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Most Popular Cards on Top Ladder in June Season 2022

July 5, 2022 · 12 min read

We look at the last decks played by the Top 1000 players and find out what they have used most.

The June 2022 season has just finished and we have collected fresh new stats from Top Ladder again. In this post, we’ll first take a look at cards that perform well in the season, then we provide representative decks that utilize those cards. At the end of the post, you’ll get the raw data we used to create these charts, as well as a link to explore all of the decks.

Table of Contents


With balance changes happening every 2 months, we have decided that it would make sense to give you a glimpse of the meta every 2 months. Specifically, we thought that we would provide these analysis at the start of the season where there are no balance changes, so you can utilize these results to inform the types of decks you can play in the following season.

Visually, it goes something like this:

  • Season 2022-06: Balance
  • Season 2022-07: Our analysis
  • Season 2022-08: Balance
  • Season 2022-09: Our analysis

You can use our Cards section to observe card usage throughout the season. For this analysis, we focus specifically on the last deck that the players use to complete their season. It goes hand-in-hand with our Leaderboard Decks feature. Or more specifically, these are the cards from the Season 2022-06 Leaderboard Decks.

As with previous analysis, we have provided data for both Top 1000 and Top 200 because some of the professional players prefer to see Top 200 results while we feel that Top 1000 provide a more holistic view of the meta.

Best Cards Top 1000

Best Cards Top 200

Analysis: Win Conditions

This month’s limelight was taken by Electro Giant — evenly split between Electro Giant Mirror and Electro Giant Lightning.

Goblin Drill, Balloon, Giant, Graveyard, Mortar and Goblin Drill are all almost evenly tied, with the more evergreen win-conditions Hog Rider and Lava Hound in the middle.

Of note, neither Ram Rider nor Elixir Golem were seen on the Top 200. They’re also at the bottom end in the Top 1000 Ladder.


Here are some representative decks:

Electro Giant Mirror

Both the Rocket variation and the Lightning variation are popular in Top Ladder. Also tried: Earthquake.

EGiant GK Hunter Nado
Electro Giant Golden Knight Lightning Hunter Mirror Tornado The Log Cannon
EGiant GK Nado 3.4 Cycle
Electro Giant Rocket Golden Knight Bomber Mirror Tornado Skeletons Cannon
EGiant GK Nado 3.4 Cycle
Electro Giant Golden Knight Lightning Bomber Mirror Tornado Skeletons Cannon
EGiant GK Nado 3.1 Cycle
Electro Giant Golden Knight Earthquake Bomber Mirror Tornado Skeletons Cannon

Electro Giant Lightning

EGiant GK ID Nado
Electro Giant Golden Knight Inferno Dragon Lightning Bomber Goblin Cage Fire Spirit Tornado

Giant Sparky

There are a few variations of Giant Sparky decks.

Giant Sparky MegaM Nado
Giant Sparky Mini P.E.K.K.A Mega Minion Mirror Tornado Zap Heal Spirit
Giant Sparky EWiz Nado
Giant Sparky Mini P.E.K.K.A Fireball Electro Wizard Tornado Zap Heal Spirit
Giant Sparky Horde Bats
Giant Sparky Mini P.E.K.K.A Minion Horde Skeleton Army Arrows Bats Zap

Giant Double Prince

One of the more evergreen decks, some players forego Mirror and go with the traditional combination with Prince, Dark Prince, Mega Minion, Electro Wizard, and Miner:

Giant Double Prince EWiz MegaM
Giant Miner Prince Dark Prince Mega Minion Electro Wizard Arrows Zap

Giant Graveyard

All of the Graveyard decks feature Giant. Here are a few variations:

Giant AQ GY
Graveyard Giant Archer Queen Dark Prince Skeleton Army Minions Arrows Giant Snowball
Giant SK GY FishBoy
Graveyard Giant Skeleton King Night Witch Fisherman Mega Minion Arrows Giant Snowball

Mortar Miner Bait

Mortar is a strong contender in the meta, and is usually paired with Miner, Skeleton King and lots of bait cards.

