’s.

Last year, we hosted twenty 1000-person tournaments throughout the month, and everyone who played in them were given the emote. If the procedure is the same this year, we will likely run it from our Discord server just like last year. We will post an update on Twitter and on our blog here once we have more information. Follow us @RoyaleAPI to hear about it first!

Boosted Cards

  • Boosted Card: Elixir Golem Elixir Golem

Clash Royale League

The first round of Clash Royale League (CRL) concluded last weekend, and Supercell has crowned the first champion Mohamed Light (@MohamedLightCr1), who took home a cool $20,000!

“Momo”, as his friends like to call him, was also one of two players who finished last season’s Ladder with a Level-12 King Tower and underleveled cards!

If you’d like to participate in Round 2 of the Monthly Qualifier, you must play the CRL Trophy Race and finish in Global Top 1000 on Ladder by the end of the Season. Good luck!

Check out our detailed guide about the CRL Rules for more information.

Extra: Matchmaking changes on Feb 25

Matchmaking changes
Source: Matchmaking Changes by kabutom1938. Reposted with permission.

Matchmaking will be globally changed in a scheduled maintenance on Thursday (2021-02-25), when the new season content will be delivered to the game.

With this new matchmaking system, players will be matched by default with other players who have +1 / -1 King Level difference. For example, if you have a King Level 12 tower, you will only be matched with players who have King Level 11, 12 or 13. This new system affects 1v1 games only.

In order to keep matchmaking times fast and to ensure that players will not get stuck in matchmaking for long periods of time, matchmaking will expand its search using these parameters:

  • +1 / -1 every 5 seconds
  • up to a maximum of +3 / -3 at 10 seconds

Clan Wars 2 matchmaking will have slightly longer times. The parameters will be:

  • +1 / -1 every 20 seconds

Supercell will be closely monitoring this matchmaking change and will make changes if they see any negative impacts.


Note: There won’t be any balance changes this season. The next balance is expected to appear when the new game client arrives.

What do you think about the content for this season? Tell us on RoyaleAPI Discuss.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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