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Leaderboard Decks - February 5 - End of January 2024 Season 55

February 7, 2024 · 17 min read

January 2024 season has concluded, and we now have the top decks used by the players on the global leaderboard at the end of the season. Check them out!

leaderboard decks

Leaderboard Decks - February 5 - End of January 2024 Season 55

Explore the decks utilized by top players in Season 55 of January 2024. We show the player’s in-game names together with their standardized player names used in our Esports Database, plus direct links to their profiles and Twitter accounts.

To view the top decks of the Top 200 players, complete with card filters and tower troops, head to Leaderboard Decks 2024-01.

This season, instead of showing the last deck played on Path of Legends, we looked at the last 25 battles played by the player, then determined the decks that they used to win the most. This makes the decks more representative of the player’s actual playstyle and deck preferences.

Table of Contents

Global Top 100

Leaderboard Decks - February 5 - End of January 2024 Season 55

1 (1). Jorge Luis - 4011

Giant GY
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Dark Prince Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

2 (2). Mohamed Light - 4010

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

3 (3). Mohamed Light - 4008

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

4 (4). Mohamed Light - 4002

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

5 (5). Mohamed Light - 3975

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

6 (6). Samuel Bassotto - 3965

EvoMortar Miner Poison 2.9 Cycle
Mortar Miner Little Prince Poison Minions Guards Ice Spirit The Log

7 (7). Makotsu - 3947

Giant GY
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Dark Prince Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

8 (8). Pompeyo - 3941

Loon Miner MegaM Rage
Knight Balloon Miner Little Prince Mega Minion Goblin Cage Arrows Rage

9 (9). Alaa - 3934

EGiant Bowler MW Nado
Knight Electro Giant Little Prince Bowler Mother Witch Lightning Tornado Cannon

10 (10). LucasXGamer - 3926

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

11 (11). God - 3921

GY BBD Nado Control
Knight Graveyard Little Prince Baby Dragon Poison Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

12 (12). KickAsh - 3906

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

13 (13). Chest on Chest - 3900

WB GobDrill Ghost 2.8 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Royal Ghost Poison Bandit Bomber

14 (14). Makotsu - 3893

Giant GY
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Dark Prince Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

15 (15). Taa - 3892

Giant GY
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Dark Prince Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

16 (16). Kuri - 3892

RHogs 2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Royal Hogs Little Prince Earthquake Ice Spirit Royal Delivery The Log Cannon

17 (17). Star Light - 3889

GY BBD Nado Control
Knight Graveyard Little Prince Baby Dragon Poison Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

18 (18). Ryley - 3881

WB GobDrill Ghost 2.8 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Royal Ghost Poison Bandit Bomber

19 (19). Dominik - 3876

LavaLoon Miner ID
Skeletons Lava Hound Balloon Miner Inferno Dragon Minions Bomber Arrows

20 (20). SandBox - 3861

WB GobDrill Ghost 2.8 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Royal Ghost Poison Bandit Bomber

21 (21). Pedro - 3856

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

22 (22). Morten - 3852

WB Miner Poison Bats 2.9 Cycle
Knight Wall Breakers Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Bats Bomb Tower

23 (23). Luminary - 3844

EvoMortar Miner Horde MW
Mortar Miner Little Prince Minion Horde Mother Witch Knight Fireball Guards

24 (24). Butterfly - 3836

LavaLoon SD FM
Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Flying Machine Skeleton Dragons Bomber Arrows Giant Snowball

25 (25). Rakan - 3831

LavaLoon Miner ID
Skeletons Lava Hound Balloon Miner Inferno Dragon Minions Bomber Arrows

26 (26). Pedro - 3828

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

27 (27). Pedro - 3827

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

28 (28). SandBox - 3814

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Lightning Fisherman Minions Arrows

29 (29). Hadi - 3808

GobG Double Prince
Archers Goblin Giant Prince Little Prince Dark Prince Fireball Goblin Gang Zap

30 (30). Matsumoton - 3806

GY Control
Knight Graveyard Little Prince Poison Guards Arrows Ice Spirit Inferno Tower

31 (31). Morten - 3804

WB Miner Poison MW Bats
Knight Wall Breakers Miner Mother Witch Poison Goblins Bats Bomb Tower

