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Work-in-progress Balance Changes for June 2023 (Season 48)

May 27, 2023 · 4 min read

These changes are not final — the balance team will take your feedback and decide on a finalized version.

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Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale 2023-06 Season 48 Update

Work-in-progress balance changes are here! Supercell is interested in hearing what you think about these changes before finalizing it. Make your opinions heard in the next 1-2 days before Monday. Leave feedback in the comment below. We will always send our write-up to Supercell, but we will definitely mentioned or even quote yours if you make strong arguments for / against a specific change.

There are 8 balances in total — 2 reworks, 4 buffs and 4 nerfs.

Note: Supercell intends the Baby Dragon rework as a buff, and the Goblins rework as a nerf. We considers these changes as reworks.

Seasonal content will be released before end of the season.

Table of Contents

Baby Dragon (Rework)

Supercell intended this rework as a buff, which changes the Sight Range of Baby Dragon from 5.5 tiles to 5 tiles, thus making it more difficult to be distracted.

Personally, I’m not sure why BBD was touched because his usage stats are fine. It has been a fine card to use, so with this rework, it might become more popular. Our GC and UC stats puts BBD at 6% use rate, which is slightly below average but still within acceptable range.

Before After
Sight Range +9.1% 5.5 tiles 5.0 tiles

Goblins (Rework)

Supercell intended this rework as a nerf. It changes the deployment delay of each Goblins from 0.1 to 0.2 sec. This staggering deployment will make them less effective at surrounding units, part of what makes Goblins powerful in the recent meta.

Before After
Deploy Delay Time 100% 0.1 sec 0.2 sec
Deploy Delay Speed -50% 1/0.1 sec-1 1/0.2 sec-1

Deploy delay is expressed in seconds. Speed is expressed in per-second (sec-1) Therefore the change is -50%, i.e. 50% slower.

Ice Wizard (Buff)

Ice Wizard’s popularity has slowly gone down recently, so he’ll get an increase range for his spawn attack, going from 2.5 tiles to 3 tiles.

Before After
Spawn Attack Radius +20% 2.5 tiles 3.0 tiles
Spawn Attack Area +44% 19.6 tile2 28.3 tile2

Night Witch (Buff)

Night Witch will get her 2 bats on death back. It seems that her bats just kept on getting removed, added back, removed, and added back. I wonder what other possibilites are there that can buff Night Witch so players will consider her besides in Golem NW.

Before After
Death Bat Spawn 0 2

Skeleton Dragons (Buff)

Skeleton Dragons don’t see a lot of usage these days except in Fireball bait decks. They will get a small HP increase and also an increased spacing. This increased spacing strategy has worked well for Rascals. Let’s see if it’ll have the same effect for Skeleton Dragons.

Before After
Hitpoints (HP) +5.8% 208 220
Hitpoints (HP) Level 11 532 563
Hitpoints (HP) Level 14 705 745
Spacing +50% 1 tile 1.5 tile

Battle Healer (Buff)

Battle Healer doesn’t see a lot of light besides being used in Elixir Golem deck. By giving her a slight boost, we might start seeing her in other decks.

After balance, she will gain a Spawn Heal. The amount of healing (95 base at Lvl 4, 201 at Lvl 11) is approximately twice that from a single heal of her regular attacks (48 base at Lvl 4, 101 at Lvl 11). The Spawn Heal Radius will be 2.5 tiles, approximately 50% of the range of a Heal Spirit

Before After
Spawn Heal Amount 0 95
Spawn Heal Amount Level 11 0 201
Spawn Heal Amount Level 14 0 266
Spawn Heal Radius 0 tiles 2.5 tiles

Poison (Nerf)

Poison will be getting the same treatment as Rocket and will have its crown tower damage decreased from -70% (30%) to -75% (25%)

Before After
Crown Tower Damage -17% 30% 25%

Goblin Hut (Nerf)

Goblin Hut has been extremely popular in the recent meta. It’ll get two less Goblins on death spawn.

Before After
Death Bat Spawn -66.7% 3 1

Mighty Miner (Nerf)

Mighty Miner usage has been relatively high (12% in UC, 19% in GC). He’ll get a HP reduction after balances.

Before After
Hit Points -6.5% 2300 2150
Hit Points Level 11 2300 2150
Hit Points Level 14 3059 2859

Ice Spirit (Nerf)

Almost all top players had commented about how effective Ice Spirit is and how much value it brings for 1 elixir. After balances, it will get a 0.1 sec reduction freeze duration. It’s -7.7% less time on freeze, will it be enough?

Before After
Freeze Duration -66.7% 1.3 sec 1.2 sec


Share your thoughts on these balances in the next couple of days so that your feedback will be included in the decisions. Leave your comments in the discussion below.


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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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