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Season 16: Balance Changes, Electro Spirit + Electro Giant (2 New Cards), Shocktober Update

October 9, 2020 · 4 min read

Balance Changes Balances will be live on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. Discuss on Reddit Musketeer (Nerf) Before After First Hit +60% [...]

Balance Changes

Balance Changes - Clash Royale Season 15, September 2020

Balances will be live on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. Discuss on Reddit

Musketeer (Nerf)

Before After
First Hit +60% Slower 0.5 sec 0.8 sec
  • Many players have already noticed that Musketeer has been dominant in the meta — in both regular play as well as competitive play.
  • Supercell has decided to reduce her “First Hit Speed” to make her feel more like a high damage troop, and to distinguish her from other long ranged high hit speed troops like Archers, Dart Goblins and Magic Archer.
  • First Hit Speed is the time needed for a unit to make their first hit after walking or being deployed.
  • As Three Musketeers are composed of 3 Musketeers, this nerf also affects these three ladies.
  • This parameter is not present on the card info screen in the current game UI, but it has a signficant impact on a card’s performance.
  • Noting the importance of these values, the Clash Royale team is planning to improve the card info screens and to add more of these useful but currently hidden values in future updates.

Skeleton Dragons (Nerf)

Before After
Hit Time +12% Slower 1.7 sec 1.9 sec
Hit Speed -11% Slower 1 / 1.7 sec 1 / 1.9 sec
DPS -11% 133/1.7
  • Skeleton Dragons got nerfed in Season 13, but that hasn’t affected their use rates and win rates, so they are getting a Hit Speed nerf in Season 16.
  • As usual, care should be taken when discussing Hit Speed in Clash Royale. The game info screen expresses this number in seconds, which is technically the time interval between each hit. The math for calculating the actual change of speed is thus:
    • (1/1.9 - 1/1.7) / (1/1.7) = -11%
  • Changing the Hit Speed effectively changes the Damage Per Second (DPS) also.
    • (133/1.9 - 133/1.7) / (133/1.7) = -11%

Heal Spirit (Nerf)

Before After
Healing Effect -9% 366 / sec 332 / sec
  • Despite getting a radius nerf in Season 15, Heal Spirit continued to be a must-have card in every deck.
  • Supercell will be reducing its healing effect by 9%, which is effectively one level down from what it is right now — a Level 9 Heal Spirit will heal as much HP in Season 16 as a Level 8 Heal Spirit right now in Season 15.
  • The heal duration is one second, so the total HP healed by the spirit is going from 366 to 332 as well.

Battle Healer (Buff) and Royal Ghost (Buff)

Before After
Hover No Yes
  • Technically speaking, the Hover mechanic was introduced when Battle Healer entered the arena in Season 6.
  • But for unknown reasons, Supercell has decided to not enable this ability until now. We suspect that it has to do with some quirks and interactions with the previous client.
  • This mechanic allows troops with this ability to cross the river, and as such, open up new strategic possibilities for players to experiment!
  • These two changes make sense also from a visual perspective, since Battle Healer and Royal Ghost don’t touch the ground when they move.
  • Troops with the Hover ability are still ground troops — and as such, they are not considered air units.

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What do you think about these changes? Share your thoughts with us!

Season 16: Shocktober

Season 16 will be a full Shocktober / Electro season. It starts on Monday, October 5th, 2020.

Clash Royale Season 16 Shocktober - Tower Skin and Electro Giant Emotes

Tower Skin

  • Tower Skin: Electro Tower Electro Tower tower skin. Pass Royale at Tier 10.


  • Electro Giant Disco Emote Electro Giant Disco. Pass Royale at Tier 20.
  • Electro Giant Energy Flow Emote Electro Giant Energy Flow.
  • Electro Giant Speechless Emote Electro Giant Speechless.
  • Electro Giant Hands Pose Emote Electro Giant Hand Pose.

Emotes in Action

Boosted Cards

  • Boosted Card: Electro Giant Electro Giant
  • Boosted Card: Electro Spirit Electro Spirit

Shocktober Valley

The Arena you see on the Shocktober Cinematic is a refresh of the Electro Valley. We were not planning on creating a whole new Arena but thought that we would still revisit our Electro Valley Arena. Season 16 is a full Electro/Shocktober Season. — @Brice_Supercell

Clash Royale Season 16 Shocktober

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Electro Giant - New Card

A hulking hunk of man and metal. Zaps nearby enemies when attacked.

Clash Royale Season 16 Electro Giant - New Card (100th Card in Clash Royale)

What do you think about Electro Giant? Discuss on Reddit

Gameplay by Light Pollux 🇫🇷


Rarity Epic
Elixir 8
Sight Range 7.5
Range 1.2 Melee: Medium
Speed 45 Slow
Hit Speed 2.1 sec
Deploy Time 1.0 sec
Targets Buildings

Stats Per Level

Level Hitpoints Damage DPS
6 2400 120 57
7 2640 132 62
8 2904 145 69
9 (Tournament) 3192 159 75
10 3504 175 83
11 3840 192 91
12 4224 211 100
13 (Max) 4632 231 110
14 (Mirror) 5088 254 120

Official New Card Reveal

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Electro Spirit - New Card

Jumps on enemies, dealing Area Damage and stunning up to 9 enemy Troops. Locked in an eternal battle with Knight for the best mustache.

Clash Royale Season 16 Electro Spirit - New Card (101st Card in Clash Royale)

What do you think about Electro Spirit? Discuss on Reddit


Rarity Common
Elixir 1
Range 2.5
Sight Range 5.5
Speed 120 Very Fast
First Hit Time 0.2 sec
Stun Duration 0.5 sec
Targets Ground + Air
Chained Hit Radius 4
Chained Hit Targets 9

Stats Per Level

Level Hitpoints Damage
1 90 39
2 99 42
3 108 47
4 119 51
5 131 56
6 144 62
7 158 68
8 173 75
9 (Tournament) 190 82
10 209 90
11 230 99
12 252 109
13 (Max) 278 120
14 (Mirror) 305 132

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Future Sneak Peeks

Make sure you are following us on Twitter @RoyaleAPI if you want to hear about future Clash Royale sneak peeks first!


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