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Final Balance Changes for December 2022 (Season 42)

December 7, 2022 · 4 min read

These changes are applied on December 7, 2022.


Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale 2022-12 Season 42 Update

Here are the final balance changes for December 2022 Season 42. These changes were applied at 8:30am UTC on December 7, 2022 (Wednesday). Balance for Rage and Lumberjack will be coming in an upcoming Q4 update.

Compared to the work-in-progress version, here are the only things that were adjusted:

  • Rage pushback will be removed
  • Rage damage has been changed to almost killing Goblins — similar to Zap and Giant Snowball

Table of Contents

Goblin Hut (Rework)

Goblin Hut will go through a similar rework as Barbarian Hut — spawning more units per wave and having significantly longer time between each wave.

Before After
Spawn Frequency 4 sec 10 sec
Spawn Interval per Goblin 0 sec 0.5 sec
Spawn Count per Wave 1 3
Lifetime 31 sec 29 sec
Total Spawned 11 12
Total Spawned 1 x 8 + 3 3 x 3 + 3

Best Decks with Goblin Hut

Rage (Rework)

Rage is the last remaining unit that scales its duration with each level. Like the original Freeze which also scaled duration per level (but which doesn’t anymore), it has turned into a really strong card at Ladder levels — especially after Level 14 was introduced.

After this rework, Rage will give a fixed duration and become 6 seconds long for all levels. It will also have a much smaller radius than right now (from 5 to 3). To compensate for this change, Rage will gain a small damage similar to Zap and Giant Snowball.

Note: This rework requires a client update, and is scheduled to accompany the upcoming Q4 update. It will not go live together with the other balances next week.


  • Will Rage damage air units? Yes.
  • When does the Q4 update come out? We can’t tell you.

Note: You might have seen interaction videos from the dev build that suggest Rage will not damage air units. The dev build is not showing Supercell’s intended interaction correctly, which leads to the discrepancy.

Before After
Radius -40% 5 3
Area -64% 79 28
Duration Variable 6 sec
Damage 0 120
Damage Level 11 0 192
Damage Level 14 0 254

Goblin stats are included here for comparison. They will not receive any balance changes.

Before After
HP 0.0% 79 79
HP Level 11 202 202
HP Level 14 267 267

Best Decks with Rage

Lumberjack (Rework)

Lumberjack will also be reworked because of the Rage rework.

Best Decks with Lumberjack

Mighty Miner (Buff)

Usage of Mighty Miner plummeted after his most recent nerf in October 2022 (Season 40). Especially now — with new strong cards in the meta. In recent Grand Challenge battles, his usage hovers at 1%, with a Win Rate of 35% at the time of this writing.

He’ll be getting a movement speed buff after balances, going from Medium (60) to Fast (90).

Before After
Movement Speed Medium (60) Fast (90)

Best Decks with Mighty Miner

Minions (Buff)

The introduction of Phoenix has made a both Minions and Minion Horde feel incredibly weak. They will both be getting a damage buff in the upcoming season.

Before After
Damage +15.0% 40 46
Damage Level 11 102 117
Damage Level 14 135 155

Best Decks with Minions

Minion Horde (Buff)

In addition to a damage buff, Minion Horde will be getting a mini rework intended as a buff, where their deploy will form a larger radius with the intention of being able to surround units better.

Before After
Deploy Radius 0 0.6
Damage +15.0% 40 46
Damage Level 11 102 117
Damage Level 14 135 155

Best Decks with Minion Horde

Phoenix (Nerf)

The Legendary bird that single-handedly change the November meta will be getting a significant nerf this coming season. After balance, she will die to Lightning, which hopefully will discourage the very popular Mirror Phoenix meta, and all other strategies where players pile multiple units together in order to overwhelm the opponent and win. I’m looking at you, EGolem EDrag Phoenix spam.

Before After
HP -13.0% 1000 870
HP Level 11 1210 1052
HP Level 14 1600 1392

Best Decks with Phoenix

Monk (Nerf)

Although he’s not as popular as the Phoenix — probably because only a small percentage of the player base is in fact above 6500 and can unlock the Monk — the Monk is quite strong and a nerf is definitely called for. After balances, his elixir will go up by 1 (4 to 5). He will cost a little more to deploy, but his 1-elixir ability which deflects all projectiles will still be one of the best in the game.

Before After
Elixir +1 4 5

Best Decks with Monk


What do you think about these balances?



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Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
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