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Battle Ram Evolution - April 2024 (Season 58)

March 28, 2024 · 3 min read

Stats and ability details of Battle Ram, the new Clash Royale evolution of April 2024.

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Battle Ram Evolution - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

This charge is no joke!

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Battle Ram Evolution

Battle Ram Evolution - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

In recent months there have been 2 clear content release patterns:

  • 2 evolutions
  • 1 evolution and 1 Tower Troop

You probably heard about Dagger Duchess already, although the details haven’t been shared yet. This means that only one evolution will be released this month: Battle Ram!

The list of evolved win conditions keeps growing, and this one could be quite popular due to its strength. Usually win conditions never become as prevalent in the meta as other cards; even if they are really strong, there are always decent counters against them. This is very different for support cards, which can fit into different archetypes and remain popular as the meta evolves.

We don’t have a card description yet, but just by looking at the card art, you can tell that the capped ram has received a significant upgrade. It certainly looks more impressive, but how much stronger is it?

Evolution Stats

Battle Ram Evolution - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

The stats look very similar in the surface, with the same hit points, damage and speed as the normal Battle Ram. If we look under the log, we’ll find that the Barbarians have evolved, which means:

  • Barbarian Hit Points (HP): +25%
  • Ability: Anger Boost (faster after each hit)

Evolution Ability: Super Charge!

In case evolved Barbarians weren’t enough, the evolved Battle Ram will be much harder to stop with melee attacks, swarms and buildings. Why? Because it now has:

  • Strong pushback
  • Area damage

... and one more thing! It can now charge and bounce several times against buildings and towers, until the battle ram HP is depleted.

This is a very significant change for some common Battle Ram counters, but it will remain vulnerable against resetting spells (log, zap...) and air/ranged damage.

The area damage is fairly small, but enough to clean swarms of skeletons and goblins, which makes it decent against tombstone.

Card HP / Damage
Skeletons 81
Spear Goblins 133
Goblins 202
Battle Ram Damage 212
Spirits 230
Dart Goblin 260
Princess 261

The pushback is also quite powerful, twice as strong as the hit pushback of the evolved Royal Giant. It also seems to have effect quite fast, for example, a P.E.K.K.A can be pushed away before being able to hit the evolved Battle Ram.

Evolution Cycles

Battle Ram needs 2 Cycles to activate the evolution, so 1 in every 3 deploys will be evolved.

Evolution Release

The Battle Ram Evolution will be released on April 1st, with the start of the new season.

Usually, card evolutions are released slightly before the end of the season, which is the first Monday of the month. As soon as this happens, you can unlock it with Wild Shards. After the new season begins, players who buy the Diamond Pass Royale get 6 Battle Ram shards to unlock it.

Other ways to find Battle Ram shards are:

  • Level Up chests
  • Season Shop (in a future seasons)
  • Shop Offers (in a future seasons)

Card Art

Battle Ram Evolution - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

Video Gameplay


Are you excited about this new evolution? Which kind of decks will work best with it? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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