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Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

December 29, 2023 · 5 min read

Learn everything about Cannoneer, the new Clash Royale Tower Troop card. Stats, how to unlock it and best ways to level it up.

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Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

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The King’s cousin is entering the arena the first day of 2024. This is the first Tower Troop that will be available to replace Tower Princess.

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

Tower Troops recap

Tower Troops are used to defend your crown towers. Each Tower Troop has different stats and attacks, so you’ll have to decide which is the best fit for your deck.

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

Like other cards, Tower Troops have to be levelled up, by spending cards, gold and EWCs. The level of your Tower Troops will be capped by the current level of your King Tower. You can still upgrade Tower Troops over that level, but you won’t be able to use that advantage until your King Tower also levels up.

Tower troops can be used in 1v1 and 2v2 battles, but not in Duels, Ban-Pick Duels or CW2.


Cannoneer is an Epic rarity Tower Troop. He has a huge metal cannon that can shoot at air and ground troops. The card descriptions says the following:

Slow but powerful. What could be better than a giant cannon on your Tower?

Cannoneer Stats

His cannon deals a lot of damage, almost 4 times more damage than a Tower Princess arrow, but it also shoots much slower.

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

Let’s compare it directly with the Tower Princess:

Stat Tower Princess Cannoneer Change
HP 3052 2616 -14%
Damage 109 422 x3.87
Hit Speed 1.25 0.42 x0.33
DPS 136 176 +29%
Range 7.5 7.5* -

The total damage per second (DPS) is higher, meaning that it should be better to defend against big troops. The slower hit speed means that it will have more trouble against swarmy troops.

Cannoneer needs some time to reload his cannon, that’s why the hit speed is lower. Even if there are no enemies in sight, he still reloads to be prepared for his next attack. This means that his first hit time will be quite fast, even faster than a Tower Princess.

As a drawback to the increase in DPS, the tower will have less hit points. It will also have reduced sight range towards the sides, making it harder to lure troops into the area in which both towers target them. We’ll share more details about this in the next section.

Taking these changes into account, we expect new tower troops like Cannoneer to become great in some archetypes, maybe even new archetypes that don’t exist yet. You can’t simply swap your Tower Princess and play as before, you’ll need to build decks that take advantage of the new strengths and cover its weaknesses.

Cannoneer Sight Range

It seems that Cannoneer has a narrower sight range than Tower Princess. This is the range in which Cannoneer notices an enemy troop and starts shooting.

We tested some placements with Miners and Goblin Barrels, to see which hit boxes were noticed and which weren’t. These were the results:

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

There seems to be a vertical boundary that limits the sight range, slightly past the middle of the arena. It’s worth noting that once a troop is noticed within sight, the Cannoneer will keep shooting as long as it remains in the shooting range, which is still the full circle.

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

For example, a troop that starts in A is only targeted by the left tower. If it moves to point B, it remains in the shooting range of both towers, but now also is in the sight range of the right tower, which will start shooting as well. This basically means that if you can pull troops to the opposite side, both towers wil still engage, but just getting them near the centre won’t be enough.

An interesting change from this new sigh range affects Miner; he’ll now be able to spawn in the inner side of the tower without being targeted by the other tower.

How to unlock and level up: Tower Troop Chests

As we discussed with the update blog, you can earn all the Tower Princess cards you need in your Level Up chests. But what about other Tower Troops?

There is a new kind of chest that will be added to the chest cycle, the Tower Troop Chest. These will be added throughout your chest cycle. How many? For level 13 kings, it will be 1 every 9 chests, and for level 14+ kings it will be 1 every 7 chests.

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop

These chests have a fairly strange mechanic, because they don’t have unlock times. As soon as you earn one, you can open it.

How big are they? These chests reach their maximum size after reaching arena 15 (5,000 trophies), with an average of 20 cards (from 15 to 25). Below that arena, chests will be a bit smaller.

Just 20 common cards doesn’t sound great, that’s worse than a silver chest... but you have a 25% chance to get an epic rarity chest! If the chest turns out to have epic rarity, you’ll still get 20 cards on average, but the cards will be Cannoneers (epic) instead of Tower Princesses (common).

Cannoneer, the new Tower Troop
If you advance though the chest cycle consistently, you can expect to get around 15 Tower Troop Chests per month, so around 4 chests with Cannoneer. That gives you around 80 Cannoneer cards per month. Given that you need 426 cards to max an epic, maxing Cannoneer could take around 6 months.

There might be other ways to earn them in the future, to level him up faster. This is just what you can expect from the chest cycle.

The only drawback or minor inconvenience from this instant unlock system is that you’ll often have to win an additional battle to fill all your chest slots.

Looking at long term progression, all these chests will be converted into EWCs. Given that they unlock instantly, they will boost the overall chest cycle rewards by around 3%.


Do you think new Tower Troops will change how decks are made? What new trends and strategies will we see? Share your guesses below!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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