Mortar SK Miner Bats
Mortar Miner Skeleton King Skeleton Army Fireball Spear Goblins Bats The Log
Mortar SK Miner MA
Mortar Miner Skeleton King Cannon Cart Magic Archer Skeleton Army Arrows Bats
Mortar SK Miner Horde
Mortar Miner Skeleton King Cannon Cart Minion Horde Skeleton Army Dart Goblin Arrows

Mortar Cycle

Also observed are a few quick cycle Mortar decks.

Mortar AQ Miner Valk
Mortar Miner Archer Queen Valkyrie Fireball Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log
Mortar Valk Nado 3.0 Cycle
Mortar Rocket Valkyrie Archers Tornado Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

Goblin Drill

Despite receiving a bug-fix nerf, Goblin Drill’s quick cycle decks continue to be dominant at the top of the Ladder. Here are a few variations.

GobDrill Bandit 3.0 Cycle
Goblin Drill Rocket Bandit Bomber Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log Inferno Tower
GobDrill Bandit 2.8 Cycle
Goblin Drill Fireball Bandit Bomber Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log Inferno Tower
WB GobDrill MA Valk
Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Magic Archer Valkyrie Tornado Skeletons The Log Bomb Tower

Wall Breakers Cycle

WB Miner MA Valk
Wall Breakers Miner Magic Archer Valkyrie Fireball Spear Goblins Tornado Bomb Tower

Lava Loon

Lava Loon mainly comes in two variations this season: the one with Mighty Miner and the one with the recently buffed Barbarians.

If you wish to learn the variation with Mighty Miner, check out Carl the Legend when he streams on Twitch. He has been playing this deck for the entire season! Carl streams in German but will answer your questions in English. You can also follow him on Twitter.

MM LavaLoon SD MegaM
Lava Hound Balloon Mighty Miner Fireball Skeleton Dragons Mega Minion Zap Tombstone
LavaLoon Miner Double Dragon
Lava Hound Balloon Miner Inferno Dragon Barbarians Skeleton Dragons Arrows Zap

Giant Skeleton Hog Rider

GS Hog Rider is the dominant Hog Rider deck at the top of the Ladder, with Ian77 leading the pack for the whole season. If you wish to learn this deck, check out his YouTube channel where he mainly posts decks about the Hog! You can also follow him on Twitter if you wish to look for tips.

Hog AQ GS 3.1 Cycle
Hog Rider Giant Skeleton Archer Queen Earthquake Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log Cannon

Want more?

See all the decks

Analysis: Spells

Despite receiving a tower damage nerf, The Log (35% usage) remained as the most popular small spell, with Fireball (29.1% usage) being the most popular big spell. In fact, their popularity hasn’t changed at all from 2 months ago before the balances.

