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Season 38 Clash From The Past (August 2022)

July 28, 2022 · 5 min read

Celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Clash in style.

season update

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

August 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary of Clash of Clans and a decade-long of Clash history. To celebrate this rare occasion in video game history, Clash Royale will be themed accordingly.

The birthday celebration provides archival footage of what Clash was like in different time periods. As a highlight, the August season of Clash Royale will be launched in the style of arcade video games in the 80s — with all of its 8-bit glory!

Season 38 begins on Monday, August 1st, 2022. Balance Changes will be applied after a scheduled maintenance break on either Monday or Tuesday.

Table of Contents

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Video Preview

Our video serves as a great introduction to everything you’ll see in the upcoming season. Check it out first before reading!

📺 Watch on YouTube


The August season arena will be the Pixel Arena — it’s a completely new arena made with pixel art!

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

In fact, the arena is so nice that I think that it would be great to look at it from a bird’s eye view, so here it is:

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

When arcade games were launched back in the 70s and 80s, developers have to work with very limited hardware. Colors used to be in 4-bit, with 8-bit (256 colors) already a luxury. The Pixel Arena uses the visual design lingo from the yesteryears and recreate the entire arena in the low-res glory, allowing old timers to appreciate this nostalgia.

Tower Skins

Two tower skins are available this season — one using the same visual pixel lingo as the arena, and the other in the form of an arcade machine.

Pixel Tower Skin (Pass Royale)

The lowest-resolution towers ever done in the pixel art style!

The Pixel Tower Skin will be available to Pass Royale owners for the August season, collectible at Tier 10.

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Tower Icon Pixel tower skin set. Pass Royale at Tier 10.
King Tower Pixel King Tower.
Princess Tower Pixel Princess Tower.

Arcade Tower Skin (Shop)

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Tower Icon Arcade tower skin set. Shop.
King Tower Arcade King Tower.
Princess Tower Arcade Princess Tower.


There will be five new emotes this season. All of them will be pixel-themed.

Barbarian: Back in Time (Challenge)

Unlocked from the EBarb Rush Challenge from August 16 to 20.

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Barbarian: Pixel Frenzy (Challenge)

Unlocked from the Barbarian Launcher Challenge from August 1 to 5.

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Barbarian: Pixel Up (Pass Royale)

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

King: Pixel Crown (Shop)

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

King: Pixel Tower (Shop)

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Free Magic Item

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

A Common Book of Cards at Tier 35 on the free track of Pass Royale.

Boosted Cards

Three cards will be boosted for the entire season — all of them related to Barbarians.


Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Barbarian Barrel

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Barbarian Hut

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Sixteen brand new banner items will be available this season. Some will be basic banners featuring basic cards, and some will be specifically about this season — e.g. the Barbarians and pixel theme.

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Challenges and Global Tournaments

There are lots of challenges this season — it’s another great season to get the pass for the unlimited retries!!! 🤯

August 1-5 - Barbarian Launcher Challenge

Barbarians have temporarily taken over! Place the launcher, and watch barbarians blast into the enemy’s side, and attack! Win the Barbarian Frenzy emote at 10 wins.

Barbarian Launcher is a 5-elixir common card that’s a bit like a mortar except that it shoots Barbarians! Here’s a gameplay video:

📺 Watch on YouTube

August 6-10 - CRL 20-win Challenge

Beat the challenge to qualify for a chance to play in the Clash Royale World Finals! This is Phase 1 of the CRL Summer Qualifiers — see our blog post for details about the entire event.

Every player will have 3 free entries, and pass royale holders will have unlimited entries. Win 100,000 Gold when you finish at 20 wins!

As with previous years, getting 17 wins or more in the CRL 20-win Challenge will earn you a special badge. But that’s not all — unique to this year, there are two more special badges for CRL:

  • CRL Competitor 2022. Awarded to players who make it to Top 128 in the Ladder phase of the CRL Summer Qualifiers.
  • CRL Spectator. Awarded to players who have watched the finals. This implies that you’d either be able to watch the finals directly in the app, or maybe there will be “drops” from YouTube / Twitch during finals. We’ll let you know when we have more info.

August 11-15 - Royal Tournament

Global Tournament in Normal Battle mode.

August 16-20 - CWA’s EBarb Rush

Elite Barbarians rush into the arena to attack your enemies! EBarbs will spawn faster throughout the match along with the Elixir!

Win the Barbarian: Back in Time emote at 8 wins.

August 21-26 - Classic Decks

Each Classic Deck highlights a different strategy in the game. Prove that you have mastered them all!

Lots of Battle Items to be earned.

August 27-31 - Rage Tournament

The special-mode Global Tournament of the season.

September 2-4 - Triple Elixir Challenge

The season finishes with the Triple Elixir Challenge — one of the best modes for getting crowns to complete your Pass Royale!

Party Modes

 WithZack’s Sparky Duo
 CWA’s EBarb Rush
 Sudden Death

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Twitter Giveaway

We are running a Twitter giveaway for some limited Clashiversary items.

5 items (8 total) are available:

  • A Champion Clash Raglan x1
  • B Champion Clash Crew x1
  • C Champion Clash of Clans Modern Hoodie x1
  • D Clash Garbage Pall Kids Collection x4
  • E Clash Poster x1

The Untold Story

The official video from Clash of Clans — CLASH FROM THE PAST: The Untold Story | Official Documentary


season update

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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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