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Wizard Evolution - May 2024 (Season 59)

April 30, 2024 · 3 min read

Stats and ability details of Wizard, the new Clash Royale evolution of May 2024.

Wizard Evolution - Clash Royale May 2024 (Season 59)

This charge is no joke!

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Wizard Evolution - Clash Royale May 2024 (Season 59)

In recent months there have been 2 clear content release patterns:

  • 2 evolutions
  • 1 evolution and 1 new card

This season we are getting a new card again! Well share more another day, today we’ll focus on the new evolution, the Wizard!

The evolution card description says the following:

Is it hot in here or is it just him?

Wizard is now outfitted with a fancy, fiery shield. Upon breaking, the shield explodes, dealing Damage and pushing back nearby enemies.

Evolution Stats

Last week with the latest balance changes, we saw the new direction that evolutions have taken: the new focus will be to give them unique abilities rather than raw stat buffs.

This new evolution goes in line with this decision, and will not have any base stat differences when compared to the normal Wizard.

Wizard Evolution - Clash Royale May 2024 (Season 59)

Wizard is one of those cards that is barely used in by top players. There are always 1 or 2 players in the top 1K who use him in unconventional decks, but overall, he seems mostly irrelevant. Now that he’s evolving, will that change?

Evolution Ability: Fire Shield!

Protection, damage & pushback!

The Evolved Wizard spawns with a shield around him. This ability is a clear enhancement to the resistance of this glass cannon, making him less vulnerable to spells like Fireball, Poison and even Lightning.

At level 11, the shield has 371 HP. This is enough to survive small spells like Arrows and The Log.

Card HP / Damage
Zap 192
The Log 290
Arrows 366
Wizard Shield 371
Fireball 689

When the shield is broken, it creates an explosion that deals area damage to both ground and air troops. At level 11, this explosion deals 231 damage.

Card HP / Damage
Skeletons 81
Bats 81
Evolved Bats 122
Spear Goblins 133
Goblins 202
Minions 230
Spirits 230-231
Shield Explosion 231
Barbarian Barrel 241
Dart Goblin 260
Princess 261
The Log 290
Archers 304
Firecracker 304
Arrows 366

Generally, the troops that would be defeated with this explosion would never reach the Wizard due to his range. Because of this,we expect this ability to be used more often as deploy damage, similar to Electro Wizard or Ice Wizard.

If you deploy Evolved Wizard near an enemy swarm, troops will pile around him and target the shield. Once it breaks, those troops will receive damage from the explosion.

It's worth noting that when the shield is broken, it creates a very strong pushback. So this explosion isn't just useful against swarms.

Ultimately we think that this explosion mechanic will be useful in very specific situations, but the shield itself is what has more potential to make this card useful.

Evolution Cycles

Wizard needs 1 Cycle to activate the evolution, so 1 in every 2 deploys will be evolved.

Evolution Release

The Wizard Evolution will be released on May 6th, with the start of the new season.

Usually, card evolutions are released slightly before the end of the season, which is the first Monday of the month. As soon as this happens, you can unlock it with Wild Shards. After the new season begins, players who buy the Diamond Pass Royale get 6 Wizard shards to unlock it.

Other ways to find Wizard shards are:

  • Level Up chests
  • Season Shop (in a future seasons)
  • Shop Offers (in a future seasons)

Card Art

Wizard Evolution - Clash Royale May 2024 (Season 59)

Video Gameplay


Are you excited about this new evolution? Which kind of decks will work best with it? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below and ask any questions you have!

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Author: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI


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