Data Top 1000

card count ratio pc total
the-log 350 0.35 35.00% 1000
fireball 291 0.291 29.10% 1000
tornado 252 0.252 25.20% 1000
skeletons 238 0.238 23.80% 1000
zap 225 0.225 22.50% 1000
golden-knight 217 0.217 21.70% 1000
mirror 184 0.184 18.40% 1000
cannon 180 0.18 18.00% 1000
arrows 179 0.179 17.90% 1000
fire-spirit 165 0.165 16.50% 1000
miner 155 0.155 15.50% 1000
skeleton-army 151 0.151 15.10% 1000
bomber 146 0.146 14.60% 1000
skeleton-king 133 0.133 13.30% 1000
rocket 131 0.131 13.10% 1000
barbarian-barrel 123 0.123 12.30% 1000
bats 123 0.123 12.30% 1000
electro-giant 120 0.12 12.00% 1000
archer-queen 117 0.117 11.70% 1000
electro-wizard 112 0.112 11.20% 1000
valkyrie 111 0.111 11.10% 1000
royal-ghost 105 0.105 10.50% 1000
mega-minion 101 0.101 10.10% 1000
inferno-dragon 100 0.1 10.00% 1000
tombstone 99 0.099 9.90% 1000
goblin-drill 96 0.096 9.60% 1000
balloon 96 0.096 9.60% 1000
mini-pekka 96 0.096 9.60% 1000
dark-prince 94 0.094 9.40% 1000
inferno-tower 94 0.094 9.40% 1000
giant 92 0.092 9.20% 1000
graveyard 88 0.088 8.80% 1000
mortar 87 0.087 8.70% 1000
zappies 87 0.087 8.70% 1000
cannon-cart 87 0.087 8.70% 1000
lightning 87 0.087 8.70% 1000
goblin-barrel 86 0.086 8.60% 1000
magic-archer 82 0.082 8.20% 1000
bandit 82 0.082 8.20% 1000
giant-skeleton 80 0.08 8.00% 1000
baby-dragon 79 0.079 7.90% 1000
heal-spirit 76 0.076 7.60% 1000
giant-snowball 74 0.074 7.40% 1000
guards 72 0.072 7.20% 1000
sparky 70 0.07 7.00% 1000
electro-spirit 70 0.07 7.00% 1000
dart-goblin 68 0.068 6.80% 1000
hog-rider 68 0.068 6.80% 1000
princess 65 0.065 6.50% 1000
lava-hound 65 0.065 6.50% 1000
earthquake 65 0.065 6.50% 1000
elite-barbarians 63 0.063 6.30% 1000
musketeer 63 0.063 6.30% 1000
fisherman 62 0.062 6.20% 1000
mother-witch 60 0.06 6.00% 1000
elixir-collector 59 0.059 5.90% 1000
ice-golem 57 0.057 5.70% 1000
minions 54 0.054 5.40% 1000
barbarians 54 0.054 5.40% 1000
skeleton-dragons 53 0.053 5.30% 1000
royal-giant 53 0.053 5.30% 1000
hunter 52 0.052 5.20% 1000
poison 52 0.052 5.20% 1000
wall-breakers 51 0.051 5.10% 1000
minion-horde 49 0.049 4.90% 1000
goblin-cage 47 0.047 4.70% 1000
mighty-miner 46 0.046 4.60% 1000
pekka 46 0.046 4.60% 1000
battle-ram 44 0.044 4.40% 1000
ice-spirit 44 0.044 4.40% 1000
royal-hogs 43 0.043 4.30% 1000
three-musketeers 41 0.041 4.10% 1000
flying-machine 40 0.04 4.00% 1000
bowler 38 0.038 3.80% 1000
freeze 37 0.037 3.70% 1000
lumberjack 35 0.035 3.50% 1000
rage 35 0.035 3.50% 1000
tesla 34 0.034 3.40% 1000
spear-goblins 30 0.03 3.00% 1000
x-bow 30 0.03 3.00% 1000
goblin-giant 30 0.03 3.00% 1000
night-witch 30 0.03 3.00% 1000
royal-delivery 29 0.029 2.90% 1000
archers 27 0.027 2.70% 1000
bomb-tower 24 0.024 2.40% 1000
knight 23 0.023 2.30% 1000
golem 23 0.023 2.30% 1000
skeleton-barrel 20 0.02 2.00% 1000
witch 19 0.019 1.90% 1000
ice-wizard 18 0.018 1.80% 1000
royal-recruits 17 0.017 1.70% 1000
mega-knight 17 0.017 1.70% 1000
prince 16 0.016 1.60% 1000
rascals 15 0.015 1.50% 1000
electro-dragon 14 0.014 1.40% 1000
ram-rider 13 0.013 1.30% 1000
goblin-gang 12 0.012 1.20% 1000
executioner 11 0.011 1.10% 1000
clone 10 0.01 1.00% 1000
furnace 9 0.009 0.90% 1000
elixir-golem 8 0.008 0.80% 1000
firecracker 8 0.008 0.80% 1000
goblins 6 0.006 0.60% 1000
battle-healer 5 0.005 0.50% 1000
wizard 4 0.004 0.40% 1000
goblin-hut 4 0.004 0.40% 1000
barbarian-hut 2 0.002 0.20% 1000

