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Season 43 Frost Festival (January 2023)

December 22, 2022 · 9 min read

Celebrate the holiday seasons with 5 new emotes, 2 tower skins, 38 banner items and more!

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Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

The holidays continue in the new year at the Frost Festival. Theme of this season will be the Ice Golem. He will get a new card art update, and you’ll be able to get 5 new emotes, 2 new tower skins and a whopping 38 banner items!

Season 43 begins on Monday, January 2nd, 2023.

There are no balance changes for this season, but an emergency balance changes for Mighty Miner was applied at 8am UTC today on Thursday, December 22. See those changes at the end of the post.

Table of Contents

Video Preview

Our video serves as a great introduction to everything you’ll see in the upcoming season. Check it out first before reading!

📺 Watch on YouTube


Battles in January will take place in the Frozen Peak Arena.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Tower Skins

Two tower skins are available this season. One is related to Ice Golem, and the other is to celebrate the Lunar New Year, which is Rabbit in 2023.

Ice Golem (Pass Royale)

The Ice Golem tower is relatively minimalistic, but it resembles the actual Clash Royale troop rather nicely. His face forms the base of the King Tower together with subtly glowing eyes.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Tower Icon Ice Golem tower skin set. Pass Royale at Tier 10.
King Tower Ice Golem King Tower.
Princess Tower Ice Golem Princess Tower.

Year of the Rabbit (Shop)

Clash Royale always has the best tower skins for the Lunar New Year — this season is no exception! 2023 will be the Year of the Rabbit, and this tower skin has many subtle motifs that suggest the rabbits.

Besides the adorable rabbit lanterns floating around the king tower, you’ll see a shadow of the rabbit projected onto a screen surrounded by curtains. It’s like a mini theater inside the arena!

The red primary color helps this tower skin stands out especially against the snowy arena.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Tower Icon Year of the Rabbit tower skin set. In-App Purchase.
King Tower Year of the Rabbit King Tower.
Princess Tower Year of the Rabbit Princess Tower.


There will be five (5) new emotes this season.

Ice Golem: Hi

Ice Golem raises his hands up high trying to get your attention. The least expected part of this emote is how he sounds like.

Get this at the shop.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Ice Golem: Smash

Ice Golem smashes the snowy floor and broke into a pile of snow and ice.

Unlock this at the Super Ice Golem Challenge

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Ice Golem: Snow Pile

Ice Golem rises out of a pile of snow and roars.

Unlock this at Tier 20 in Pass Royale.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Rabbit: Dab

The rabbit dabs. This goes well with Wizard Dab. Get this at the shop.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Rabbit: Thumbs Up

The rabbit does a big thumbs up while confetti flies in the air. Add this to your Thumbs Up collection:

Unlock this when you reach League 4: Master I on the Path of Legends.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Free Magic Item

A Common Book of Cards will be up for grabs at Tier 35 on the free track of Pass Royale.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

A Common Book of Cards at Tier 35 on the free track of Pass Royale.

New Card Art: Ice Golem

As the star of the season, Ice Golem card art will be given a brand new look. Compared to the old render, the new render definitely has a lot more details, and his face looks quite a bit smoother. It also appears that he has lost some teeth.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

What do you think about this new card art? Let us know in the comments below!

Boosted Cards

Three cards will be boosted in January — all of them will be boosted together. Use our site to find the best decks that utilize these cards.

Ice Golem

Best Decks with Ice Golem

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Ice Wizard

Best Decks with Ice Wizard

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival


Best Decks with Freeze

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Thirty-Eight (38) brand new banner items will be available this season. Sixteen (16) will come in your Banner Box, with an additional twenty-two (22) available for purchase at the shop.

Unfortunately, we don’t know the rarity of these items this season ahead of time. I have tried to sort them in the order that I guessed they will be grouped as, based on the banner styles in previous seasons.

Dark Prince

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Battle Healer

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Dark Ice Golem

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Dreamy Miner

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Mini Pekka Pancake

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Eye Spi Hunter

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Ice Golem Bretto

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Ice Stick Golem

My favorite banner in the Banner Box this season — I can’t believe that it’s not a shop item!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival


Chibi Ice Golem Jump

Even more banners with the Chibi style — I bet these are popular!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Chibi Ice Golem Snowflake

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Ice Wizard

Honestly, I don’t really know what’s going on here… this is actually fairly scary… 😅

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Lunar New Year Battle Ram

This banner item is so cool — it’s a pair of Barbarians for Battle Ram dressed in Lion Dance costumes.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

I can’t help but be reminded of the cosplay that Max and Rick did back in 2021. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here it is again:

Lunar New Year Wizard Rabbit

I like how Clash Royale managed to stick the Rabbit into the Clash Royale lore by pairing it with the Wizard. Honestly, some type of Rabbit character could be interesting in the game… maybe next year?

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Lunar New Year Rabbit Cannon

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Lunar New Year Gobelin

This is another one of my favorite banners of the season — it’s hilarious and haunting in an unspeakable way. I’m guessing that there must be an animation coming about this… Fingers crossed

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Myoho Folk Band Play

The Myoho banner series uses the language of Korean traditional ink art on scrolls to depict scenes with Clash Royale characters — a wonderful marriage that’s fun and cultural at the same time. Really loving all of these!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Myoho 卯虎 is a Korean Artist who has collaborated with Supercell to create this special series of banners. You can check out his portfolio at and find him on Twitter @ho_tokki.

