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Royal Recruits Evolution - Season 51 (September 2023)

August 30, 2023 · 3 min read

Royal Recruits Evolution will be the latest Evolution card in Clash Royale. It will be available in Season 51 (September 2023).

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Royal Recruits Evolution - Clash Royale Season 51 (September 2023)

Royal Recruits are usually ranked as a weak and unpopular card, but next season they could join the meta due to their brand-new evolution.

Table of Contents

Evolution Stats

Royal Recruits Evolution stats are:

  • +12% Damage per Hit
  • +11% Hit Points (HP)

The HP buff only affects the recruit, so the Shield HP won’t change.

Royal Recruits Evolution - Clash Royale Season 51 (September 2023)

Evolution Ability: Charge!

When an evolved recruit loses his shield, he will start charging towards the nearest target. Upon impact, the recruit will deal extra damage.

Impact will affect a single target, like Prince, but dealing a lot less damage. Charge Damage will be similar to a Bowler hit.

This ability has the potential to transform this fairly passive troop into a quick offense, although you’ll depend on the opponent to remove the shield for the charge to take place.

Evolution Cycles

Royal Recruits need 1 Cycle to activate the evolution, so 1 in every 2 deploys will be evolved. This is similar to other expensive card evolutions, like Barbarians and Royal Giant, which also need 1 Cycle.

Royal Recruits Evolution - Clash Royale Season 51 (September 2023)

Given that Royal Recruits are the most expensive common card (7 Elixir), it could be challenging to cycle them quickly unless they are paired with very cheap cards.

Royal Recruits Evolution - Clash Royale Season 51 (September 2023)

Summary and Initial Impressions

We expect Royal Recruits to be one of the weakest evolutions on release. The base card isn’t great, and the ~10% HP and Damage buff is significantly lower than usual. As a quick comparison, these were the other evolution stat buffs on release:

Evolution HP DPS Ability
Skeletons +25% +25% B
Firecracker +43% - S
Royal Giant +30% - A
Mortar +20% +25% B
Knight +30% +45% S
Royal Recruits +11% +12% B?

Will the ability be enough to compensate the more measured buff? It seems unlikely, given that the ability doesn’t directly cover the biggest shortcomings of the regular card.

If you aren’t a fan of Royal Recruits, you shouldn’t be too worried about next season.

Evolution Release

The Royal Recruits Evolution will be released on September 4th.

Usually, card evolutions are released slightly before the end of the season, which is the first Monday of the month. As soon as this happens, you can unlock it with Wild Shards. After the new season begins, players who buy the Diamond Pass Royale get 6 Royal Recruit shards to unlock it.

Other ways to find Royal Recruit shards are:

  • Level Up chests
  • Season Shop (in a future seasons)
  • Shop Offers (in a future seasons)

Card Art

New card art for Royal Recruits Evolution, but no change for the regular recruits.

Royal Recruits Evolution - Clash Royale Season 51 (September 2023)


Are you excited about this new evolution? Which kind of decks will work best with it? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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