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Final Balance Changes for August 2023 (Season 50)

August 3, 2023 · 3 min read

These balances will be applied on August 8, 2023, Tuesday.

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Final Balance Changes for August 2023 (Season 50)

Final balance changes are here! These balances will go live after a maintenance break on August 8, 2023, Tuesday. The time for this maintenance is never announced, but based on past experiences, usually it happens around 10am UTC.

There are 7 balances in total — 1 rework, 3 buffs and 3 nerfs.

Table of Contents

Skeleton Evolution (Rework)

Compared to the rest of the evolved cards, Skeleton Evolution is not seeing a lot of use. This rework will make him more viable.

Before After
Cycle +33% 3 2
Max Count -25% 8 6

Goblin Giant (Buff)

Supercell wanted players to consider more variety of Win Conditions. Goblin Giant is getting a buff because of that.

Before After
Hit Points +6.0% 1967 2085
Hit Points Level 11 3147 3336
Hit Points Level 14 4170 4420

Battle Ram (Buff)

Same reason as above — Battle Ram does not see a lot of use as a win condition, so it’s getting a buff.

New: Battle Ram will additionally gain an HP buff because the additional charge distance is not enough of a buff.

Before After
Charge Distance -14.3% 0.35 tile 0.3 tile
Hit Points +6.0% 430 456
Hit Points Level 11 911 966
Hit Points Level 14 1208 1281

Tesla (Buff)

As an attempt to offset the popularity of Bomb Tower, Tesla will gain a bit of Hit Speed. In turn, getting higher DPS (+9%) when hitting units.

Before After
Hit Time 8.3% shorter 1.2 sec 1.1 sec
Hit Speed 9% faster 1/1.2 sec-1 1/1.1 sec-1
DPS +9% DMG/1.2 sec-1 DMG/1.1 sec-1

Firecracker Evolution (Nerf)

Many people feel that Firecracker Evolution is too strong. She’ll get an HP nerf after balances, but still won’t die to Arrows. I know that the balance team likes to do small nerfs. Let’s hope that it is enough, and if it’s not in the live action, be willing to nerf her health further.

The following changes were removed from the Firecracker changes:

  • Big Sparks Duration change
  • Small Sparks Duration change

Additional changes:

  • Additional attack pushback is removed. Before: +133%, after: +100% (same as regular Firecracker)
  • HP is further reduced. Before: +133%, after: +130%. (Still survives Arrows)

HP reduction is changed from 119 to

Before After
Hit Points -9.1% 170 154
Hit Points Level 11 435 394
Hit Points Level 14 576 522
Attack Pushback -24.8% 1.995 1.5

Royal Giant Evolution (Nerf)

The initial hit point buff was +30%. It was quickly nerfed to +20%. This balance now changes RG Evolution to +10%.

Before After
Hit Points -8.3% 1440 1320
Hit Points Level 11 3686 3379
Hit Points Level 14 4881 4474

Mighty Miner (Nerf)

Mighty Miner continues to be one of the most popular champions in the game. Besides being an able defender, his lane-switching abilities allows him to be a strong attacker, especially during end-game. My increasing his Damage Duration, it will now take longer for him to charge up to full damage.

Note: Damage Duration is the time for Mighty Miner’s variable damage to charge from 0 to max completely.

Before After
Damage Duration 1 +12.5% 2 sec 2.25 sec
Damage Duration 2 +12.5% 2 sec 2.25 sec
Total Damage Duration +12.5% 4 sec 4.5 sec


What do you think about these final balance changes? Leave your comments in the discussion below.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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