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Leaderboard Decks - July 1 - End of June 2024 Season 60

July 7, 2024 · 15 min read

June 2024 season has concluded, and we now have the top decks used by the players on the global leaderboard at the end of the season. Check them out!

Leaderboard Decks - July 1 - End of June 2024 Season 60

Explore the decks utilized by top players in Season 60 of June 2024. We show the player’s in-game names together with their standardized player names used in our Esports Database, plus direct links to their profiles and Twitter accounts.

To view the top decks of the Top 200 players, complete with card filters and tower troops, head to Leaderboard Decks 2024-06.

Table of Contents

Global Top 100

Leaderboard Decks - July 1 - End of June 2024 Season 60

1 (1). Kitassyan - 3603

RamRider 3.4 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Ram Rider Goblin Machine Lightning Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

2 (2). Faust - 3599

LH Prince Phoenix Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Prince Phoenix Void Guards Arrows

3 (3). Ian77 - 3599

Hog MM 2.8 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Hog Rider Mighty Miner Earthquake Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

4 (4). Mohamed Light - 3593

2.9 Cycle
Skeletons Tesla Little Prince Rocket Knight Princess Ice Spirit The Log

5 (5). Guriko - 3593

RamRider 3.4 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Ram Rider Goblin Machine Lightning Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

6 (6). Takuma - 3590

2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Tesla Rocket Knight Princess Fire Spirit Ice Spirit The Log

7 (7). Pedro - 3584

RamRider 3.4 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Ram Rider Goblin Machine Lightning Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

8 (8). Tourist - 3583

Pekka Bandit Phoenix Ghost
Battle Ram Zap P.E.K.K.A Goblin Demolisher Phoenix Void Royal Ghost Bandit

9 (9). Rakan - 3570

LH Double Dragon Evo Valk
Bomber Valkyrie Lava Hound Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Arrows Giant Snowball

10 (10). Welcome - 3556

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

11 (11). Wero - 3541

RamRider MK Phoenix
Knight Zap Ram Rider Mega Knight Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Void

12 (12). Ian77 - 3515

Hog MM 2.8 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Hog Rider Mighty Miner Earthquake Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

13 (13). Seif - 3512

Golem Prince Evo Wiz Phoenix
Bomber Wizard Golem Prince Phoenix Goblin Curse Tornado Zap

14 (14). Shanax - 3511

RamRider Pekka ID
Knight Zap Ram Rider Goblin Machine P.E.K.K.A Inferno Dragon Goblin Curse Electro Spirit

15 (15). Friend - 3508

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

16 (16). Sosuke - 3483

Knight Tesla Goblin Barrel Goblin Demolisher Rocket Princess Skeletons The Log

17 (17). Паук Шнюк - 3480

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Bomber Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Arrows

18 (18). Dominik - 3474

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

19 (19). Stalker - 3472

Mortar Miner Evo Wiz Phoenix
Wizard Knight Mortar Miner Goblin Demolisher Phoenix Goblin Curse Guards

20 (20). Agony King - 3469

Giant Prince Evo Wiz Nado
Wizard Knight Giant Sparky Prince Void Tornado The Log

21 (21). Nicoco - 3465

Giant Prince MegaM
Bomber Knight Giant Miner Prince Fireball Mega Minion Arrows

22 (22). Dess - 3461

EGiant Bowler ID Nado
Bomber Skeletons Electro Giant Goblin Machine Inferno Dragon Bowler Lightning Tornado

23 (23). Ryley - 3450

GobDrill 3.1 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Rocket Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

24 (24). Betfas - 3444

GobDrill 3.1 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Rocket Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log

25 (25). Akaza - 3442

EGiant DP Evo Wiz Phoenix
Wizard Tesla Electro Giant Phoenix Dark Prince Lightning Tornado Skeletons

26 (26). Pompeyo - 3439

Loon Miner MegaM Rage
Knight Tesla Balloon Miner Goblin Demolisher Mega Minion Goblin Curse Rage

27 (27). Samuel Bassotto - 3439

Hog MM 2.8 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Hog Rider Mighty Miner Earthquake Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

28 (28). Ping Pong - 3433

Giant Prince FishBoy MegaM
Knight Zap Giant Prince Void Fisherman Mega Minion Arrows

29 (29). SandBox - 3425

Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins The Log

30 (30). SandBox - 3425

Knight Tesla Graveyard Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Guards Arrows

31 (31). Yama - 3416

Giant Prince Evo Wiz Phoenix
Wizard Zap Giant Miner Prince Phoenix Fisherman Goblin Curse

