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Season Shop Buying Guide

July 23, 2022 · 6 min read

We analyzed all the items you can buy from the Season Shop to help you decide what to buy.

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Best season shop items

Table of Contents

Best Season Shop Items

This ranking shows which are the best items to buy from the Season Shop. By buying them in this order, you’ll get the optimal value from your Season Tokens.

Best season shop items

Over the rest of this blog, we’ll look into some additional details that you might want to consider to fully understand the Season Shop.

What items should I buy from the season shop?

Answering this question can be tricky, as there isn’t a single right answer for everyone. It will mostly depend on the following 4 factors:

  • Your account progression: Are you a full Level 14? Are you a new player?
  • How active you are: Do you collect season tokens daily? Do you complete all the challenges?
  • Have you unlocked all the card evolutions?
  • Do you care about cosmetics?

We’ll start by looking at the value of all the items of the current Season Shop, and we’ll later share a few recommendations for each of the most common player categories. The goal for everyone will be to spend Season Tokens as efficiently as possible, and we’ll help you do that by ranking all the items.

What is the value of each shop item?

There are 3 ways to look at the value of shop items:

  • Elite Wild Card value: we’ll look at conversion value, assuming a complete Level 14 collection that converts all items into EWCs.
  • Progression value: how useful each item is to reach Level 14.
  • Subjective value: mainly refers to personal preference for cosmetics such as Emotes and Banner Tokens.

Elite Wild Card value VS Progression Value

Magic Books

It’s worth noting that in the long term, all players should care about the EWC value, as it will be what ultimately limits your progression. But there are some items that can be worth much more for a limited amount of times: Magic Books.

Leveling up cards from 13 to 14 with Magic Books can give you the optimal value. For example: 20 Champions have a value of 80K EWCs, which is 16 times better than the default 5K EWC conversion.

Maximum value for Level 14 upgrades:

Book Rarity Max Size EWC Value Value Ratio
Common 5,000 commons 5,000 1x
Rare 1,250 rares 6,250 1.25x
Epic 200 epics 2,000 0.4x
Legendary 20 legendaries 30,000 6x
Book of Books 20 champions 80,000 16x

The main conclusion from this comparison is simple: Legendary Books and Books of Books can be very valuable and should be used to help you level up cards to Level 13 and 14. In all the other cases, Magic Books have a fairly standard value that won’t change significantly, regardless of when you use them.

Keep in mind that not everyone can convert Magic Books into Elite Wild Cards. To do so, you’ll first need to upgrade all your cards of that rarity to Level 14. For example, all your rare cards should be at least Level 14 to exchange the Rare Book into 5,000 EWCs.

For this conversion to take place, you’ll have to select it from the Magic Items tab. If instead you buy a book that you already have, it will be turned into the overflow value of 100 gems, which is much worse. So always exchange the one you have first, and buy the new one afterward

Evolution Shards

The other items that can’t always be assigned to a specific value are Evolution Shards. We’ll give them the default overflow value to compare them with other items, but they may be much more useful to you if you can unlock a powerful evolution that would fit in your deck.

Wild Shards have a similar issue. At the moment, all evolutions are common cards, so shards overflow into 1K common cards, which have a value of 1K EWCs. If you don’t want them for the conversion value, you’ll probably rank them higher than other items.

Earning Season Tokens

This season is 5 weeks long, so you can earn 35K Season Tokens just by playing daily. On top of this, there are 5 challenges scheduled for this season, each of which has 10,200 Season Tokens available as rewards.

If earning the full rewards from all the challenges sounds too optimistic for you, these are the tokens you can earn for your average amount of wins:

Challenge Wins Reward / Challenge Total
3 1,500 Tokens 4,500 Tokens
7 4,100 Tokens 20,500 Tokens
10 6,700 Tokens 33,500 Tokens
12 10,200 Tokens 51,000 Tokens

Buying the Gold or Diamond Tiers of Pass Royale gives you free challenge reentries, which basically guarantees the 12-win rewards. You can also earn a few extra season tokens with Pass Royale. Depending on your tier, you get:

Pass Royale Tier Season Tokens
Free 2,500 Tokens
Gold 7,500 Tokens
Diamond 15,000 Tokens

This means that you can earn up to 89K Season Tokens just by playing as F2P. Knowing how many tokens you earn per season will help you know which items you should buy. You can use the following table as an approximation:

Pass Royale Tier 3 Wins 7 Wins 10 Wins 12 Wins
Free 45K Tokens 58K Tokens 71K Tokens 89K Tokens
Gold - - - 94K Tokens
Diamond - - - 101K Tokens

Remember that you can also buy daily Season Boosts, staring at 50 gems each day, which can be useful if you are very close to buying a high value item. In most cases, these gems can be better spent elsewhere.

Player Categories

The total value of the non-cosmetic items is 117K Season Tokens, so you can’t buy everything. What do you prioritize? Which are the must-buy items?

Depending on the kind of player you are, this is what we suggest:

Underleveled Player

You aren’t yet a Level 14 player, so you can’t take advantage of the EWC conversion. Focus on items that can be used on your main deck. These will usually be Wild Cards, Magic Books and Gold.

Once your main deck is leveled up, you can prioritize EWC value like Level 14 players would.

Level 14 player collecting evolutions

Every season you’ll be able to buy 3 evolution shards for a specific card and 1 Wild Shard. That adds up to a total price of 36K Season Tokens.

After spending that, you should still have tokens left to buy other items.

Level 14 player optimizing value

Maybe you already have all the evolutions, maybe you just want to have Elite Levels as soon as possible. In either case, your priority will be EWC efficiency. Simply buy the items in the order of our list to achieve that.

By optimizing EWC value you mainly will have to avoid the 3rd stacks of all the items, which have the highest price and therefore the worst value.

By using this tier list, you’ll earn most of the EWCs first; for example, the first 40K Season Tokens spent (tiers A-C) will give you around 15K EWCs (2/3 of the total available). By going down the list and spending 89K Season Tokens you’ll earn up to 20K EWCs.

Cosmetic Collector

If you prioritize emotes and banners, you’ll still have some tokens to spare by the end of the season. After buying the cosmetics that you want, you can use the tier lists for Level 14 players.

Efficiency summary

Is it useful to follow this tier list? How big of a difference does it make?

Best season shop items

Best season shop items

Most of the value of the Season Shop is focused in the first tiers. For example, by spending 20% of the total cost you can collect 60% of the rewards, that’s more than half!

If you earn around 50K tokens per season, using this tier list to buy the right items will give you a significant advantage.


What kind of player are you? Do you prioritize evolutions or level 15? Let us know why in the comments.

If you still have questions about the Season Shop, you can also ask us anything below.


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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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