32 (32). Carl the Legend - 3791

LavaLoon SD MegaM
Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Skeleton Dragons Mega Minion Guards Arrows Giant Snowball

33 (33). Adnan - 3791

RHogs 3.0 Cycle
Knight Royal Hogs Little Prince Earthquake Goblins Royal Delivery The Log Cannon

34 (34). Kazutoon - 3789

EGiant Bowler Nado
Knight Electro Giant Little Prince Bowler Lightning Tornado Barbarian Barrel Cannon

35 (35). Ian77 - 3785

RHogs 2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Royal Hogs Little Prince Earthquake Ice Spirit Royal Delivery The Log Cannon

36 (36). Mattu - 3781

GobG Double Prince
Bats Goblin Giant Prince Little Prince Dark Prince Fireball Goblin Gang Zap

37 (37). Star Light - 3775

GY BBD Nado Control
Knight Graveyard Little Prince Baby Dragon Poison Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

38 (38). Eragon - 3769

X-Bow 3.0 Cycle
Knight X-Bow Little Prince Fireball Skeletons Electro Spirit The Log Tesla

39 (39). Pogo - 3764

WB Miner Horde Log Bait
Barbarians Wall Breakers Goblin Barrel Miner Minion Horde Princess Goblin Gang The Log

40 (40). Hichigo - 3762

EvoMortar SkeleBarrel Bait 3.0 Cycle
Mortar Skeleton Barrel Little Prince Knight Fireball Goblin Gang Spear Goblins The Log

41 (41). Eragon - 3758

X-Bow 3.0 Cycle
Knight X-Bow Little Prince Fireball Skeletons Electro Spirit The Log Tesla

42 (42). Asaf - 3755

WB Miner Poison MW Bats
Knight Wall Breakers Miner Mother Witch Poison Goblins Bats Bomb Tower

43 (43). Boss - 3754

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Lightning Fisherman Minions Arrows

44 (44). Butterfly - 3753

LavaLoon SD FM
Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Flying Machine Skeleton Dragons Bomber Arrows Giant Snowball

45 (45). Bansito - 3751

EvoRG Phoenix Bowler
Royal Giant Phoenix Bowler Lightning Fisherman Goblins Electro Spirit The Log

46 (46). HERO - 3750

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Bomb Tower

47 (47). Symbolism - 3748

Pekka Bandit Bridge Spam Ghost
Archers Battle Ram P.E.K.K.A Little Prince Royal Ghost Poison Bandit Zap

48 (48). El Rodris - 3740

LH Miner Double Dragon
Barbarians Lava Hound Miner Inferno Dragon Fireball Skeleton Dragons Bomber Zap

49 (49). JorZ - 3738

EvoMortar SkeleBarrel Bait 3.0 Cycle
Mortar Skeleton Barrel Little Prince Knight Fireball Goblin Gang Spear Goblins The Log

50 (50). Dess - 3736

GY Double Dragon Bowler Freeze
Knight Graveyard Little Prince Baby Dragon Inferno Dragon Bowler Tornado Freeze

51 (51). عبادي - 3729

GobG Bowler FishBoy Rage
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Fisherman Minions Arrows Rage

52 (52). Ardentoas - 3727

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Little Prince Bowler Lightning Fisherman Minions Arrows

53 (53). Take - 3726

GobG Sparky Hunter
Knight Goblin Giant Sparky Little Prince Lightning Hunter Barbarian Barrel Giant Snowball

54 (54). NateJ - 3718

Miner Poison MW 2.9 Cycle
Knight Miner Mother Witch Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

55 (55). Forme - 3716

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Fisherman Fireball Mega Minion Arrows

56 (56). The Storm - 3707

Giant GY Bowler
Archers Graveyard Giant Bowler Minions Guards Arrows Giant Snowball

57 (57). Zodiac - 3704

Golem EDrag Nado Pump
Barbarians Golem Little Prince Battle Healer Electro Dragon Tornado Barbarian Barrel Elixir Collector

58 (58). Kodigo - 3703

WB Miner Poison MW Bats
Knight Wall Breakers Miner Mother Witch Poison Goblins Bats Bomb Tower

59 (59). Jorge Luis - 3702

Giant GY
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Dark Prince Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

60 (60). Andrés - 3702

LavaLoon SD MegaM
Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Fireball Skeleton Dragons Mega Minion Guards Zap

