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Work-in-progress Balance Changes for June 2024 (Season 60)

June 5, 2023 · 3 min read

These changes are not final — the balance team will take your feedback and decide on a finalized version.

balance wip

Work-in-progress Balance Changes for June 2024 (Season 60)

Work-in-progress balance changes are here! Supercell is interested in hearing what you think about these changes before finalizing them.

There are 12 different options here. All the items will go ahead, but Supercell presents two different options for Dagger Duchess. So which would you prefer? Option 11 or 12? Give your opinion below!

Table of Contents


Giant (Nerf)

Before After
Range -25% 1.60 Tiles 1.20 Tiles

Little Prince (Nerf)

Before After
Charge Damage -75% 399 Hit Points 99 Hit Points
First Hit Time +150% 0.200 Seconds 0.500 Seconds

Evolved Knight (Nerf)

Before After
HP Multiplier -9% 1.10 None 1.00 None

Evolved Tesla (Nerf)

Before After
Pulse Damage -23% 192 Hit Points 148 Hit Points
Pulse Stun -50% 1.00 Seconds 0.500 Seconds

Ram Rider (Buff)

Before After
Charge Distance -50% 3.00 Tiles 1.50 Tiles

Prince (Buff)

Before After
Charge Distance -50% 3.00 Tiles 1.50 Tiles

Spear Goblins (Buff)

Before After
First Hit Time -40% 0.500 Seconds 0.300 Seconds

Dart Goblin (Buff)

Before After
Damage +8% 131 Hit Points 142 Hit Points

Goblin Cage (Buff)

Before After
Cage HP +5% 742 Hit Points 780 Hit Points

Void (Rework)

Before After
First Hit Time +150% 0.400 Seconds 1.00 Seconds
Hit Speed +15% 0.667 Hits / Second 0.769 Hits / Second

Dagger Duchess Option 1 (Rework)

Before After
Damage -27% 153 Hit Points 112 Hit Points
Hit Speed +32% 0.606 Hits / Second 0.800 Hits / Second

Dagger Duchess Option 2 (Nerf)

Before After
Daggers Stored -25% 8.0 Daggers 6.0 Daggers


When will they be applied in the game?

They will arrive when the new update is out.

There is an update coming?

Yes, that’s why there weren’t many emotes included in this season’s sneak peek.

Where did you get this info?

As a Supercell Super Creator, we enjoy a few perks, such as having a creator code where you can support us, and getting advanced information about Clash Royale before everyone else.

Aren’t you Supercell? Maybe they pay you to share this info?

No. RoyaleAPI is an independent site made by a two-person team and supported by many volunteers. We are unrelated to Supercell, and we’re working on it simply because we love the community.

Who made RoyaleAPI?

You can read about that in our About Us page.

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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
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