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Valkyrie Evolution - January 2023 (Season 55)

December 24, 2023 · 4 min read

Valkyrie Evolution will be the first Rare evolution in Clash Royale.

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Ice Spirit Evolution - Clash Royale December 2023 (Season 54)

We are expecting a very windy start for 2024, with an unusually high amount of tornadoes. The cause? Experts are blaming Dark Elixir!

Table of Contents

Valkyrie Evolution

Valkyrie is the 11th evolution to be released in Clash Royale. Until now, all the cards that could evolve had common rarity, so Valkyrie is the first card to break this pattern. Rare evolution shards are slightly more valuable than Common shards, but there isn’t a significant difference:

Rarity Overflow to Cards EWC Value
Common 1,000 1,000
Rare 250 1,250
Epic 40 800
Legendary 4 6,000
Champion 4 16,000

Evolution Shards don’t shine for their exchange value, but their main purpose is obviously to unlock evolutions. As far as we know, a higher rarity won’t make them harder to obtain.

What does the evolved Valkyrie do? The card description says the following:

If you thought her battle cry was scary... wait until you see her new axe!

Evolved Valkyrie draws all enemies towards her with each swing.

Evolution Stats

Just like last month with Ice Spirit, the evolved version of Valkyrie keeps the same troop stats that the normal Valkyrie has. This puts the spotlight on the evolution ability instead of raw stats, allowing for a more interesting change that isn’t purely based on additional strength.

Valkyrie Evolution Card Info - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

Evolution Ability: Spin Wind!

Whenever the evolved Valkyrie swings her axe against a ground target, she creates a small tornado that draws opponent troops towards her and deals some additional damage. This tornado affects both ground and air troops.

Valkyrie Evolution Spin Wind Range - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

Compared to the normal Tornado, this is a shorter one that deals less damage, but has the same radius. You can think of it as a single tick of an underlevelled tornado. Why?

  • It deals all the damage in a single tick
  • It doesn’t deal enough damage to kill Bats or Skeletons with that single tick
Troop HP or Damage Hit Points
Valkyrie Spin Wind 76
Bats HP 81
Skeletons HP 81
1 Tornado Tick 84
Full Tornado 168

Given that the Spin Wind damage is done on top of the usual axe damage, it’s worth looking at the difference in damage output. Overall, you’ll see +28% DPS for ground troops.

The tornado effect seems very useful against tower-targeting troops, but it can also backfire if you draw too many damage sources towards your Valkyrie, and she ends up dying faster.

This is a head-to-head comparison with the Tornado spell:

Stat Spin Wind Tornado
Radius 5.5 tiles 5.5 tiles
Duration 0.5 seconds 1 second
Damage Ticks 1 2
Damage / Tick 76 84
Total Damage 76 168
Tower Damage 33 58

Like the Tornado, Spin Wind does reduced damage to enemy towers, 33 HP at tournament level. This is how close she needs to get to the tower to deal damage:

Valkyrie Evolution Spin Wind Range - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

Valkyrie Evolution Spin Wind Range - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

Evolution Cycles

Valkyrie needs 2 Cycles to activate the evolution, so 1 in every 3 deploys will be evolved. This seems consistent with the only other 4-elixir evolution: Mortar.

So at the moment all evolutions with elixir cost of 4 or less have 2 cycles, and those with 5 or more have 1 cycle.

Evolution Release

The Valkyrie Evolution will be released on January 1st, with the start of the year and the new season.

Usually, card evolutions are released slightly before the end of the season, which is the first Monday of the month. As soon as this happens, you can unlock it with Wild Shards. After the new season begins, players who buy the Diamond Pass Royale get 6 Valkyrie shards to unlock it.

Other ways to find Bats shards are:

  • Level Up chests
  • Season Shop (in a future seasons)
  • Shop Offers (in a future seasons)

Card Art

Valkyrie Evolution Card Art - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)


Are you excited about this new evolution? Which kind of decks will work best with it? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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