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CRL 2023 Card Experts

October 7, 2023 · 6 min read

The top 3 players of each win condition are recognized for their performance during the year.

crl esports

CRL 2023 Card Experts

The regular season of CRL recently finished, after 7 months of top tier competition. Across the 7 months, we tracked the performance of all the participants and logged more than 16,000 Duel matches. From all this data we can find a lot of cool stats, and today we’ll focus on Card Experts.

Table of Contents

Who are the Card Experts

Card Experts are the players who had the best performance with each win condition. Usually, win conditions are key components of certain archetypes, so this is a great way to find the best players for each of them.

In this blog we will share a list of these card experts, but also links to their favourite decks and their social media. If you are looking to learn a specific archetype, following them could be a great resource.

Looking for the best

There were around 2,000 great players competing in CRL this year. How do we find the best for each win condition?

If we simply sorted players by win rate, we could end up with a list of players who played Hog Rider twice and were lucky to win. 100% win rate... are they the best? Probably not. To remove noise from our results, we have chosen some criteria to filter the best players before we sort them by win rate. These criteria are:

  • won at least 10 times with the win condition
  • was among the 200 players who used the win condition the most

The players who meet all these criteria are then sorted by rating, and today we’ll share the Top 3 for each of the win condition.

The Card Experts

CRL 2023 Card Experts

After sorting all the eligible players by rating, these are the best 3 players for each win condition:


Player W L WR Decks
All Players (3952) 1933 W 2019 L 49% Decks
1 Pompeyo 24 W 6 L 80% Decks
2 Goodnight Shimokawa 11 W 3 L 79% Decks
3 Funny Weird 10 W 4 L 71% Decks

Note: these Balloon stats exclude all decks that also have Lava Hound, meaning that this category is mainly focused on Balloon cycle decks. There’s another section for Lava Hound afterwards in which Lavalloon is predominant.

Battle Ram

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (1533) 797 W 736 L 52% Decks
1 Blue 26 W 6 L 81% Decks
2 Close 15 W 5 L 75% Decks
3 Kanariooo 16 W 7 L 70% Decks

Electro Giant

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (3977) 2045 W 1932 L 51% Decks
1 MadMachine 11 W 2 L 85% Decks
2 KK19212 10 W 2 L 83% Decks
3 Victor 22 W 6 L 79% Decks

Elixir Golem

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (330) 173 W 157 L 52% Decks
1 Kanariooo 13 W 4 L 76% Decks
2 Game Over 12 W 5 L 71% Decks
3 Ramy 11 W 5 L 69% Decks


Player W L WR Decks
All Players (587) 301 W 286 L 51% Decks
1 BarteK 17 W 5 L 77% Decks
2 Red Gusta 13 W 5 L 72% Decks
3 Funny Weird 10 W 4 L 71% Decks

Goblin Barrel

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (1530) 803 W 727 L 52% Decks
1 Nicoco 11 W 1 L 92% Decks
2 Busfahrer Dirk 21 W 5 L 81% Decks
3 Koh 32 W 11 L 74% Decks

Goblin Drill

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (5847) 2864 W 2983 L 49% Decks
1 Dimas 11 W 2 L 85% Decks
2 Hugo 14 W 3 L 82% Decks
3 Chaze 10 W 2 L 83% Decks

Goblin Giant

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (1364) 699 W 665 L 51% Decks
1 Moha 15 W 7 L 68% Decks
2 Pirika 11 W 5 L 69% Decks
3 Yu Emuai 18 W 9 L 67% Decks


Player W L WR Decks
All Players (1066) 486 W 580 L 46% Decks
1 Inoraj 10 W 4 L 71% Decks
2 Ezequiel 11 W 5 L 69% Decks
3 Eternity 11 W 10 L 52% Decks


Player W L WR Decks
All Players (5455) 2678 W 2777 L 49% Decks
1 Adrian Piedra 10 W 2 L 83% Decks
2 Super Abboud 13 W 3 L 81% Decks
3 Fake 15 W 4 L 79% Decks

Hog Rider

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (10050) 4830 W 5220 L 48% Decks
1 Abood King 10 W 1 L 91% Decks
2 Mohamed Light 45 W 11 L 80% Decks
3 Major eBarbGod 10 W 2 L 83% Decks

Lava Hound

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (3511) 1708 W 1803 L 49% Decks
1 Vitor75 11 W 0 L 100% Decks
2 Archer2BG 16 W 1 L 94% Decks
3 Butterfly 32 W 10 L 76% Decks


Player W L WR Decks
All Players (4950) 2309 W 2641 L 47% Decks
1 Mohamed Light 23 W 4 L 85% Decks
2 Hunter 14 W 3 L 82% Decks
3 KickAsh 17 W 4 L 81% Decks

Evolved Mortar

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (3070) 1386 W 1684 L 45% Decks
1 Samuel Bassotto 12 W 4 L 75% Decks
2 Egór 11 W 5 L 69% Decks
3 Eyes Gon Wong 12 W 6 L 67% Decks

Ram Rider

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (2084) 1009 W 1075 L 48% Decks
1 Shadow 14 W 1 L 93% Decks
2 Ömer 10 W 3 L 77% Decks
3 Issei 14 W 6 L 70% Decks

Royal Giant

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (5655) 2877 W 2778 L 51% Decks
1 Mohamed Light 30 W 4 L 88% Decks
2 Lord Sebastian 24 W 4 L 86% Decks
3 Miniminter 17 W 3 L 85% Decks

Evolved Royal Giant

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (3672) 1998 W 1674 L 54% Decks
1 Wallace 23 W 4 L 85% Decks
2 Wil 13 W 3 L 81% Decks
3 Rubén 16 W 5 L 76% Decks

Royal Hogs

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (4743) 2441 W 2302 L 51% Decks
1 Oker 14 W 2 L 88% Decks
2 Napo 13 W 2 L 87% Decks
3 Hasiel 17 W 4 L 81% Decks

Skeleton Barrel

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (988) 480 W 508 L 49% Decks
1 Erick 13 W 4 L 76% Decks
2 GR8 20 W 7 L 74% Decks
3 Ramy 10 W 5 L 67% Decks

Three Musketeers

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (652) 334 W 318 L 51% Decks
1 Rain 15 W 8 L 65% Decks
2 Moha 26 W 15 L 63% Decks
3 Kanade 11 W 6 L 65% Decks

Wall Breakers

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (7521) 3973 W 3548 L 53% Decks
1 Samuel Bassotto 29 W 5 L 85% Decks
2 Pedro 31 W 6 L 84% Decks
3 BobTheRock 13 W 2 L 87% Decks


Player W L WR Decks
All Players (256) 131 W 125 L 51% Decks
1 Alperen 10 W 3 L 77% Decks
2 Matcha 8 W 3 L 73% Decks
3 Hunter 21 W 10 L 68% Decks

No Win Condition

Player W L WR Decks
All Players (1020) 547 W 473 L 54% Decks
1 Mohamed Light 13 W 2 L 87% Decks
2 SandBox 11 W 4 L 73% Decks
3 LucasXGamer 11 W 4 L 73% Decks

Note: all decks without one of the previously listed win conditions are eligible for this category, but you can quickly see that most are Miner Poison control decks for the top 3 players.

Congratulations to all these amazing players! We have added special badges to their esports profiles to recognise these impressive achievements. Players who were outstanding enough to be featured in several categories will be able to choose their favourite one to be displayed.

You can also find here a similar post that we did in 2021. How many players have appeared in both?


Did you see the players that you were expecting? Whose absence surprised you the most?

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
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