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Season 9 Birthday Royale Pekka Emote Giveaway Tournaments

March 3, 2020 · 7 min read

Clash Royale is celebrating its 4th Birthday and we are giving away a limited-edition exclusive emote ! Update 2020-03-21: we have [...]

giveaway update

Clash Royale is celebrating its 4th Birthday and we are giving away a limited-edition exclusive emote Pekka Balloon Emote!

Update 2020-03-21: we have been given permission to run an additional 10 tournaments, bringing the total of tournaments from the original 10 to 20.

How to join

  • We will be hosting tournaments throughout the season.
  • Join up and stay til the end of the tournaments.
  • Emote will be delivered in 72 hours by Supercell after the tournament has ended.

Get Notified

  • We will post the tournament info on our Discord server.
  • If you want to be notified, React Pekka Balloon Emote to the giveaway message in the #self-roles channel.
  • We will notify you when we open the tournaments!

Bonus for Top 3

  • Top 3 finishes in each of the tournaments get the animated emote next to your player name on your player profile!
  • See it in action.
  • Cosmetics will be delivered to your profile within 24 hours after the tournament has ended.

Tournament Schedule

  • There will be 20 tournaments total.
  • We will update this table as we schedule them.
  • Tournaments will be hosted by SML (#C0G20PR2), Founder of RoyaleAPI.
  • Password will be released on Discord only.
  • Tournament will start immediately after tournament is full.

1st Tournament

Name RoyaleAPI Pekka Emote Giveaway
Tag #2Y20CUQP
Password 2020-03-03 12:30 UTC
Start 2020-03-03 13:00 UTC

Bonus Prize Winners

2nd Tournament

Name RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote Giveaway2
Password 2020-03-04 13:30 UTC
Start 2020-03-04 14:00 UTC

Bonus Prize Winners

3rd Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmoteTour3
Tag #22UR00P9
Password 2020-03-05 14:30 UTC
Start 2020-03-05 15:00 UTC

Bonus Prize Winners

4th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote4
Tag #282QR2GQ
Password 2020-03-06 20:30 UTC
Start 2020-03-06 21:00 UTC

Bonus Prize Winners

5th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote5
Password 2020-03-07 11:30 UTC
Start 2020-03-07 12:00 UTC

Bonus Prize Winners

Note: in-game tiebreakers are slightly different than what is reported on the server. So we will award bonus prize to people with the same score.

6th Tournament

  • Starting from this tournament on, all tournaments will have max losses.
  • Tournament will start immediately once it is full.
Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote6
Tag #22UUGPP8
Time 2020-03-08 10:30 UTC

Bonus Prize Winners

7th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI - T7 <3 alpe123
Tag #2L88G2VR
Time 2020-03-11 17:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

8th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI T8 2hour
Tag #2882YVCC
Time 2020-03-14 10:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

9th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI T9 PekkaEmote2H
Tag #28J9V8PJ
Time 2020-03-15 17:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

10th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI T10 Emote
Tag #2Y89UGUR
Password 1038929
Time 2020-03-22 00:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

11th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote11a
Tag #28JCU8GR
Password 928938
Time 2020-03-23 17:30 UTC

Bonus Winners

12th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote12
Tag #2YPYY2Y9
Password 829328
Time 2020-03-24 12:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

13th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote13
Tag #2802JJ89
Time 2020-03-25 12:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

14th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote14
Tag #28JU8G0L
Time 2020-03-25 14:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

15th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote15
Tag #29YLCG2Q
Password 928238
Time 2020-03-26 12:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

16th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote16
Tag #2808LRV0
Password 982398
Time 2020-03-26 14:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

17th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote17
Tag #2J209LRV
Password 128329
Time 2020-03-26 16:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

18th Tournament

*Note: we’ve named the tournament incorrectly but it is the 18th tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote17
Tag #288VRV0Y
Password 998238
Time 2020-03-26 18:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

19th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote19
Tag #28C908V2
Time 2020-03-28 12:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

20th Tournament

Name Code RoyaleAPI PekkaEmote20
Tag #280PLC20
Password 328298
Time 2020-03-28 14:00 UTC

Bonus Winners

Upcoming Tournaments

There are no more tournaments. Thanks for everyone who has participated!

Twitter Daily Raffle

UPDATE: Starting from 2020-03-27, please reply this new tweet with your player tag as there is a limit for how far we can search for comments (and thus raffle entries)

  • Reply to this tweet with your player tag for a chance to get the emote!
  • We will be giving out 5 emotes per day until the end of Season 9.
  • Make sure that you are following @RoyaleAPI so we can DM you and let you know that you have won!

