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CRL 2024 Preview

February 15, 2024 · 3 min read

Basic details and overview of the 2024 edition of Clash Royale League

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CRL is back!

CRL is back!

Table of Contents

Clash Royale League 2024

After last year’s World Finals, it was confirmed that CRL would be back in 2024, and today we bring the first details of this new edition.

Since 2021, CRL abandoned the team format and became an individual competition. In 2024, CRL will remain with this individual-player format.

The complete schedule, prize pool and details will be released in the near future. For now, we are allowed to share a quick overview of the 2024 format, and we’ll also share our best guesses based on the limited information available.

8 Golden Tickets

CRL is back!

Golden Tickets give players the opportunity to compete in the CRL World Finals.

This year, there will be 8 Golden Tickets available:

  • 5 in Monthly Qualifiers
  • 1 in the CRL Points Leaderboard
  • 1 in a 3rd party leaderboard
  • 1 in China’s local competition

The amount of Golden Tickets has been cut in half if we look back to 2023, when 16 players flied to Helsinki to compete live in the World Finals. Having fewer qualification slots will make the competition much tougher and unforgiving, but also more exciting to watch!

Monthly Qualifiers

There will be 5 Monthly Qualifiers:

  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August

For comparison, last year had 7 seasons, so this year the regular season will be 2 months shorter.

Monthly Qualifiers are played in-game, through the tournament tab which is powered by Athlos. As in previous years, the best 8 players of the Monthly Qualifier move on to the Monthly Final every month.

The pre-qualifier to compete in CRL isn’t changing either. To join the Monthly Qualifier, you’ll need to finish in the Top 1,000 of the Path of Legends season. We expect the season which finishes on April 1st to be the first one that counts for CRL.

If the basics of this format remain as last year, to compete on a levelled playing field you'll need:

  • 1 maxed deck to compete in PoL
  • 8 evolutions, 2 for each of the 4 Duel decks

Tower Troops cannot be used in Duels format, so new ones such as Cannoneer would not be used during the qualifiers; but could still be used to finish in the PoL top 1,000.

CRL Points Leaderboard

Similar to last year, there will be a points leaderboard that goes hand in hand with the Monthly Qualifiers.

At the end of the regular season, when the 5 qualifiers are over, the player with the most points gets a Golden Ticket. Like last year, we expect this ticket to be given to the best player who doesn’t already have a Golden Ticket.

3rd Party Leaderboard

There are multiple tournament platforms with access to Clash Royale’s Matchmaking API. This allows them to create battles between players automatically, without the need to share a clan or friend links.

At RoyaleAPI we also explored these tools years ago, with the RoyaleAPI Ladder Series. Nowadays, there are other platforms that use them regularly, such as FACEIT and Battlefy.

We expect the 3rd party leaderboard to either be based on one of these automated platforms, or on a circuit of high profile (live) events such as DreamHack. The previous ties of CRL with Community Tournaments make the latter more likely, but we’ll have to wait to know more.

Chinese Golden Ticket

China is the only region in which Clash Royale is played in separate servers, with a different version of the game. For this reason, players from this region cannot qualify through the international season and have to play locally.

Their local Golden Ticket is usually the main prize of Clash Royale Champions Cup (CRCC). The details for this year’s edition haven’t been announced yet either.

World Finals

This is usually the last part of the puzzle to be released, as location and dates are confirmed through the summer. The schedule overview is similar to last year, when the World Finals happened towards the end of November.


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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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