32 (32). Parsa M - 3410

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

33 (33). Dominik - 3410

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

34 (34). Airsurfer - 3408

Knight Tesla Graveyard Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Guards Arrows

35 (35). Hunter - 3407

X-Bow IWiz Nado
Knight Tesla X-Bow Rocket Ice Wizard Tornado Skeletons The Log

36 (36). SandBox - 3406

Miner Poison 3.0 Cycle
Knight Tesla Miner Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Poison Skeletons The Log

37 (37). Mohamed Light - 3405

Hog MM 2.8 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Hog Rider Mighty Miner Earthquake Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

38 (38). FlawLess - 3399

GobDrill 3.1 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Rocket Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log

39 (39). Mohamed Light - 3395

Hog MM 2.8 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Hog Rider Mighty Miner Earthquake Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

40 (40). Mohamed Light - 3388

Miner 2.9 Cycle
Skeletons Tesla Miner Little Prince Rocket Knight Electro Spirit The Log

41 (41). Ardentoas - 3381

GobDrill 3.1 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Rocket Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log

42 (42). Echo Maple - 3376

Pekka Ram Evo Wiz
Wizard Knight Battle Ram P.E.K.K.A Goblin Demolisher Void Goblin Curse Zap

43 (43). Tiny Jason - 3373

EGiant Prince Phoenix Nado
Bomber Skeletons Electro Giant Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Goblin Curse Tornado

44 (44). HERO - 3370

Miner Poison 2.9 Cycle
Knight Tesla Miner Goblin Demolisher Poison Goblin Curse Skeletons The Log

45 (45). Orange - 3367

GobDrill 3.1 Cycle
Skeletons Tesla Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Rocket Knight Fire Spirit The Log

46 (46). Lciop - 3359

RamRider MK ID
Archers Zap Ram Rider Mega Knight Goblin Machine Inferno Dragon Goblin Curse Guards

47 (47). Coco - 3358

Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins The Log

48 (48). Matsumoton - 3355

Knight Tesla Graveyard Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Guards Arrows

49 (49). Anaban - 3345

RamRider 3.4 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Ram Rider Goblin Machine Lightning Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

50 (50). Jorge Luis - 3343

Giant GY ID
Bomber Knight Graveyard Giant Little Prince Inferno Dragon Arrows Giant Snowball

51 (51). 王 otf - 3338

Hog 2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Ice Spirit Hog Rider Musketeer Fireball Ice Golem The Log Cannon

52 (52). Rolex - 3335

GobDrill 3.0 Cycle
Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins Ice Spirit

53 (53). Rakan - 3328

LH Double Dragon Evo Valk
Bomber Valkyrie Lava Hound Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Arrows Giant Snowball

54 (54). Kazutoon - 3327

3.0 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Demolisher Rocket Princess Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

55 (55). Osama - 3318

Giant Prince Evo Wiz Phoenix
Wizard Zap Giant Prince Goblin Demolisher Phoenix Void Goblin Curse

56 (56). Apo - 3317

LH Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards Arrows

57 (57). xPedro15 - 3309

Giant Prince Evo Wiz Nado
Wizard Knight Giant Sparky Prince Void Tornado The Log

58 (58). Husse - 3307

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

59 (59). Adnan - 3295

Pekka Bandit Phoenix Ghost
Battle Ram Zap P.E.K.K.A Goblin Demolisher Phoenix Void Royal Ghost Bandit

60 (60). Egór - 3291

GobDrill 3.1 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Rocket Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log

61 (61). Riku - 3283

2.9 Cycle
Skeletons Tesla Goblin Barrel Rocket Knight Princess Electro Spirit The Log

62 (62). Sweep - 3281

Giant RamRider ID
Archers Zap Giant Ram Rider Goblin Machine Prince Inferno Dragon Goblin Curse

63 (63). Polaris - 3275

Knight Tesla Graveyard Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Poison Goblin Curse Guards

64 (64). Oyassuu - 3268

RamRider 3.4 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Ram Rider Goblin Machine Lightning Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

65 (65). Taa - 3262

RamRider 3.4 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Ram Rider Goblin Machine Lightning Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log

66 (66). ねむたいたくと - 3258

Prince Log Bait
Goblin Barrel Knight Prince Princess Goblin Gang Dart Goblin Rascals The Log