Correction: an earlier version of this post attributed Myoho to the posthumous titles of monarchs, because we were not given context to this banner series by Supercell. This new information just came to light because the artist tweeted about it.

Myoho Lion Mask Dance

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Myoho Monk Dance

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Myoho Sun Moon Five Peaks

Believe it or not, this banner directly references a Korean folding screen called Irworobongdo (Korean: 일월오봉도, Hanja: 日月五峯圖) — which is a stylized landscape painting of a sun and moon, five peaks which always was set behind Eojwa, the king’s royal throne during the Joseon Dynasty.

I’d be honest and say that I wasn‘t expecting such references showing up in Clash Royale art — what a nice surprise!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Challenges and Global Tournaments

January 2-8: Firecracker’s Fireworks Show

Firecracker will spawn on both sides of the arena! Support your own while keeping an eye on your opponent’s — and enjoy the show!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

January 7-11: Royal Tournament

Global tournament played in the normal mode. You know what this is!

January 9-15: Super Ice Golem

Super troops return with the Super Ice Golem!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

This is a two-phase challenge. Phase 1 is casual play. Phase 2 is also casual play! When you complete the challenge at 10 wins, you’ll win the Ice Golem Smash emote.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Super Ice Golem is a 4-elixir Legendary card. It deals minimal damage, but when he dies, the entire arena freezes.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

The Super Ice Golem is super big. We couldn’t help but literally laugh out loud when we first saw it in the battle field. 😂

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

We had no idea what their abilities are until one of them was destroyed.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

It was slightly confusing at first because the musketeers died immediately after an Ice Golem died.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

But it soon became pretty obvious what was going on — when the Super Ice Golem dies, instead of slowing down nearby enemies, it casts a Global Freeze that freezes the entire arena!

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Watch out for this big boy — as the freeze is global and freeze does deal damage, all the King Towers will be activated… and all the Skeletons will perish immediately.

Check out the overview video above to understand exactly how this works because it’s actually pretty hard to understand this even with all these screen grabs.

January 16-22: Reflections in Ice (Global Clone)

Clones of everything in the Arena will be created periodically! Position your troops to take advantage of this while being ready to handle your opponents’ clones.

Casual play.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

This is another one of the challenges that’s honestly pretty hard to understand even with images and words.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Basically, Clone spells will be casted randomly across the entire arena. Hopefully that explains how the player is able to clone both left and right side in the screenshot below.

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

The clones are completely random — though as they get casted across the entire arena, you’ll definitely get value as long as you have troops on the ground.

January 21-25: Royal Tournament (Community Meta)

To be confirmed — Supercell is planning to try something different for the January season. We don’t know yet if this will happen, but if it doesn’t run in January then it will likely run in the very near future.

Here’s how it works:

After the first tournament of the season (January 7-11), Supercell will look at all the battle data played, then figure out the top 20 best performing cards.

They will then offer these cards to everyone in the community (that means you!) to vote on the cards you’d like to ban.

The Top 5 cards that are most picked will then be removed from the card pool for the second tournament of the season.

To put it simply — do you think that the Mighty Miner is OP? Do you think that The Log is overused? What if they are completely removed from the meta? Will you still be able to win your games? Would this play in your favor or make it incredibly difficult for you to win games?

This is a really exciting idea and I can’t wait to try it out. In particular, I can’t wait to see how new meta get formed in this short period of time with these card restrictions!

January 23-29: Balloon Festival 2v2

Balloons spawn from both sides in a 2v2 battle.

January 30 - February 5: Mega Draft

Mega Draft returns! If you don’t remember what this is, it’s the new draft mode that will make its first appearance on December 26. We have talked about this extensively in the past season so we won’t explain this further. If you’re interested, read Season 42 (December 2022 Season): Mega Draft

Clash Royale January 2023 Season 43 Frost Festival

Party Modes

2v2 Double Elixir: January 2-8

Elixir generates at double speed!

Classic Draft: January 9-15

Choose 4 cards and receive 4 from your opponent!

Sudden Death: January 16-22

The first player to take a tower... WINS!

Mirror Battle: January 23-29

You have the exact same deck and starting cards as your opponent!

Heist: January 30 - February 5

Towers are replaced with a lone defenseless safe. Destroy the safe to win!

Loading Screen

The January season will come with a new loading screen featuring the Ice Golem, and surrounded by many frosty troops.

Balance Changes

These changes are already live, via a maintenance on Thursday December 22 at 9am UTC.

Mighty Miner

Mighty Miner will have his previous speed balance reverted, and instead gain 5% Hit Points.

Before After
Movement Speed Fast (90) Medium (60)
Hit Points +4.5% 2200 2300
Hit Points Level 11 2200 2300
Hit Points Level 14 2926 3059

Best Decks with Megamijnwerker


Here’s a quick checklist for you so you can keep tabs of things to collect this season.

Bonus: Snow Globe Giveaway

As a reminder, we’re currently running a year-end survey about the Best of Clash Royale 2022 where 10 lucky players will be able to win a limited edition snow globe!


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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