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Clash Royale League (CRL) 2022 FAQ

February 1, 2022 · 3 min read

Frequently asked questions about the Clash Royale League 2022.

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A few questions came up after Clash Royale league (CRL) 2022 was announced, and we’ve reached out to the Clash Royale team at Supercell to get some clarifications.

Special thanks to Max, Rick and Drew for taking the time to answer our questions.

Table of Contents

Will the Golden Ticket tournaments have invited players?

No. All players will join through open qualifiers.

Source: Supercell, via private channels

Do organizers have to guarantee a spot to all willing participants? Or will they be first-come-first-served?

The tournaments will be open to all of the players who register.

How this is done will depend on the tournament. But very generally speaking, the tournaments are expected to announce the qualification requirements of their tournaments, and then the players will need to register to participate. All players that want to participate and meet the requirements will be able to play in the qualifiers.

Source: Supercell, via private channels

Will duels be used for the tournament qualifiers? Or will these tournaments depend on in-game tournaments to qualify for the events?

Duels must be used for all stages. Since in-game tournaments do not support duels, they will likely not be used in the upcoming events.

Tournaments will rely on third-party app/tools or hold these qualifiers inside clans.

The tournament admins will be responsible and choose the format they feel is best for their tournaments.

Source: Supercell, via private channels

Who will get the Golden Ticket if the winner of a Golden Ticket event already has a Golden Ticket?

If the winner of a Golden ticket event already has a ticket, the runner-up (second-place winner) of the tournament will receive the ticket.

This means that players can compete in Golden Ticket events even if they have already won another.

Source: @rick_c_official

Are the four remaining Golden Ticket events finalized?

No. The four TBA events have not been finalized. Tournament organizers can still apply by emailing Supercell at

Source: @rick_c_official

Will there be tournaments that offer equal opportunities for players in Asia to participate? For example, will organizers make sure that their schedules are comfortable to players in APAC?

Nothing is confirmed yet, but the plan is for all players around to world to participate. Qualification schedules for all golden ticket tournaments will take into account of Asian countries.

Source: Supercell, via private channels

Will the World Finals be offline?

Supercell doesn’t rule out the possibility of an offline event, but it largely depends on the state of the pandemic.

Source: @rick_c_official

What were the driving forces for the format change from last year? In your opinion, what were the good aspects in 2021 and what didn’t go so well?

  • Give more to more players, provide a better experience for all
  • Good: Duels format
  • Bad: ladder grinding / burn out for some players. Not open enough.

Source: Supercell, via private channels

What are the main objectives for the new format in 2022?

  • Growing the ecosystem
  • Empowering all community projects
  • Better experience for the players
  • Clearer and more accessible path

Source: Supercell, via private channels

Should we expect new CRL formats every year?

It’s not the goal, no.

Source: Supercell, via private channels

Are there mechanisms in place to ensure that the organizers will pay the players their prizes in a timely fashion?

Supercell will be in direct contact with the organizers and will monitor the tournaments.

Source: Supercell, via private channels


Do you have any more questions about CRL that you would like answered? Leave a comment below and we’ll try to find out on your behalf.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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