Season Shop Tier List (December 2023, Season 54)
Best items to get from the Season Shop for the December 2023 season in Clash Royale.
update season
Here’s a table showing the best items to get from the season shop for the December season.
Table of Contents
Tier List
Here’s a table showing the best items to get from the season shop for the December season. Read our Season Shop Buying Guide if you don’t understand what these numbers mean.
When reading our table, we’d like to point out the following:
- Evolution shards may be more valuable to players who haven’t collected all 6. We are using overflow values.
- Gold is worthless if it's overflowing at 5M.
- Magic Book value based on magic item conversion to EWCs (Elite Wild Cards). You have to spend it, not let it overflow.
Season Shop
Three cards will be available for purchase:
- Ice Spirit x100: 500 tokens (10/10)
- Fire Spirit x100: 500 tokens (10/10)
- Fireball 20: 500 tokens (10/10)
- Freeze x5: 500 tokens (10/10)
Buy all of these even if you’re maxed to collect Elite Wild Cards
- 2000 Gold: 400 tokens (10/10)
- 2000 Gold: 800 tokens (10/10)
- 2000 Gold: 1200 tokens (10/10)
Wild Cards
- 100 Common Wild: 600 tokens (3/3)
- 100 Common Wild: 1000 tokens (3/3)
- 100 Common Wild: 1400 tokens (3/3)
- 25 Rare Wild: 600 tokens (3/3)
- 25 Rare Wild: 1000 tokens (3/3)
- 25 Rare Wild: 1400 tokens (3/3)
- 5 Epic Wild: 600 tokens (3/3)
- 5 Epic Wild: 1000 tokens (3/3)
- 5 Epic Wild: 1400 tokens (3/3)
- 1 Legendary Wild: 1500 tokens (3/3)
You can get an Legendary Book of Cards for 10000 tokens (1/1)
Knight Shards
- 1 Knight Shard: 5000 tokens (1/1)
- 1 Knight Shard: 10000 tokens (1/1)
- 1 Knight Shard: 15000 tokens (1/1)
Wild Shards
- 1 Wild Shard: 6000 tokens (1/1)
Banner Tokens
- 50 Banner Tokens: 500 tokens (5/5)
Let us know what you think about this season. Do you like the new cosmetics? Tell us in the comments section below.
If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to use our code: RoyaleAPI before making purchases at the shop to support us, or get 10% off for the Gold or Diamond Pass at the Supercell Store. Using our code RoyaleAPI
before you check out at the Supercell Store will help us greatly keep our servers running, and to provide quality content in the future.