Data Top 200

card count ratio pc total
the-log 68 0.34 34.00% 200
tornado 59 0.295 29.50% 200
skeletons 53 0.265 26.50% 200
zap 52 0.26 26.00% 200
fireball 51 0.255 25.50% 200
golden-knight 45 0.225 22.50% 200
cannon 44 0.22 22.00% 200
arrows 41 0.205 20.50% 200
fire-spirit 41 0.205 20.50% 200
mirror 37 0.185 18.50% 200
miner 36 0.18 18.00% 200
skeleton-king 34 0.17 17.00% 200
bomber 33 0.165 16.50% 200
rocket 31 0.155 15.50% 200
skeleton-army 30 0.15 15.00% 200
electro-giant 29 0.145 14.50% 200
archer-queen 29 0.145 14.50% 200
bats 28 0.14 14.00% 200
giant 25 0.125 12.50% 200
tombstone 23 0.115 11.50% 200
valkyrie 22 0.11 11.00% 200
mini-pekka 21 0.105 10.50% 200
sparky 21 0.105 10.50% 200
inferno-dragon 21 0.105 10.50% 200
magic-archer 20 0.1 10.00% 200
graveyard 19 0.095 9.50% 200
mortar 19 0.095 9.50% 200
lightning 19 0.095 9.50% 200
dark-prince 18 0.09 9.00% 200
mega-minion 18 0.09 9.00% 200
giant-skeleton 18 0.09 9.00% 200
barbarian-barrel 18 0.09 9.00% 200
zappies 18 0.09 9.00% 200
royal-ghost 18 0.09 9.00% 200
heal-spirit 17 0.085 8.50% 200
baby-dragon 17 0.085 8.50% 200
electro-wizard 17 0.085 8.50% 200
minion-horde 17 0.085 8.50% 200
goblin-drill 16 0.08 8.00% 200
wall-breakers 15 0.075 7.50% 200
earthquake 15 0.075 7.50% 200
cannon-cart 15 0.075 7.50% 200
mighty-miner 14 0.07 7.00% 200
balloon 14 0.07 7.00% 200
lava-hound 14 0.07 7.00% 200
hog-rider 14 0.07 7.00% 200
elite-barbarians 14 0.07 7.00% 200
elixir-collector 14 0.07 7.00% 200
inferno-tower 13 0.065 6.50% 200
bandit 12 0.06 6.00% 200
goblin-cage 12 0.06 6.00% 200
barbarians 12 0.06 6.00% 200
giant-snowball 11 0.055 5.50% 200
spear-goblins 11 0.055 5.50% 200
dart-goblin 11 0.055 5.50% 200
goblin-barrel 11 0.055 5.50% 200
skeleton-dragons 11 0.055 5.50% 200
three-musketeers 11 0.055 5.50% 200
battle-ram 10 0.05 5.00% 200
fisherman 10 0.05 5.00% 200
archers 10 0.05 5.00% 200
minions 9 0.045 4.50% 200
princess 9 0.045 4.50% 200
guards 9 0.045 4.50% 200
hunter 8 0.04 4.00% 200
flying-machine 8 0.04 4.00% 200
electro-spirit 8 0.04 4.00% 200
royal-giant 8 0.04 4.00% 200
bomb-tower 7 0.035 3.50% 200
royal-hogs 7 0.035 3.50% 200
poison 7 0.035 3.50% 200
mother-witch 7 0.035 3.50% 200
freeze 6 0.03 3.00% 200
tesla 6 0.03 3.00% 200
x-bow 6 0.03 3.00% 200
ice-spirit 6 0.03 3.00% 200
royal-recruits 5 0.025 2.50% 200
lumberjack 5 0.025 2.50% 200
ice-golem 5 0.025 2.50% 200
pekka 5 0.025 2.50% 200
ice-wizard 4 0.02 2.00% 200
bowler 4 0.02 2.00% 200
goblin-giant 4 0.02 2.00% 200
rage 4 0.02 2.00% 200
night-witch 4 0.02 2.00% 200
knight 4 0.02 2.00% 200
golem 4 0.02 2.00% 200
royal-delivery 3 0.015 1.50% 200
skeleton-barrel 3 0.015 1.50% 200
goblin-gang 3 0.015 1.50% 200
mega-knight 2 0.01 1.00% 200
prince 2 0.01 1.00% 200
clone 2 0.01 1.00% 200
electro-dragon 2 0.01 1.00% 200
witch 2 0.01 1.00% 200
musketeer 1 0.005 0.50% 200
executioner 1 0.005 0.50% 200
goblins 1 0.005 0.50% 200
furnace 1 0.005 0.50% 200
wizard 1 0.005 0.50% 200
ram-rider 0 0.0 0.00% 200
rascals 0 0.0 0.00% 200
firecracker 0 0.0 0.00% 200
elixir-golem 0 0.0 0.00% 200
battle-healer 0 0.0 0.00% 200
goblin-hut 0 0.0 0.00% 200
barbarian-hut 0 0.0 0.00% 200
作者: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI



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