67 (67). Jose Luis - 3258

2.9 Cycle
Firecracker Tesla Rocket Knight Princess Skeletons Electro Spirit The Log

68 (68). Zalan - 3253

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Bomber Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Arrows

69 (69). Pablinho - 3252

RamRider MK Phoenix
Knight Zap Ram Rider Mega Knight Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Goblin Curse

70 (70). Innvader - 3250

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

71 (71). SK - 3250

Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins The Log

72 (72). NoName - 3249

Prince Cart Log Bait
Goblin Barrel Knight Prince Cannon Cart Rocket Princess Rascals The Log

73 (73). NateJ - 3246

Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins The Log

74 (74). LucasXGamer - 3245

Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins The Log

75 (75). LonDex Play - 3239

RamRider Pekka Cart MegaM
Knight Zap Ram Rider P.E.K.K.A Cannon Cart Mega Minion Arrows Barbarian Barrel

76 (76). Rolex - 3237

GobDrill 3.0 Cycle
Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins Ice Spirit

77 (77). SergioRamos - 3234

RamRider Pekka Evo Wiz
Wizard Zap Ram Rider Goblin Machine P.E.K.K.A Bandit Goblin Curse Electro Spirit

78 (78). 12345678 - 3234

Giant Prince Phoenix Rage
Bomber Skeletons Giant Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Goblin Curse Rage

79 (79). ちぃちぃlemon - 3233

EGiant Loon ID Nado
Bomber Knight Electro Giant Balloon Goblin Demolisher Inferno Dragon Arrows Tornado

80 (80). Batan - 3231

3.0 Cycle
Knight Tesla Goblin Demolisher Rocket Princess Skeletons Electro Spirit The Log

81 (81). Batan - 3228

Knight Skeletons Goblin Drill Goblin Demolisher Fireball Princess The Log Tesla

82 (82). Archer Master - 3225

X-Bow 3.3 Cycle
Archers Tesla X-Bow Rocket Knight Skeletons Electro Spirit The Log

83 (83). El Rodris - 3225

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Bomber Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Arrows

84 (84). Vitor75 - 3222

EvoRG Monk Phoenix FishBoy
Royal Giant Skeletons Monk Goblin Demolisher Phoenix Fisherman Fireball Barbarian Barrel

85 (85). Javad - 3219

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Bomber Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Giant Snowball

86 (86). El Rodris - 3213

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Bomber Barbarians Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Arrows

87 (87). Shimitsumeshi - 3209

EGiant Prince Phoenix Nado
Bomber Skeletons Electro Giant Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Lightning Tornado

88 (88). Shimikio - 3208

EGiant Loon Phoenix Nado
Knight Skeletons Electro Giant Balloon Goblin Demolisher Phoenix Void Tornado

89 (89). Dragon - 3207

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Knight Skeletons Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Giant Snowball

90 (90). Ashton - 3207

Knight Tesla Graveyard Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Guards Arrows

91 (91). Wrath - 3206

LavaLoon Double Dragon
Barbarians Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

92 (92). Rafael - 3203

Giant Prince Phoenix Rage
Bomber Zap Giant Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Goblin Curse Rage

93 (93). TaeWoo - 3185

Hog 2.6 Cycle
Skeletons Ice Spirit Hog Rider Musketeer Fireball Ice Golem The Log Cannon

94 (94). Kilua Zolzyck - 3178

Giant Prince Evo Wiz Phoenix
Wizard Skeletons Giant Goblin Machine Prince Phoenix Goblin Curse Rage

95 (95). LucasXGamer - 3177

Knight Tesla Miner Goblin Demolisher Rocket Goblin Curse Skeletons The Log

96 (96). GençAslan - 3175

Giant Prince Evo Wiz Phoenix
Wizard Zap Giant Miner Prince Phoenix Fisherman Goblin Curse

97 (97). Boozer - 3173

RamRider MK ID
Archers Zap Ram Rider Mega Knight Goblin Machine Inferno Dragon Goblin Curse Guards

98 (98). Husse - 3170

LavaLoon Double Dragon Evo Valk
Valkyrie Zap Lava Hound Balloon Void Inferno Dragon Skeleton Dragons Guards

99 (99). Mamoyan - 3168

Tesla Zap Goblin Drill Goblin Machine Goblin Demolisher Goblin Curse Goblins The Log

100 (100). Steeef - 3166

Miner Poison 3.0 Cycle
Knight Tesla Miner Little Prince Goblin Demolisher Poison Goblin Curse Skeletons


Let us know what you think about these decks. Tell us in the comments section below.

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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.


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