Custom Achievement Badges - New Feature
Achievement badges on player profiles for players who have achieved something exceptional.
site esports
We’ve added custom achievement badges to player profiles today.
Custom Achievements
Badges on player profiles in Clash Royale has always been the best place to showcase a player’s best achievements, and we also mirrored these accolades on your player profiles on RoyaleAPI.
We’ve decided to spice things up a little by adding a few custom achievements to your trophy case. At launch, we’ve added CRL badges for every player who has participated in the 2021 season. At the moment, it mirrors your ranks on the CRL Leaderboard, but once Last Change Qualifier and World Finals are completed, we will update everyone’s ranks to your final positions.
See this in action on the player profile of Mohamed Light, the number one player right now on the CRL leaderboard!
RoyaleAPI Achievements
In addition to esports achievements, we will be rolling out a few achievements that can only be earned through RoyaleAPI. For now, you can check this out on Ramy’s player profile 👀
We hope that this would be a nice surprise!
In-Game Achievements
These custom achievements are only available on our site and are not available in-game, so please don’t message player support in-game and ask why you can’t see your CRL 2021 badge inside Clash Royale. 😅
We’re always happy to hear from you — use the comment section below or reach out directly on social media and tell us what you think!