Daily Raffle Winners

Date Twitter Player Tag
2020-03-04 @notSplxshz LQLPLQJJV
2020-03-04 @Kilk3X PPQUVLPG
2020-03-04 @CastleTruce GU00CYL0
2020-03-04 @Abraham44970476 9GY0VCG2U
2020-03-04 @Artimis404 8RLUCY82
2020-03-05 @WuFTv3oDcUEQE1a L0J9UCU9P
2020-03-05 @Puguhxleepy_CR 29CYLY2
2020-03-05 @butsche11 LJOJPJY
2020-03-05 @tomo53874020 880RUC2G
2020-03-05 @oXiCR 2GLCCQL8
2020-03-06 @DougSchorzman P8CRU0GR9
2020-03-06 @FrasaCR YLCQY2CY
2020-03-06 @22nomon 8YQ2CUR9
2020-03-06 @SrAleGG VYYYUYJ
2020-03-06 @cc_playzz L20Y0RJU
2020-03-07 @GALVEZCR1 8P2YVPLPL
2020-03-07 @stanandcats YQULU09YQ
2020-03-07 @GenRationXGamer 800L2892Y
2020-03-07 @piyopiyoyoyoy LLJC8CP2
2020-03-07 @Dannroda PQULCCJ0U
2020-03-08 @yijiawang0928 8LJLCQRUL
2020-03-08 @Antocalaz 2U0CJGYY2
2020-03-08 @AceThePro123 GV2YLYRC
2020-03-08 @Fabregas_FS 2GR0VGPYY
2020-03-08 @bakehokuX 8PPVPY28P
2020-03-09 @AndrxiiCR 8GC0J8U0
2020-03-09 @superbenzene YGPQUCCJ
2020-03-09 @A_ndryss 2C22JVG
2020-03-09 @channnnn66 98RR00CJ
2020-03-09 @hisoka_ 892GC2LY9
2020-03-10 @Constan34765658 89GVV099
2020-03-10 @DanAnto55458654 9J0C2VV0C
2020-03-10 @Logbait_JayDog 8JU9YUYUV
2020-03-10 @AAmirsalehi 9L08GVGYJ
2020-03-10 @HMate2006 2P9JQLY0V
2020-03-11 @cyankAmmm Q2LYYYLG
2020-03-11 @LucasHosner UVQPLLJJ
2020-03-11 @squirtlesemagua 28U2LYYGL
2020-03-11 @heywqp 9Y00LVCJP
2020-03-11 @Monterosso22 8QUPUCGPP
2020-03-12 @AMalarek 9Y9GQCY
2020-03-12 @marsigliaCR 9JPGRVU2P
2020-03-12 @Destiny_803 2VLQ99VUQ
2020-03-12 @sushantsxc PQ29GC0G
2020-03-12 @MobileMarkoni LU9RJCYQ
2020-03-13 @VBugaichuk 2YL8GPGVC
2020-03-13 @Luchonator1 882VVVC9
2020-03-13 @KasperStensberg 2QR0JG8GP
2020-03-13 @xx__anders__xx 20QQGRG28
2020-03-13 @MFredens QCQGPQ0J
2020-03-14 @Faizmobh 89J2VRR29
2020-03-14 @Daniel16800959 8CPLQPYU
2020-03-14 @MeBllaze 2YY99CCP9
2020-03-14 @AbyysArtorias CQ0JPPPU
2020-03-14 @Rahul54814162 9JYU9LOVV
2020-03-15 @cristian_cde 88QPLRY92
2020-03-15 @Phillta_phish PJJ9LU2R
2020-03-15 @shOkKUpANn PPJCYQVC0
2020-03-15 @Venerante 92J08P
2020-03-15 @AkshayPatelNL2 9YY000JCY
2020-03-16 @GoodGam12243923 Q0RYPC2G
2020-03-16 @Jay22445566 89VGUU2PV
2020-03-16 @pealogen 8YRULPPC2
2020-03-16 @yourkarthy 9YPRYL8C9
2020-03-16 @mr_kazolll P88CLUU0
2020-03-17 @Bass497 G0VYL9Y
2020-03-17 @KingHimavanth 82G82GCJL
2020-03-17 @Kevin78717426 2YRPJ8CLQ
2020-03-17 @Chriss1234561 PYQRGUGU2
2020-03-17 @Marioeldeverdad 88UQPJ0V
2020-03-18 @jagadishsahu48 2G28Q0GGU
2020-03-18 @Goga20952156 2RPUC02U8
2020-03-18 @AbshireMason Q8V82R0J
2020-03-18 @AveragePro1 2029VP8J
2020-03-18 @Yam64280410 P8V0PVYL8
2020-03-19 @Mizio3256 8RRR02CYP
2020-03-19 @omrizi 89UUJ8QJ
2020-03-19 @TssBritany 9R0C9PLP
2020-03-19 @AyushhKansal 9C9RLG99
2020-03-19 @redwiz89 9U20PPUV
2020-03-20 @nguynxu17863884 90UQ9UYP
2020-03-20 @NguynAn02271882 PG0G2G922
