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Dagger Duchess - April 2024 (Season 58)

March 30, 2024 · 3 min read

Stats and ability details of Dagger Duchess, the new Clash Royale Tower Troop of April 2024.

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Dagger Duchess - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

Don't call her Princess!

Table of Contents

Dagger Duchess will be the 3rd Tower Troop of Clash Royale, and introduces a very distinctive mechanic that will set her apart from Cannoneer and Tower Princess.

The card description says the following:

This Royal throws low Damage daggers until she is fully charged, when she will throw all of her daggers at one target for high Damage!

Oh, one more thing. Don't call her a Princess.

Card Release

It's set to be released with the start of the next season, on April 1st, and players will be able to unlock her for free.

Free Dagger Duchess - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

Similar to the Little Prince release, there will be a homescreen button that opens the “Unlock Dagger Duchess” tab. Here, you can unlock it for free and access a few special quests.

The rarity of Dagger Duchess is Legendary, but this shouldn’t be a significant impediment since the change that was introduced with the last update. Now you are able to use Magic Items on Tower Troops.

Free Dagger Duchess - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

Like the other Tower Troops, it will also have a chance to show up in Tower Troop chests. For players above 5,000 trophies, the chest may contain 1 or 2 of these Legendary cards.

Free Dagger Duchess - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

The new odds for each rarity have not been confirmed yet, but we are expecting something around 1/2 common, 1/4 epic and 1/4 legendary.


Dagger Duchess Stats - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

The Duchess has a fairly unique attack mechanic that we’ll cover in more detail later, but for now let’s look at the core stats. The best way to do that is by comparing it with the other Tower Troops:

Dagger Duchess - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

Stat Princess Cannoneer Duchess
HP 3052 2616 3204
Damage 109 422 153
Max DPS 136 175 437
Min DPS 136 175 93

Dagger Duchess has more Hit Points (HP) and a higher damage output at first, but after the initial burst of knives, that damage becomes very low.

In practice this means that she will be able to deal with small pushes very well, but have more trouble against heavier pushes and big swarms.

This simple chart compares the damage output over time of the different Tower Troops:

Damage Comparison for different tower troops - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)

Due to the initial burst of knives, the Dagger Duchess is the one to deal more damage at first.

Over time, as her attack rate slows down, the other tower troops become better to deal large amounts of damage. The Cannoneer starts being better after 7 seconds, and the Tower Princess after 20 seconds.

It’s also worth mentioning that unless there is a single target, having less damage per hit usually reduces the amount of wasted damage, so this should make Tower Princess slightly better than what this comparison shows.

Attack Mechanics

The basic concept to keep in mind is that the Duchess can save up to 8 knives and release them very quickly, but once that knife reserve is depleted, she's slow to recover it.

There are 3 distinct kinds of attack:

Mode Hit Time DPS
Initial Burst 0.35 seconds 437
Last Knife 0.5 seconds 306
Reload + Throw 1.65 seconds 93

To give you a sense of the damage it can deal with the first 8 knives, it’s enough to destroy an Ice Golem, or 70% of a Knight’s HP.

Card Description

Dagger Duchess - Clash Royale April 2024 (Season 58)


Are you excited about this new Tower Troop? Which kind of archetypes will work best with Dagger Duchess? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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