61 (61). Angelib - 3693

WB GobDrill Ghost 2.8 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Royal Ghost Poison Bandit Bomber

62 (62). Jonah - 3691

WB GobDrill 2.9 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Poison Bomber Royal Delivery Bomb Tower

63 (63). Pandora - 3686

RHogs 2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Royal Hogs Little Prince Earthquake Ice Spirit Royal Delivery The Log Cannon

64 (64). Ryley - 3685

Bait 2.9 Cycle
Knight Goblin Barrel Rocket Princess Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Cannon

65 (65). Hunter - 3677

X-Bow IWiz Nado
Knight X-Bow Rocket Ice Wizard Tornado Skeletons The Log Tesla

66 (66). Juuso14 - 3674

GobG Sparky Rage
Knight Goblin Giant Sparky Little Prince Mini P.E.K.K.A Minions Arrows Rage

67 (67). Viiper - 3674

Hog Evo Valk Execnado Control
Valkyrie Hog Rider Rocket Executioner Goblins Tornado Ice Spirit The Log

68 (68). Crazy Hulk - 3658

Giant GY Bowler
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Bowler Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

69 (69). Friend - 3656

LavaLoon ID
Knight Lava Hound Balloon Inferno Dragon Minions Bomber Arrows Giant Snowball

70 (70). Agony King - 3655

GobG Sparky Nado Rage
Knight Goblin Giant Sparky Mini P.E.K.K.A Fireball Minions Tornado Rage

71 (71). Droy - 3653

RHogs AQ 2.9 Cycle
Skeletons Royal Hogs Archer Queen Earthquake Ice Spirit Royal Delivery The Log Cannon

72 (72). Crazy Hulk - 3647

EvoRG Phoenix Bowler Rage
Royal Giant Phoenix Bowler Fisherman Fireball Goblins Electro Spirit Rage

73 (73). SandBox - 3647

WB GobDrill Ghost 2.8 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Royal Ghost Poison Bandit Bomber

74 (74). Hanazono - 3641

RamRider MK EWiz ID
Knight Ram Rider Mega Knight Inferno Dragon Poison Electro Wizard Barbarian Barrel Giant Snowball

75 (75). Eyes Gon Wong - 3639

GS Sparky MW Clone
Bats Skeleton Barrel Giant Skeleton Sparky Mother Witch Bomber Tornado Clone

76 (76). Mugi - 3638

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

77 (77). Akaza - 3635

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Lightning Fisherman Minions Arrows

78 (78). Nicolas - 3634

EvoRG Phoenix Bowler Rage
Royal Giant Phoenix Bowler Fisherman Fireball Goblins Electro Spirit Rage

79 (79). Lord Sebastian - 3633

GobG Evo RR FishBoy Rage
Royal Recruits Goblin Giant Little Prince Fisherman Fireball Goblins Minions Rage

80 (80). Ghawk49 - 3633

EGiant Evo RR Bowler ID
Royal Recruits Electro Giant Inferno Dragon Bowler Mother Witch Fireball Tornado Barbarian Barrel

81 (81). Shoaib - 3633

Giant Sparky Wiz Pump
Barbarians Giant Sparky Wizard Goblin Gang Minions Zap Elixir Collector

82 (82). 凡夫俗子 - 3629

3M EBarbs Ghost Rage
Knight Three Musketeers Little Prince Elite Barbarians Royal Ghost Heal Spirit Rage Elixir Collector

83 (83). Tekuno - 3624

Knight Graveyard Little Prince Poison Guards Arrows Barbarian Barrel Bomb Tower

84 (84). Z - 3624

RHogs 2.8 Cycle
Skeletons Royal Hogs Little Prince Poison Ice Spirit Royal Delivery The Log Cannon

85 (85). Yahir - 3623

EvoRG Phoenix Bowler
Royal Giant Phoenix Bowler Royal Ghost Fisherman Fireball Electro Spirit The Log

86 (86). Prince Thomas - 3619

RG Evo RR Bowler SD
Royal Recruits Royal Giant Bowler Mother Witch Fisherman Skeleton Dragons Arrows Barbarian Barrel

87 (87). Abass - 3618

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Lightning Fisherman Minions Arrows

88 (88). Hypno - 3617

Valk Bait 2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Barrel Rocket Valkyrie Dart Goblin Goblins Fire Spirit Ice Spirit

