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Balance Changes - 2022 April (Season 34)

March 29, 2022 · 4 min read

Balance Changes - Clash Royale 2022-04 Season 34 Update These balance changes will go live on Monday, April 4th, 2021. April 2022 [...]

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Balance Changes - Clash Royale 2022-04 Season 34 Update
Balance Changes - Clash Royale 2022-04 Season 34 Update

These balance changes will go live on Monday, April 4th, 2021.

Table of Contents

Elixir Collector (Rework)

Elixir Collector used to dominate the meta in the first two years of the game. After some significant nerfs over the years, it has gone out of style and has suffered from lower usage in recent years.

After the rework, Elixir Collector will generate elixir at a slower rate, but in return gained a guaranteed elixir at destruction. It will generate the same amount of Elixir as before (8) except the last elixir is always guaranteed (7 + 1).

Before After
Elixir at Destruction 0 1
Lifetime 70 sec 65 sec
Elixir Generation 8.5 sec 9.0 sec

Electro Giant (Rework)

Electro Giant is punishing to play against if you don’t carry a building in your deck. Since his introduction, the Clash Royale balance team has been resistant to lower his elixir cost. After balances, his Elixir cost will be reduced from 8 to 7, but will have lower HP and damages. His reflection damage remains the same as before, which is the same as a Zap spell.

Before After
Elixir 8 7
Hitpoints -15% HP
Hitpoints Level 11 4160 3536
Hitpoints Level 14 5512 4685
Damage -15%
Damage Level 11 192 163
Damage Level 14 254 216

Mirror (Buff)

Mirror has been a weak card for a long time. After balances, it will gain a huge buff — cards will gain +2 level instead of +1. This will definitely shake up the meta!

Side Note: This was made possible with the new client — which enabled new multipliers supporting levels up til 19… I can’t help but wonder if if we might see some interesting game modes in the future…

Before After
Level +1 +2

Golden Knight (Buff)

The previous nerf for Golden Knight (range from 6 to 5) was overly harsh, and GK was immediately kicked out of the meta. This buff will revert part of the previous nerf.

Before After
Range 5 6

Giant Skeleton (Buff)

Giant Skeleton has not had a place in the meta for a long time. By increasing his hit speed and HP, the Clash Royale balance team wishes to make him a viable win condition, and has added more survivability for him to reach the towers more easily

Before After
Hit Time +0.1 sec faster (7%) 1.5 sec 1.4 sec
Hitpoints (HP) + 7%
Hitpoints Level 11 3360 3600
Hitpoints Level 14 4425 4770

Archers (Buff)

Archers have not seen a lot of usage besides being a mainstay in X-Bow 2.9 cycle. They will be getting a slight Hit Speed buff.

Before After
Hit Speed +0.1 sec faster (9%) 1.2 sec 1.1 sec

Ice Spirit (Buff)

Ever since Electro Spirit was introduced, Ice Spirit has not seen as much light in the day anymore. By having a longer freeze duration, the Clash Royale team hopes that it will give Ice Spirit a bit more distinctive use. In turn, IS will be better for longer unit control, while Electro Spirit will be more suitable for area control with shorter stun and retarget.

Before After
Freeze Duration + 0.3 sec (+30%) 1 sec 1.3 sec

Tombstone (Nerf)

After the last buff, Tombstone has become repressively strong. After balances, it will spawn Skeletons slower, thus making it less defensive than it is now.

Before After
Spawn Rate 0.2 sec slower (+5%)
Spawn Pause 3.3 sec 3.5 sec

Ram Rider (Nerf)

Ram Rider’s slower effect feels a tad bit strong. After balances, the Bola Snare effects will be reduced from -85% to -70%. It will still be effective in defense, just not as effective as it is right now.

Before After
Bola Snare -85% -70%

Archer Queen (Nerf)

AQ is dominant in the arena despite all the previous nerfs. After balances, her ability will get 10% less of a Hit Speed Boost than before.

Before After
Hit Speed Boost +200% +180%

Graveyard (Nerf)

Graveyard has been slowly gaining strength after the buff of Giant and a significant nerf to Mother Witch. To tone down its dominance in the meta, one Skeleton (Barry) will be removed from the spawn.

Before After
Skeleton Spawn 15 14

Valkyrie (Nerf)

Valkyrie has been one of the most used mini-tank in the game for a long time. She will be getting a minor HP nerf to give room for other mini tanks to shine

Before After
Hitpoints (HP) -4%
Hitpoints Level 11 1992 1908
Hitpoints Level 14 2641 2529

Mega Knight (Nerf)

Designed to be an easy-to-use Legendary troop, Mega Knight has been a menace in Mid Ladder for a long time. With swarms and Elite Barbarians forming a core part of the meta in the lower arena, Mega Knight’s spawn damage can often destroy an entire push at the bridge before starting a counter-attack on the other side of the river.

With this nerf, player will need to time their deployment a bit more carefully; and consider adding more support cards in order to counter an opponent’s push.

Note: only spawn damage is adjusted — his other stats are untouched!

Before After
Spawn Damage -20% 444 355
Spawn Damage Level 11 537 429
Spawn Damage Level 11 710 568


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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