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CRL 2024 Details

March 21, 2024 · 5 min read

All the prize and format details of the 2024 edition of Clash Royale League

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Clash Royale League 2024

About a month ago, we published a basic preview of the format for this year. Now that the full rulebook has been published, we can go deeper and get a better picture of this upcoming season.

Main Changes

The format is very similar to last year, but these are the main changes:

  • Less monthly seasons (7➜5)
  • Less monthly prize pool ($57K➜$50K)
  • Less monthly prize placements (32➜8)
  • From in-game duels to manual duels
  • Another evolution slot (1➜2)
  • New Tower Troops are available
  • Monthly Finals in a single day
  • Community Leaderboard
  • Half as many golden tickets

Note: World Finals details are not available yet.

Complete Rulebook

You can find the detailed rulebook for the 2024 CRL edition here:

CRL 2024 Rulebook

8 Golden Tickets

Golden Tickets give players the opportunity to compete in the CRL World Finals.

This year, there will be 8 Golden Tickets available:

  • 5 in Monthly Seasons
  • 1 in the CRL Points Leaderboard
  • 1 in the Community Leaderboard
  • 1 in China’s local competition

The amount of Golden Tickets has been cut in half if we look back to 2023, when 16 players flied to Helsinki to compete live in the World Finals. Having fewer qualification slots will make the competition much tougher and unforgiving, but also more exciting to watch!

5 Monthly Seasons

There will be 5 Monthly Qualifiers:

Season PoL End Qualifier Final
April April 1st April 6-7th April 13th
May May 6th May 11-12th May 18th
June June 3rd June 8-9th June 15th
July July 1st July 6-7th July 13th
August August 5th August 10-11th August 17th

Path of Legends

The top 1,000 players can join the next stage if they meet the requirements. Mainly:

  • 16+ years old (and 18+ in China)
  • Resides in a country where Clash Royale can be installed
  • Passes Terms of Service check
  • Not a Supercell or partner company employee

Monthly Qualifiers

Monthly Qualifiers are played in-game, through the tournament tab which is powered by Athlos. As in previous years, the best 8 players of the Monthly Qualifier move on to the Monthly Final every month.

The first stage, played on Saturday, is a Swiss-system tournament. It can go up to 11 rounds, although it is usually reduced to 9 based on the amount of participants. Players earn 5 points for each round win in this stage. The top 32 players move on to Day 2.

The second stage, played on Sunday, is a double-round-robin. 32 players are distributed into 8 groups of 4 players; each player faces the other 3 twice, so there are is total of 6 matches for each player. Players also earn 5 points for each win in this stage. The best player from each group moves on to the Monthly Final.

Stage Wins Points
Swiss 0-11 0-55
Double RR 0-6 0-30

This year, the prize pool is only distributed in the Monhly Final:

Rank Count Prize
1 1 $17,000 USD
2 1 $11,000 USD
3 1 $8,000 USD
4 1 $5,000 USD
5-6 2 $3,000 USD
7-8 2 $1,500 USD
Total $50,000 USD

This means that unlike last year, reaching the Monthly Qualifier Day 2 will only reward you with points.

Monthly Final

This stage is still a double-elimination bracket, but this year it will be compressed into a single day.

The point distribution of this stage is as follows:

Rank Count Points
1 1 100
2 1 80
3 1 65
4 1 50
5-6 2 40
7-8 2 30

CRL Points Leaderboard

Similar to last year, there will be a points leaderboard that goes hand in hand with the Monthly Qualifiers.

At the end of the regular season, when the 5 qualifiers are over, the player with the most points gets a Golden Ticket. Like last year, this ticket is given to the best player who doesn’t already have a Golden Ticket.

Community Leaderboard

This is a new way to earn a Golden Ticket this year. Selected community tournaments will reward players with Community Leaderboard points based on their placements. Only the top 16 players of these tournaments get points, and all the selected events will have the same weight and distribution of points:

Rank Points
1 100
2 80
3 65
4 50
5-6 40
7-8 30
9-12 20
12-16 10

This means that these events will most likely be run by several organisers, but we don't yet have details of who they will be. From previous years, high-profile organisers that seem likely to return are ESL, RoyaleMSTRS, DreamHack...

Chinese Golden Ticket

China is the only region in which Clash Royale is played in separate servers, with a different version of the game. Regardless of this, it seems that these players will also be allowed to compete in the international qualifiers if they have an account in the international servers.

Their local Golden Ticket is usually the main prize of Clash Royale Champions Cup (CRCC). The details for this year’s edition haven’t been announced yet either.

World Finals

This is usually the last part of the puzzle to be released, as location and dates are confirmed through the summer. The schedule overview is similar to last year, when the World Finals happened towards the end of November.

In-Game Duels VS Manual Duels

The Duel mode existed before the in-game mode was added to Clash Royale; the concept was the same, have several decks and cards cannot be repeated.

The Duel format was later added to the game as a mode to make it more user friendly and faster to use for players.

There are many proponents and opponents for the two options, both sides have strong arguments. Here are a few:

In-game duels are better because:

  • Faster, everything is automatic
  • Due to the deck set UI, it's easy to make sets and you can't accidentally repeat cards
  • Results are easier to check, avoiding the need to log several battles

Manual duels are better because:

  • More strategy and option to adapt decks after each battle
  • Can use Tower Troops

Overall, the core tradeoff seems to be between accessibility and strategy depth, although this makes it even more important for players to have support staff if they want to succeed.

It seems that this last point, about Tower Troops, is what tilted the balance this year. As this kind of troop becomes more relevant, having them in CRL seemed important.

RoyaleAPI Coverage

Finally, we'd like you to know that this year RoyaleAPI has no plans to cover CRL. We are proud of the work we've done over the years, but unfortunately it has not led us where we wanted it to. We have tried to find path that would allow us to keep providing valuable content in a sustainable way, but we haven't been succesful.

We might share content sporadically, such as this blog, but more complex products such as our CRL portal, CRL information in profile and many other stats won't be published anymore. Thanks to all of you who followed our CRL content through the years and showed your support.


What do you think about the format changes? Which ones do you like the most? Anything that you would like to change? Let us know!


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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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