89 (89). Alik - 3615

Giant Sparky Wiz Pump
Barbarians Giant Sparky Wizard Goblin Gang Minions Zap Elixir Collector

90 (90). JUNINHO BR - 3612

GobG Sparky Rage
Knight Goblin Giant Sparky Little Prince Mini P.E.K.K.A Minions Arrows Rage

91 (91). Sazandora - 3612

Giant GY Bowler
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Bowler Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

92 (92). African Cycle - 3611

Hog FC 2.6 Cycle
Knight Hog Rider Earthquake Firecracker Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

93 (93). LucasXGamer - 3610

EvoMortar Miner Poison 2.9 Cycle
Mortar Miner Little Prince Poison Minions Guards Ice Spirit The Log

94 (94). Darkside - 3607

Giant Loon Bowler SD
Barbarians Balloon Giant Little Prince Bowler Skeleton Dragons Arrows Giant Snowball

95 (95). Justina - 3606

EvoMortar Nado 3.0 Cycle
Mortar Little Prince Rocket Knight Goblins Tornado Ice Spirit The Log

96 (96). Sweep - 3605

GobG Bowler FishBoy
Knight Goblin Giant Bowler Mother Witch Lightning Fisherman Minions Arrows

97 (97). Cristian - 3602

Giant GY
Archers Graveyard Giant Little Prince Dark Prince Minions Arrows Giant Snowball

98 (98). Rolex - 3601

WB GobDrill 2.9 Cycle
Skeletons Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Little Prince Poison Bomber Royal Delivery Bomb Tower

99 (99). Yuta - 3591

Hog MM 2.9 Cycle
Firecracker Hog Rider Mighty Miner Earthquake Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

100 (100). Hajime - 3585

Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle
Knight Miner Little Prince Poison Goblins Ice Spirit The Log Tesla

Global Top 1000 without Evolution Cards

Leaderboard Decks - February 5 - End of January 2024 Season 554

1 (153). Issei - 3433

RamRider Pekka EWiz BBD
Ram Rider P.E.K.K.A Baby Dragon Lightning Electro Wizard Bandit Barbarian Barrel Giant Snowball

2 (361). Superkey Aikoka - 3148

GS GY FishBoy MW
Graveyard Giant Skeleton Little Prince Mother Witch Fisherman Arrows Tornado Tombstone

3 (398). Destroyer - 3122

EGolem Phoenix EDrag Nado
Elixir Golem Phoenix Battle Healer Electro Dragon Mirror Arrows Tornado Tombstone

4 (421). Rambooo - 3108

Hog EBarbs Horde Freeze
Hog Rider Elite Barbarians Minion Horde Executioner Goblin Gang Tornado Freeze Zap

5 (480). Leo - 3062

Hog GS IWiz Control
Hog Rider Miner Giant Skeleton Skeleton Army Princess Ice Wizard Arrows Inferno Tower

6 (488). 剡✨火王Fireking✨ - 3057

GY IWiz BBD Nado
Graveyard Baby Dragon Knight Poison Ice Wizard Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

7 (532). Gian - 3034

Golem NW MegaM Fireball
Golem Mini P.E.K.K.A Night Witch Fireball Mega Minion Bomber Arrows Tornado

8 (543). Violet - 3031

MK Miner ID Bats
Miner Skeleton Barrel Mega Knight Inferno Dragon Goblin Gang Spear Goblins Bats Zap

9 (545). Star Alex - 3030

Giant Loon Horde Bait
Balloon Giant Minion Horde Skeleton Army Minions Arrows Spear Goblins Freeze

10 (731). Destroyer - 3001

EGolem Phoenix EDrag Nado
Elixir Golem Phoenix Battle Healer Electro Dragon Mirror Arrows Tornado Tombstone

11 (754). Criticise - 2997

LavaLoon Miner Horde
Lava Hound Balloon Miner Minion Horde Minions Bomber Guards Arrows

12 (759). Carlin - 2995

Monk Loon Execnado Control
Balloon Miner Monk Executioner Goblins Tornado Zap Bomb Tower

13 (874). Zen - 2953

Giant Sparky Nado
Giant Goblin Barrel Sparky Minions Ice Golem Spear Goblins Tornado Giant Snowball


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
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