2020-03-20 @Chym92677254 8VVUPYR89
2020-03-20 @BiQuangNamHi1 8LRR9LYCJ
2020-03-20 @NguyenDucBao16 YGYQUPQ
2020-03-21 @supermaad RYCUYRR0
2020-03-21 @bloxiee 8CY22QJVV
2020-03-21 @Suhn_ 29LUYGUQQ
2020-03-21 @CalebXiao1 PCG8JCJL
2020-03-21 @Raymond32163199 2PP9Y2RJY
2020-03-22 @Tedsters1 UPLUG982
2020-03-22 @Darryljean1 20JLPGQ0G
2020-03-22 @19Xuanbach 88QYC9G0P
2020-03-22 @Back_Dr0p PU9CJRJ0J
2020-03-22 @marrkiic 8P8U8RPLJ
2020-03-23 @23nickjewa Y2G8PGJ8U
2020-03-23 @BangNguyenXuan JYQVVGGQ
2020-03-23 @djfabiofficial 88G02J9P
2020-03-23 @KRISHNAKKR10 Y00YGR9GJ
2020-03-23 @PyroBebop 8VPGRY
2020-03-24 @Imbroke64962375 R98GVG0R
2020-03-24 @ikachin2018 Y202RUPJG
2020-03-24 @PhAnhV6 9LLYC0JU
2020-03-24 @GingNhtTn3 9YY9CYVQJ
2020-03-24 @KLegend05416786 9P2002G22
2020-03-25 @fake_peanuts2 YU9R9QJJC
2020-03-25 @GianniLanese 9Q28RU2UC
2020-03-25 @Just_Rachjx YQVLVCU
2020-03-25 @boscotothemax 8VPJ2CGU
2020-03-25 @clashwithcat P9URV298
2020-03-26 @Ghost_InhaIe 2YC2CCV
2020-03-26 @Gankalf123 2U0GVRGU9
2020-03-26 @notagamer21 20CRCJQL2
2020-03-26 @WithJvc 289QUL8J8
2020-03-26 @DossAidan QU8UU809
2020-03-27 @MarufSilvy L9RPGOGY
2020-03-27 @konjeng_ YPCV9V09
2020-03-27 @JOJOleM2 2UVRJC2UL
2020-03-27 @AlstonIsaac VV2RRVJC
2020-03-27 @Ghost_InhaIe 2P0QL222J
2020-03-28 @Qr0yA PCGY20VY0
2020-03-28 @tungbsd PYGJYQPGG
2020-03-28 @SupBZachary P9V8P82
2020-03-28 @ehdyong GP298808
2020-03-28 @Hov2347EpbhVdHH PYYURYL0Y
2020-03-29 @zzh33643777 98GG8L89G
2020-03-29 @lv_nico1208 2U8LQ9GUV
2020-03-29 @yoshi_taisa VQURQURV
2020-03-29 @dalefraser P2P0RLPY
2020-03-29 @Aleem77777 9Q9R02U00
2020-03-30 @mellybean0 8LCUQGCYJ
2020-03-30 @diaa_k4 9u20j89g2
2020-03-30 @Ethan36237532 P8JJ9PPVP
2020-03-30 @LegitOOG 889RQ0V8C
2020-03-30 @aberiaCR PQULRGV2U
2020-03-31 @Xe8jE 2L909RUC2
2020-03-31 @taipy21_cr QCCU0RJL
2020-03-31 @Cong74336181 L8URGPUC
2020-03-31 @JD2482 90RG92Q8
2020-03-31 @HFan821 P2V8JVQYG
2020-04-01 @smallville159 209PL8LQU
2020-04-01 @BlazierThe RR9YJJU
2020-04-01 @LuisDada 8202QLPY
2020-04-01 @kRp9iE6CFDdfdYD PLCPGRUVV
2020-04-01 @Wileeem UL2GGYUR
2020-04-02 @vi0jay 8GL9P0CQ0
2020-04-02 @NgataiA QVJJP09
2020-04-02 @OmiJS 2G9QC880
2020-04-02 @Wilson54279827 YV0QU90GC
2020-04-02 @koropan_cr 8URCYR20
2020-04-03 @Adolfo75048319 8URVCLYVY
2020-04-03 @3x8RFBZaeqFkPFf Y8J92JCYC
2020-04-03 @prin_mary4869 P98QUUL0L
2020-04-03 @Airesu_Hog P2LGQ8CU
2020-04-03 @76bclarke 8LQ8Y9LGL
2020-04-03 @76bclarke 8LQ8Y9LGL
2020-04-04 @Josbel19304251 92CU8VLYU
2020-04-04 @RenCLASHROYALE 22R88GPVV
2020-04-04 @gresh13 8G82GPVQY
2020-04-04 @flokinj PUPP8CJG
2020-04-04 @Liahim PYR0QJVVJ

Want to know more about what’s new in Season 9? Check out our complete coverage to Season 9


giveaway update

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