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Suspicious Bush - July 2024 Update

July 28, 2024 · 4 min read

Stats and details of Suspicious Bush, the new Clash Royale card of Season 61.

new card update

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Do you like gold? Maybe you’ve also been cursed!

Table of Contents

Suspicious Bush

Suspicious Bush is a new Rare troop that will be added to Clash Royale next Tuesday, July 30th. It costs 2 elixir and has a quite unique mechanic.

Players who follow content closely may have noticed some elusive hints already for this card.

The Goblin Hijack

Some of your favourite creators used footage known as the “Goblin Hijack”, which showed the Goblin sharing a secret message with all his followers. This was a campaign created by Waste Creative, and you can find more about it in this blog.

Among other things, the Goblin teased some new cards during his hacking scene. Suspicious Bush was one of them!

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Goblin Queen’s Takeover Trailer

During the trailer for the new Goblin Queen's Journey, you might have also spotted these weird bushes, with what seems to be a periscope, closely watching the king as he moves through the jungle.

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Goblin Queen’s Journey: New Arena

This week, Clash Royale announced some changes to the Goblin Queen´s Journey. The mode will soon have a new arena with the following rewards:

  • 1x Goblin Stash (Chest)
  • 700x New Goblin Card
  • 2x Magic Chest
  • 1x Goblin Strongbox (Chest)
  • 1x Goblin Bounty (Chest)
  • 1x Legendary King´s Chest

We now know that Suspicious Bush is the “New Goblin Card” that was mentioned in this post.

These 700 cards will be almost enough to reach tournament standard (700/786) given that it's a Rare card.

In case you missed it, here are the other highlight changes that will also come with the July 30th game maintenance:

  • New Goblin Queen’s Journey arena.
  • Level cap removed in Goblin Queen’s Journey.
  • Queen’s Tower level will depend on king level, instead of the Baby Goblins tower troop.
  • Less Goblin trophies removed per loss for the first 2 arenas, more removed for the 4th arena.
  • Silver Chests removed from the Goblin chest cycle.

Suspicious Bush Basics

Stat Value
Type Troop
Rarity Rare
Cost 2 Elixir

The card description says the following:

This invisible bush skulks towards the nearest building. Sus.

If Suspicious Bush reaches its target or gets destroyed by a spell, it surprises the enemy with Bush Goblins!

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

The card image shows a completely normal bush with a suspicious flower.

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

The card character image shows a Bush Goblin jumping away from his hideout.

Suspicious Bush Stats

At tournament standard (level 11):

Stat Value
Hit Points (HP) 81
Targets Buildings
Speed Slow
Death Spawn 2 Bush Goblins

The Suspicious Bush is deployed in bush stage, which is invisible to troops, like the Royal Ghost. In contrast to the ghost, the bush doesn't attack enemy troops, so it will just move slowly towards the enemy towers.

The bush has very little HP. 81 HP is the same as a Bat or a Skeleton, meaning that any spell will be able to break the bush stage.

When the bush is destroyed or reaches a target (building/tower), it releases the Bush Goblins from their hideout.

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Bush Goblin Stats

At tournament standard (level 11):

Stat Value
Hit Points 304 HP
Damage 227 HP/hit
Hit Time 1.4 s
Hit Speed 0.71 hits/s
DPS 162 HP/s
Targets Ground
Speed Fast
Range Short Melee (0.8 tiles)

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Bush Goblins look similar to normal Goblins, but they are stronger:

Goblin Bush Goblin Barbarian
HP 202 304 670
Damage 120 227 192
Hit Time 1.1 1.4 1.3
Hit Speed 0.91 0.71 0.77
DPS 109 162 148

The HP of a Bush Goblin is 304, just like a normal Archer, allowing them to survive The Log.

Their DPS is also significantly higher than normal Goblins, it's even higher than a Barbarian!


Suspicious Bush will be released with 2 mastery task sets.

Set 1: Damage Dealer

  1. Deal 92,500 Damage (Get 100 Suspicious Bush cards)

  2. Deal 280,000 Damage (Get 4,000 Gold)

  3. Deal 465,000 Damage (Get 150 Gems)

Set 2: Tower Tapper

  1. Hit enemy towers 1,400 times (Get 6,000 Gold)

  2. Hit enemy towers 4,000 times (Get 100 Rare Wild Cards)

  3. Hit enemy towers 7,000 times (Get 9,000 Gold)

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Suspicious Bush - Clash Royale July 2024 (Season 61)

Video Gameplay

Unlock the Suspicious Bush

As we mentioned at the start of the blog, this new card will be available on July 30th, after a game maintenance that will introduce several changes to the Goblin Queen´s Journey.

To unlock this new card you'll need to have at least 3,000 Goblin trophies, the amount needed to unlock the new arena. After you achieve this, you'll be able to find Suspicious Bush cards in chests, and also as guaranteed rewards within the Goblin Queen´s Journey trophy road.


Are you excited about this new card? Which kind of decks will work best with it? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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